3:55 What I was about to say is well, what makes you so sure that what’s written in the Bible is the truth?
5:40 Is it really so that Christ is the only way to God, Brothers? What’s the only way for a man to come to God and have eternal life?
7:39 What do you mean, why did Jesus say that he’s the only way to the Father?
9:08 Why did God send Christ into the world? What is the purpose?
11:08 How can a person have Christ or accept that he is the only way to God?
11:35 Okay, so that’s clearly how the Bible answers but why is that so important?
14:11 How then, according to the Bible, can men do that to come to God through Christ as the only way to him?
15:40 Why was it that there became a need for God to do this? For mankind through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ? What happened?
17:55 what do you mean? What are some of those signs that you’re mentioning there which have been foretold even in time passed by none other than the Lord Jesus Himself?
20:24 What then Brothers does the Bible give us instruction for everyone to fulfill?
21:12 Is there any other way we can approach or come to God, except in whom we have forgiveness of sins, and by means of His shed blood?
23:47 Who are those that will benefit from the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?
27:02 who are those that the Bible teaches, are those whom the Lord Jesus Christ died and shed his blood for?
28:46 Why are we so sure that there’s no other way for anyone to come to God, except through Christ’s shed blood and being a part of the one new man or the Church Of Christ?
33:07 What would be the consequence if one just rebukes all of those truths recorded in the scriptures that brother Donald just summarized?
36:56 What does Christ command everyone to do in order for them to benefit from Christ’s being having been sent by God into the world as the only way to the true God the Father?
40:53 What does it mean that those who enter the Church Of Christ will be safe? Safe from what?
42:10 What does Christ urgently instruct everyone to do?
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INC International Edition
Brother Bob Pellien: With all the events that have happened since the beginning of last year, many are pondering what is this all about? Why are these things happening? And what does it all mean? People are looking for answers.
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Bob Pellien
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Bob Pellien: According to a recent study a significant rise in the number of adults they’re looking for, and looking to the Bible for answers. It was a 2019 state of the Bible report that showed an additional 18.1 million people are searching for wisdom, for answers. And looking for such wisdom and answers from the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
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American Bible Society
Brother Bob Pellien: People are curious, they have life questions that really do need answers. They need direction. How are they to face life’s challenges such as, like, now with this ongoing pandemic? It’s not over yet. The downfall of the economy, unemployment, home isolation, inflation, and the list goes on, of course. Yet what remains is one important question that is so often being posed, and that is, is Christ the only way to God? Don’t all religions lead to God?
Brother Bob Pellien: Welcome once again, dear friends to this program, the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We’re very thankful that you have chosen to be with us today in our discussion and study of the words of God here in the Holy Bible. We believe our topic will be interesting to everyone. And our topic is, as we’ve mentioned, the only way to God and to eternal life.
Brother Bob Pellien: And joining us in this week’s discussion is Brother Donald Pinnock in Toronto, Canada,
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Donald Pinnock
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: Brother Dexter Manglicmot in Washington, DC,
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Dexter Manglicmot
Washington, DC
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: as well as Brother Andrew Fisher in Dandenong, Australia.
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Andrew Fisher
Melbourne, Australia
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: Brothers, thank you for joining our discussion. Thank you for being with us here on our program for today.
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INC International Edition
Brother Bob Pellien: Let’s get right to our study about this important topic. Brother Donald, let’s go to you first. You know people sometimes ask is supplemental to that question we’ve already posed: is Christ really the only way I can get to God and get the help that I need during all the times of crisis? Don’t all religions won’t just any religion lead me to God? They pose. Let’s go to you, as I said, Brother Donald,
Brother Donald Pinnock: Brother Bob, those are good questions. And in truth, when it comes to our viewers on this episode of our program, they themselves will come to the right answer at the end of our discussion. But suffice to say that inside the Church Of Christ, the basis of our faith, our hope, and also the services that we render unto the Lord our God is none other than the Holy Bible. Now, why is this? Why do we rely on the Bible solely as the basis of our faith, our hope, our service unto God? Well, we have studied in the past, that our Lord Jesus Christ states, in John 17:17: “Sanctify them with your truth, your word is truth.” Whose word is truth according to our Lord Jesus Christ, none other than the Word of God. God’s words, as we know, are written in the Holy Bible. So the Bible contains the truth.
