Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Preparing For the End Times

What does Matthew 24 mean and what is the proper way for to prepare for the end times?




  • 01:09 – How should we prepare for when that day does come? What will happen when the end actually does occur?
  • 09:16 – What are these signs that really prove that the time when the end is near?
    • 19:07 – What are the fulfillments of these things that we’ve read from our Lord Jesus Christ, announcing the events that would herald the last days?
  • 28:09 – How do we ready ourselves, prepare ourselves for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ?
    • 31:59 – How can we have a sharp mind?
  • 35:58 – Well, what did the prophet Isaiah have to say regarding the value and the importance of the worship service of the true people of God?
  • 36:37 – What is it that Christ our Lord has taught people to do with great effort and being ready for his return in our time?


Preparing for the End Times

Brother Bob Pellien: So many are the unusual events happening since the beginning of 2020. Earthquakes around the world, and now are happening in places that were before we didn’t hear of earthquakes happening like that in those places. And they’re with great magnitudes. There’s simultaneous volcanic eruptions and firestorms and bush fires in different parts of the world. There’s extreme weather, and continued civil unrest. And between nations, armed conflicts. There’s the spread of various disease pandemics, there’s increased unemployment. Poverty and homelessness, and social unrest, and many are asking questions. [00:51] What’s the meaning of all of these? Are they really signs that the end is near? Are we nearing the end of the world? If these are the signs that we’re nearing the end, or that we are in the last days, what should we do? 

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Topic: The Signs of the Last Days

Brother Bob: [01:09] How should we prepare for when that day does come? What will happen when the end actually does occur? 

Brother Bob: Welcome to you all, dear friends!

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Topic: The Signs of the Last Days

Brother Bob: And we thank you for joining us in this episode of the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. And joining us in this week’s discussion is brother Donald Pinnock in Toronto, Canada. Welcome to you there, brother Donald! 

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Donald Pinnock: Thank you, brother Bob, it’s a joy to be with you once again. 

Brother Bob: As well, for us. Brother Dexter Manglicmot! Brother Dexter, welcome as well, from Washington D.C. Welcome to our discussion! 

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Dexter Manglicmot, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Thank you, brother Bob! And thank you for our viewers who are tuning in to this program. 

Brother Bob: And nearby, there, in the San Francisco Bay area, brother Richie Juatco. Brother Richie, thank you for also joining us here in our discussion here today! Thank you. 

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Richie Juatco, San Francisco, California, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Richie Juatco: Thank you, brother Bob. Thank you for having us. 

Brother Bob: Brothers, our program today is a very timely discussion on a very relevant and important topic. The times that we are now living in are, well, everyone would easily agree, they’re truly out of the ordinary! 

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Robert Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: Simultaneous occurrence of these events that we’ve mentioned throughout the world. Even the increased poverty, the unemployment brought about by so many of the circumstances of the world, and the increase of homelessness, the crash of the stock markets throughout the world, and the economy worsening, and people unable to return to their [place of] employment. There’s a lot of armed conflicts, there’s a lot of social and civil unrest, and that’s not even yet mentioning some of the other things. Like, the brush fires, the wild fires, the continued intensifying of earthquakes, the flooding, the severe storms, and hurricanes, and typhoons, plagues of locusts and hornets! And added to this, and believably, the worst, of course, is the pandemic of COVID-19 or the coronavirus. So, we have a lot to talk about, and we have a lot to understand the relevance to the biblical timeline in which we are living in. So, let’s begin discussing these things, brothers. Let’s begin answering the question that was asked at the beginning of our program. [03:46] First of all, are we – as we view all of these things taking place – is that teaching us and telling us that we truly are living in the last days? And, by the way, brother Donald, let’s begin with you, there, in Toronto. [04:03] What is meant by that expression in the first place? The last days? 

Brother Donald: Well, brother Bob, we’re not going to revert to, for example, the encyclopedia or dictionary for the meaning, because we need to find out the truth. And when it comes to the truth, according to our Lord Jesus Christ, in John 17, verse 17, he says about God, “your word is truth.” And we know that the words of God are written in the Bible, so, let’s consult the Bible, dear viewers, when it comes to the true meaning of the term “these last days”. We can read the following here, in II Timothy, the chapter is 3, and the verse is 1, and the Bible states the following: 


You need to realize that during the last days before Christ returns, … 

[II Timothy 3:1 Translation for Translators]

Brother Donald: So please note this, when it comes to the phrase, these last days, it refers to a time just before our Lord Jesus Christ returns.

Brother Bob: So that phrase, the last days, that’s really a biblical term. [05:07] So, but brothers, is it possible – for us and our viewers – is it possible to know when… when that time might be? Because even if we say that Christ will return in the last days, they’re going to be asking, of course, when will that be? When are the last days? Or the time before Christ returns? Let’s go to you there in Washington D.C., brother Dexter. 

Brother Dexter:  Yes, brother Bob, and yes, dear viewers. We can know when that period of time is prior to Christ’s return. We can know this, because a very similar question like this was posed by the disciples to our Lord Jesus Christ. As we can read here in Matthew 24, and the verse is 3, this is what it says: 


Later as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, some of His followers went to speak to Him privately. “Tell us,” they inquired, “When will all these things happen? And what will happen to alert us that You are soon coming again, and that the end of the age is near?” 

[Matthew 24:3 Last Days Bible] 

Brother Dexter:  What the followers of our Lord Jesus asked was, “what will happen to alert us that you are soon coming again,” and, “the end of the age,” or the end of the world, “is near?”

Brother Bob: [06:39] He wasn’t giving the calendar date, but he was definitely answering the question, right? 

Brother Dexter:  He was. And we can read – like what we read earlier – what he meant by the things we’ll know – we will know when these things will happen. We can expect to see signs or events that will tell us or alert us that the time is very near. 

Brother Bob: Yeah, they didn’t answer the question: What’s the calendar date? What’s the date? They said, “Tell us when it’s going to be?” [07:13] So, when Jesus responded to them, did he give a calendar date? Let’s go to you there brother Richie. 

Brother Richie:  Yes, brother Bob… 

Brother Bob: Because they’re asking a “when” question. They’re saying, you know, alert us. Tell us when this is going to be. So, was… [07:28] did he answer with a date? 

Brother Richie:  Well, brother Bob, if we just continue reading from that same book and chapter, we can see how our Lord Jesus Christ responded to their questions or their inquiries. We’ll read from what’s written in the same book and chapter, Matthew 24, but we’ll read verses 32 to 33. And this is how he responds, he says: 


Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches become tender and grow leaves, you know that summer is near. “In the same way, when you see all these things beginning to happen, realize that the end is near, right at the door.” 

[Matthew 24:32 Last Days Bible] 

Brother Richie:  So, the way our Lord Jesus Christ responded, he actually taught a lesson. What is it that he taught? He said, when its branches – like, a fig tree – when its branches become tender and grow leaves, you know