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Donald Pinnock
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: But Brother Donald, what I was about to say is well, what makes you so sure that what’s written in the Bible is the truth?
Brother Donald Pinnock: Well, let’s read from the Bible. Here is a statement of the apostle Paul, it is recorded here in Second Timothy, the chapter is 3, and the verses are 15 to 17. And he makes known the following unto us:
And your faith is also based on the Holy Bible which you’ve known since you were a small child. And through the Lord’s Word you became wise so that you received the salvation which we have because of believing in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.
[II Timothy 3: 15 – 17 Plain English Translation]
Brother Donald Pinnock: So when it comes to the Holy Scriptures, why are we so sure that it contains the truth, or is the truth? Well, it is the truth because it was written and inspired by the Lord our God Himself, utilizing certain individuals who are commissioned to put into writing His words. This is the reason why in our study today, we will rely solely on the truth as recorded in the Holy Bible in order to answer our questions, just as we usually do.
Brother Bob Pellien: Thank you, Brother Donald. So then, dear friends, let’s begin by asking then the Bible, that question we’ve been posing is really is it really so that Christ is the only way to God, Brothers? What’s the only way for a man to come to God and have eternal life? Brother Andrew, let’s pose that question to you first.
Brother Andrew Fisher: Yes, Brother Bob because Brother Donald mentioned that all of our bases to our faith and our hope should come solely from the Bible. But we’ll just go directly to the Holy Scriptures to get the answer to that question. And in fact, that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior Himself. We can read here in the book of John, chapter 14 and the verse is 6, let’s read what the Lord Jesus Christ states:
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Andrew Fisher
Melbourne, Australia
Minister of the Gospel
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.
[John 14:6 New King James Version]
Brother Andrew Fisher: My beloved Brothers and to our viewers as well. There are four things in this verse that we want to point out that our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned. The first, well, our Savior said that He is the way. Secondly, also the truth. And thirdly, He’s also the life. And lastly, our Lord Jesus Christ also specified that no one comes to the Father, except through Him.
Brother Bob Pellien: Brother Andrew it sounds very, it’s very clear there in what you read sounds like our Lord Jesus Christ, He’s really stressing– There’s no other way, but Him.
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Andrew Fisher: Absolutely. That’s what Christ is telling us in this verse, because based on the Bible, which is the words of our Lord God, and this statement from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the only way for a person to get to our Lord God and to receive eternal life is through our Lord Jesus Christ. There’s no other way.
Brother Bob Pellien: Alright, then Brother, so let’s study then from the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. What did our Lord Jesus Christ mean by what He said there as you enumerated there, Brother Andrew, what do you mean, why did Jesus say that He’s the only way to the Father? What is the truth that must others all must learn from Christ when He said, I am the way, and the truth? What did He mean? And what is it? What is the life that one can attain in Christ? He enumerated all those things. Brother Dexter, why is our Lord Jesus the only way to the Father, let’s begin there. Why is it He’s the only way to the Father and to eternal life?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, yes, Brother Bob, the reason is taught by the apostle John, as we could read here in First John 4:9 to 10. This is what he says:
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Dexter Manglicmot
Washington, DC
Minister of the Gospel
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
[I John 4:9-10 New King James Version]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: The apostle John teaches why our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the only way to God, but the way to eternal life. It says here, God sent Him into the world.
Brother Bob Pellien: Why did He do that? Why did God send Christ into the world? What is the purpose?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, it said that we might live through Him. And why did God send our Lord Jesus Christ into the world as the way for us to come to him and to have life? Well, it’s very easy, our apostle John said, because Christ was sent to be the propitiation for our sins.
Brother Donald Pinnock: And beloved Brothers, and also our viewers, as to why our Lord Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins, we’ll learn about that later in our discussion. But we need to find out first, what are we to do to benefit from the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ was sent by the Lord our God into the world, so that we may be led to the true life and to the true God? Well, the apostle John also taught the following. Let’s read what he teaches. Here in the 1 John, the verses are 11 to 13:
And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
[1 John 5: 11-13 New King James Version]
Brother Donald Pinnock: So what are we to do in order for us to benefit from God’s sending of our Lord Jesus Christ? Well, the apostle John said, ‘These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God.’ And what is the importance of believing in our Lord Jesus Christ? He also says that you may know that you have eternal life. So those who have the Son or those who have our Lord Jesus Christ, they also have life or eternal life.
Brother Bob Pellien: But wait a second, Brother Donald, how can a person have Christ or accept that He is the only way to God? What’s the action for a person? What more does he need to understand?
Brother Donald Pinnock: Well, they must accept, they absolutely must accept the truth, or what God’s words teach. And again, the teachings are the words of God–they are written in the Holy Scriptures.
Brother Bob Pellien: Okay, let’s go to your Brother Andrew. Okay, so that’s clearly how the Bible answers but why is that so important?
Brother Andrew Fisher: Well, Brother Bob, we can read that here in the book of John chapter 8, verses 30 up to 31. This is what it says:
After Jesus said this, many of the people put their faith in him. Jesus told the people who had faith in him, “If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples.
[John 8: 30-31 Contemporary English Version]
Brother Andrew Fisher: But we heard from the Savior Himself that these people were truly His disciples, but who were they? They didn’t just put their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Jesus himself. If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples.
Brother Bob Pellien: So as we can see here, dear friends, the Bible teaches Christ truly is the only way to God. Why? Because He is the one whom God has sent into the world, to lead people to eternal life. And what are we commanded to do so we could benefit from Christ as the way to God and the way to eternal life? As we’ve been learning here, the Bible teaches that we should believe in Christ, but not just believe or only believe, but believe and obey what He instructs.
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: And Brother Bob, just remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the way it said earlier, He is also the truth.
Brother Bob Pellien: But wait, Brother Dexter, what does it mean that He’s the truth? I think it’s clear that when it says He is the way, but what does it mean that He is the truth?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, it means in Him is the truth. And we learned earlier that the truth are the commandments of our Lord God, and we need to follow or obey these commandments. Just as we heard our Lord Jesus Christ say to those who had placed their faith in Him, they are to obey what He says, or obey His commandments.
Brother Donald Pinnock: And if I can interject, Brother Bob, a person needs to also accept the truth, that everyone needs our Lord Jesus Christ as the only way back to God or to be reconciled to God, and how this is to be fulfilled, according to the teaching of the Holy Bible.
Brother Bob Pellien: Brother Andrew, let’s go back to you for a second. How then, according to the Bible, can man do that, to come to God through Christ as the only way to Him?
Brother Andrew Fisher: Brother Bob, we can read from the Apostle Paul, this time in the book of Romans chapter 5. And in verses 8 up to 9, the answer to that question is written in these verses, let me read what it says:
But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. Therefore, since we are now justified (acquitted, made righteous, and brought into right relationship with God) by Christ’s blood, how much more [certain is it that] we shall be saved by Him from the indignation and wrath of God.
[Romans 5:8-9 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition]
Brother Andrew Fisher: The truth, which again, we want to reiterate is written in the Bible, which is what we’re studying now, in order for a person to get to our Lord God, they must first be put right through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because it’s through Christ’s death on the cross and the shedding of His blood, that Apostle Paul said, we were justified, we were acquitted of wrongdoing, we were made righteous, and we were brought into the right relationship with our Almighty God.
Brother Bob Pellien: But wait a second, Brother Andrew, why was it that there became a need for God to do this for mankind through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ? What happened?
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Bob Pellien
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Andrew Fisher: Well, it has something to do with the condition of all people, the condition of mankind, which is actually the reason why God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ in order to die for us.
Brother Bob Pellien: Why? What’s the condition of all people?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, Brother Bob, the answer to that question is written here in Colossians 1:21:
And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled
[Colossians 1:21 New King James Version]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: What is the condition of people? Well, first and foremost, they were alienated. What does that mean? They were separated from our Lord God. And even though they were separated, that’s not the only thing that happened to them. How did God consider them? He considers them as enemies. And why were they alienated and separated and considered enemies of our Lord God? It’s because of the wicked works that they have done. It’s because of sin. And how many people have sinned? According to Romans 5:12, all people have sinned. So that’s already a grave consequence. Because of sin, man was alienated and separated from our Lord God and became his enemies. But that’s not all. What are the consequences of sin? God has decreed the payment or wages of sin is death. And that’s written in Romans 6:23. And this death, the full payment of sin is not the physical death of our bodies, but death in the lake of fire. That’s according to Revelation 21:8. So although people experience physical death in this life, that is only a partial payment for the sins committed. The full payment is everlasting punishment in the lake of fire.
Brother Donald Pinnock: And dear viewers Judgment Day or the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can be assured that very near. This we know by all the current events that are happening in our time.
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Donald Pinnock
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: Brother Donald, what do you mean? What are some of those signs that you’re mentioning there which have been foretold even in time passed by none other than the Lord Jesus Himself?
Brother Donald Pinnock: Let’s read the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded by the apostle Matthew, here in chapter 24. And the verses are 6 to 8:
And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
[Matthew 24: 6-8 New King James Version]
Brother Donald Pinnock: You know, dear friends, many times in the past, we have studied this prophecy of the Holy Scriptures, that was made known by our Lord Jesus Christ.
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Donald Pinnock: And when we examine the chronological order of these events, it has only happened once in the history of this world in the history of man. And that period or time period began with the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, specifically, July the 27th. After that, there would be nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, the fulfillment of that was none other than the Second World War. To be followed by famine, so many people starving, and also living in dire poverty. When it comes to pestilences, well, we are the living witnesses to this pestilence that still prevails in the world. And as for earthquakes, we hear of so frequent earthquakes that are happening or erupting in different regions of the world. So we are sure that we are living at a time period called the ends of the earth, meaning to say, the end of the world, Judgment Day, the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, is truly very near.
Brother Andrew Fisher: And Brother Donald, this is what everyone in the world is also saying, I mean, it was mentioned earlier. I think at 18.1 million people are searching for the answers. And they’re running to the Holy Bible to try and find these answers. And that’s the reason why we’re here in this program tonight, because as God’s appointed ministers, we want to share not just our opinions on what we think we want to share what the Bible teaches, and what God wants people to do in order for us to be saved.
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Andrew Fisher
Melbourne, Australia
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: So what then Brothers does the Bible give us instruction for everyone to fulfill?
Brother Andrew Fisher: Brother Bob, if I can read from the book of Ephesians chapter 2, and here in verse 13, this is what the Apostle Paul explains:
But now, in union with Christ Jesus you, who used to be far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
[Ephesians 2: 13 Good News Bible]
Brother Andrew Fisher: Apostle Paul made it very clear what all of us need to do. Because as was mentioned before, we’ve committed our sins and that has brought us far away from our Lord God, like the Apostle Paul said. Therefore, we need to be brought near to our Lord God, but that can only be done through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Bob Pellien: Brother Dexter, is there any other way we can approach or come to God, except in whom we have forgiveness of sins, and by means of His shed blood? And of course, I refer to the Lord Jesus any other way?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, absolutely not Brother Bob, and for good reason. Because this is what the Apostle Paul, a messenger of our Lord God taught. And this is what is written in Hebrews, the chapter is 9, the verses are 14, as well as 22:
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Dexter Manglicmot
Washington, DC
Minister of the Gospel
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
[Hebrews 9: 14, 22 New International Version]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: So we asked earlier, is there any other way except through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, Christ that was sent by our Lord God, in order for a man to receive the forgiveness of his sins? There’s no other way. The Bible tells us here, without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. And whose blood is that? It’s none other than the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, that was shed on the cross. Therefore, aside from Christ, there is no other way for man to come to our Lord God in heaven.
Brother Bob Pellien: But dear friends, who are those that will benefit from the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it just anyone and everyone who believes in Christ accepts Him as their Lord believes that He is the savior? Believes maybe also in the value of His shed blood? Stay with us because we’ll find out in just a moment the answer to these questions and much more when we return right here on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. Continue watching.
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INC International Edition
Brother Bob Pellien: Welcome back to our program. Dear friends, let’s continue with our discussion and find out the biblical answers to the questions we’ve been posing.
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Bob Pellien
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Bob Pellien: Before we left, for example, we posted a few questions that, well, need answers. Our questions were: Who are those that will benefit from the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ? And is it just anyone and everyone who just believes in Christ, accepts Him as their Lord and Savior and believes in the value of his shed blood? Let’s go to you Brother Donald.
Brother Donald Pinnock: Yes, thank you so much, Brother Bob. We really need to know dear friends for whom did our Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood in order to reconcile people to God, to grant the forgiveness of sin so that they may indeed approach God through Him? But we need to allow the Bible to answer because we want to know the truth. And we have already determined that the truth, none other than the words of God are written in the Holy Scriptures. All people should want to benefit from our Lord Jesus Christ being the way to God. So what does the Bible say for whom did our Lord Jesus Christ die and shed his blood on the cross? Let’s read what the Apostle Paul teaches here in Acts 20 and the verse is 28, and the Bible states the following unto us:
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Donald Pinnock
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with His blood.
[Acts 20:28 George Lamsa Translation]
Brother Donald Pinnock: So according to the Bible, dear friends, not according to mere opinion or hearsay. It is the Church Of Christ that our Lord Jesus Christ, shed His blood for. In the sight of the Lord our God, what is the Church Of Christ? Well, if we were to read Colossians 1:18, and we have read that citation many times in the past, there’s a mention of our Lord Jesus Christ being the head, and the church, His body. These two components from which our Lord Jesus Christ created in Himself, what is called as the one new man when he died on the cross. Therefore for a person to be reconciled unto the Lord our God, and be able to approach the Lord our God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and let’s not forget their friends, it is only through our Lord Jesus Christ, that people can approach the Lord, our God, therefore, a person must become a member of the Church Of Christ, which is recognized as the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Bob Pellien: So, dear viewers, we are here, leading this Bible-based discussion together. And learning from the Bible, answers to these questions that we have and need the answers to. So what has the Bible taught us? Christ is the only way to God. What truth does the Bible also teach? Christ is the propitiation or the atoning sacrifice for our sins, then. He was the sacrifice that God used that we may obtain the forgiveness of sins and be brought back into a right relationship with Him. So dear friends, who are those that the Bible teaches, are they whom the Lord Jesus Christ died and shed His blood for? As Donald just read, that is the Church Of Christ. So if we want to be on the way back to God, if we want to get to God, we have to go through Christ, in His body, in His Church, that He died and shed His blood for, and that is the Church Of Christ.
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Andrew Fisher: And that’s why Brother Bob, and Brother Donald mentioned before he cited from Ephesians 2:15. That’s the one new man Christ being the head, the church being the body. But some might be wondering, what’s the relevance? How important is it to be part of that one new man, when it comes to attaining salvation and being reconciled to our Lord God? Again, that one new man is taught in Ephesians 2:15. Now I want to share what’s written in Ephesians chapter 2 as well, this time in verse 18. And listen to what the Apostle Paul explains:
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Andrew Fisher
Melbourne, Australia
Minister of the Gospel
For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.
[Ephesians 2:18 New King James Version]
Brother Andrew Fisher: Therefore, it’s through being part of that one new man or being in the body of Christ that was redeemed or purchased by the blood of Christ, the Church Of Christ. It is through that, not only we are reconciled to our Lord God, but Apostle Paul, explained, we have access to the Father.
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: That is why our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. No one can come to our Lord God except through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Dexter Manglicmot
Washington, DC
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: But Brothers, why are we so sure that there’s no other way for anyone to come to God, except through Christ’s shed blood and being a part of the one new man or the Church Of Christ? Why?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Being able to also have access to the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ as the only way. Well, there’s a great blessing awaiting those who are members of the Church Of Christ.
Brother Bob Pellien: What’s that, what’s that blessing? What do you mean Brother Dexter?
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, this blessing Brother Bob is taught by the apostles, as recorded here in Ephesians. Chapter is 3 and the verse is 21 (Spanish Translation)::
All who belong to the church of Christ, we should praise Him forever.
[Ephesians 3:21 ]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: And if we read that verse in The Living Bible, this is what it says:
May he be given glory forever and ever through endless ages because of his master plan of salvation for the church through Jesus Christ.
[Ephesians 3:21 The Living Bible]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: So what is the great blessing awaiting members of the Church Of Christ? Well, the Church Of Christ is God’s master plan of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who joined the Church Of Christ, as written in the Bible, are joining up or uniting with our Lord Jesus Christ, who is only the only way to our Lord God, as well as to life, and therefore to the promise salvation on Judgment Day.
Brother Andrew Fisher: And dear friends, to praise God, which is the very reason why we exist and why God created us, that can only be done when one belongs to the Church Of Christ. Because it was the Church Of Christ that was redeemed and justified and purchased through the blood of Christ. That’s why as members of the Church Of Christ, we are very devoted in worshiping our Lord God.
Brother Bob Pellien: But brothers, what if there are viewers among us who, well, they don’t want to join the Church Of Christ, maybe they would say, ‘Well, I believe in Jesus,’ they might say, or they may say, ‘I think I have accepted Him as a personal Savior,’ ‘I accepted Him as Lord.’ But they don’t want to accept the truth that one needs to join the body of Christ attached therein the body of Christ, the Church Of Christ so as to benefit from God sending him into this world in the first place, as the only way back to Him.
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Donald Pinnock: Brother Bob, If I could interject, the truly may be those out there, including some of our dear friends who are viewing this episode, that do not really want to believe what the Bible teaches.
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Donald Pinnock
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Donald Pinnock: But let us all remember, dear friends, you’re here. And you’re also invited by the members of the Church, to search for answers from the Bible. Directions and guidance when it comes to our life. And most especially when it comes to good direction and guidance that will lead us to salvation. So even if it’s not what we want, or not what we currently believe in, we need to put ourselves, or in fact, we need to deny ourselves and follow what the Bible teaches. That is, remember, our Lord Jesus Christ said earlier, if you have put your faith in Him, do what he says. And we also have heard of the idiomatic expression, is it not? “The truth will set us free.” Well, the truth of the words of God written in the Bible. So if when it comes to our so-called devotion or service unto God, but yet it is not based on what the Bible teaches, if there are those who have been trying to insist or impress upon us, that through faith alone, for example, or any church will do when it comes to attaining salvation, we have to reject those falsehoods, and we have to accept the truth that the Bible teaches. One needs to be in Christ, and those who are in Christ are members of His Body, the Church Of Christ, because through the Church Of Christ, our sins were forgiven through the redemptive powers of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and being the body of Christ on the second advent. This is what He’s going to save.
Brother Bob Pellien: Brother Andrew, what would be the consequence if one just rebukes all of those truths recorded in the scriptures that brother Donald just summarized? What’s the consequences of one just says, nah, nevermind those Bible truths, I’m just going to do it my own way?
Brother Andrew Fisher: It’s important that you mentioned that Brother well, because when it comes to the truth, which is like Brother Donald explained, according to the Bible is, through our membership in the Church Of Christ. The truth is that we can receive salvation so that accepting that truth and obeying it brings a reward or a blessing, which is eternal life. So on the opposite end, not accepting that truth. Not obeying what the Bible teaches to be in the Church Of Christ to, to get to our Lord God in order to be saved. If we don’t accept that, then there’s also a consequence that will also be given to those who don’t accept it.
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Andrew Fisher
Melbourne, Australia
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Donald Pinnock: You know, Brother Andrew, that’s a very, very pressing, or telling statement. When it comes to the apostles, they have something to say concerning that. Let’s read here in First Corinthians, the chapter is 5, and the verses are 12 to 13. And the following is recorded:
For I have no obligation to judge those who are outside the church of Christ… God is the one who will judge those who are outside the church. The scriptures command us, You must take away the evil person who is among you.
[I Corinthians 5:12-13 Unlocked Dynamic Bible]
Brother Donald Pinnock: Because of this, if one is not a member of the Church Of Christ, they are outside the Church. The Bible says that they will be judged by God. Did we hear that dear friends? Those who are outside the church of our Lord Jesus Christ will be judged by God. And as we learned earlier, that judgment or punishment, it’s tragically to be cast into the lake of fire on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that all people be united with our Lord Jesus Christ as the only way that leads to God by becoming a member of His body or His church. We need to, we need to accept this truth. We need to accept what the Bible teaches or not hold on to heresays that cannot be found in the Holy Bible.
Brother Bob Pellien: Dear friends, we really don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But the Bible says the truth shall set you free. That is John 8:32. And we also know the truth sometimes is penetrating. You know the truth can be hurtful. But when we accept and believe the truth when we do so we’re always going to feel better. Why? Because it will bring blessings in our life. And what is the truth taught by our Lord Jesus Christ, which we all need to know and need to follow, need to understand, so we can truly benefit from His being, Christ being the way that leads us back to God and back to eternal life? This is what we will find along with other important biblical truths as we continue our discussion when we return the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition, stay with us.
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Bob Pellien
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
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INC International Edition
Brother Bob Pellien: Welcome back dear friends to this program. And in this episode, we’ve been discussing how Christ is the only way to God. So Brother Andrew, let’s continue. What does Christ command everyone to do in order for them to benefit from Christ’s being, having been sent by God into the world as the only way to the true God, the Father?
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Bob Pellien
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Do All Religions Point to God?
Brother Andrew Fisher: Well, we can read from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. And his words are written in the book of John chapter 10, verses 7, and we’ll read verse 9 as well. And this is what he said:
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Andrew Fisher
Melbourne, Australia
Minister of the Gospel
So Jesus spoke again: ‘In very truth I tell you,… I am the door; anyone who comes into the fold through me will be safe…
[John 10:7, 9 Revised English Bible]
Brother Andrew Fisher: Dear friends, we want to point out, the one speaking in this verse is none other than the Savior Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. And we also want to point out that what Christ is telling us here, He said, is the very truth. So we have every reason to believe this verse that’s our Lord Jesus Christ telling us and secondly, it’s the very truth that He’s telling us. And what is this very truth when it comes to salvation? The Savior Himself told us that He is the door. And as the door and the way, Christ mentioned, that we must enter through Him into the flock. But we need to be inside the flock. And that is what our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior is telling us, you know, just like any road away as our Lord Jesus Christ is, there was an entrance, there was an on-ramp to it. And our Lord Jesus Christ gave the commandment that in order for us to be saved, we must enter or be inside that flock.
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Yes, Brother Andrew and it’s very important for us to know which is this fold or flock that is being referred to here. We read this earlier in our discussion, allow me to read it, once again. What is written in the Bible here in Acts 20:28:
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Dexter Manglicmot
Washington, DC
Minister of the Gospel
Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood.
[Acts 20:28 George Lamsa Translation]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: What is that fold or flock? The fold or flock is none other than the Church Of Christ. Truly as our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned earlier, what was read by Brother Andrew, He’s telling the truth, and it is written in the Bible, the truth, for a person to come to our Lord God, he needs to go through our Lord Jesus Christ. And once a person enters or goes through our Lord Jesus Christ, he will become a member of the fold or flock, which is none other than the Church. He will be a member of the Church Of Christ. This is the command of the Savior Himself, Who is the way the truth and the life. Christ gave this command, so that we could be united with Him and be with him.
Brother Donald Pinnock: Yes, Brothers if I can also mention, because we read earlier in the apostle John statement First John 5:11 to 13: “He who has the son has life.” Well, therefore those who obey the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, to enter the flock or the Church Of Christ, they will be united with Him, because the Church is the body of Christ, and Christ is the head of it. This is the biblical truth, and those who believe, accept and obey it, as our Lord Jesus Christ said, will have eternal life, because they will be able to come to the Father.
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Donald Pinnock
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bob Pellien: But Brothers, one of our viewers would want to ask, “What does it mean that those who enter the Church Of Christ will be safe? Safe from what?”
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Well, that Brother Bob, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior Himself, answers this, and this is what He says, As recorded here in the book of John, the chapter is 10, and the verse is 9:
I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved,…
[John 10: 9 New King James Version]
Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Dear friends, those who enter into our Lord Jesus Christ, the equivalent of entering the Church Of Christ, are certain of being saved. Being saved from what? From the punishment or consequences of sin. Being saved from the punishment of sin, they will have the true or eternal life promised by the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. This is another reason why Christ is the only way. By entering Him as a member of the Church Of Christ, come Judgment Day, eternal life, dear friends, will be the reward.
Brother Bob Pellien: Brothers, seeing then that, well, we are living in the last days, the end times, as proven by all the great tribulations that we’re currently facing. Well, what does Christ urgently instruct everyone to do?
Brother Andrew Fisher: We can read that from Christ, here in the book of Luke chapter 13. The verses are 23 up to verse 24.
Someone asked him, “Sir, will just a few people be saved?”. Jesus answered them, “Do your best to go in through the narrow door; because many people will surely try to go in but will not be able.
[Luke 13: 23-24 Good News Bible]
Brother Andrew Fisher: You know, according to our Lord Jesus Christ, not only is it a crucial instruction for us to enter the Church Of Christ, but also an urgent one. Because according to our Lord Jesus Christ, we must do our best to enter, because there will be many who will try, but they will not be able to. That’s why we’d like to call the attention of our dear viewers who are not yet members of the Church Of Christ, may nothing hinder us from following the instruction given by the Savior Himself, that the only way for us to get to God and the only way for us to be saved, is by entering into that flock, or into the Church Of Christ to receive eternal life.
Brother Bob Pellien: Dear friends, we face in these times, many unusual experiences in life. Sometimes we don’t know what to do. We may not know how to confront these new kinds of challenges. We want answers, we need help. That’s why we invite you. We invite you to continue joining with us in this program and find Bible-based answers to the many problems in the troubles and the questions that we may be facing in this time of human history. The Word of God is the help we need. The Word of God is the solution to our troubles. It will lead us in the truth we need in our life, find the strength that comes from God, and His salvation on the upcoming Day of Judgment. We as well invite you to search for a local congregation of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ that is near to you. So you can join us and our worship services and regular Bible studies. And you can continue to learn more about the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Of Christ, in our official websites like incmedia.org. There you may also find a directory of the local congregations of the church and find the one that’s nearest to you.
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To learn more about the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), log onto iglesianicristo.net and incmedia.org
Brother Bob Pellien: Well, we’d like to thank Brother Donald Pinnock there in Toronto, Canada, Brother Dexter Manglicmot there in Washington D.C., as well as Brother Andrew Fisher there in Dandenong, Australia. Brothers, we’d like to thank you for giving us Bible-based answers. So that as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church, ‘you will be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you are living the way you are.’ That’s First Peter 3:15.
Brother Bob Pellien: Well, that does it for us here on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition for today. We hope you will join us next time. I am Brother Bob Pellien. Thanks for watching. And as we come to the end of this program, we also invite you to join us for a closing prayer.
Brother Donald Pinnock: Our Almighty and loving Father in heaven, we praise and we honor Thy most holy name. Because we know You are with us, dear Lord, in this episode of this program, You guided us through the grace of the Holy Spirit. And as we expounded Your truths as recorded in The Holy Bible, it is our fervent hope that when it comes to our friends, our guests, our acquaintances, who are not yet members of the Holy Church, that this will move them into action. They will seek out more of Your truths by attending Bible studies and worship services, until they come to the full knowledge of the truth. They will believe and also obey Your teachings and be with us as baptized members of the true Church Of Christ, having the right to serve and to worship You, and the great hope–Your promise–of attaining salvation, and the second advent of the only begotten Son. May You continue, dear God to bless Your people all throughout the world, that we will be united with the spirit of the Church Administration, when it comes to intensifying the work of missionizing people, the work of propagation, so that more people will be saved by becoming members of the true Church Of Christ by the time that you send back our Lord Jesus. Dear God in heaven, it is our faith that You’ve heard our prayer. Again, Your blessings have been poured out upon Thy people, upon our friends, our visitors who have listened to Your words in this episode, we ask for everything, including our continued connection with the spirit that reigns in the Church Administration. We ask for everything in the name of Thy Son, our Lord, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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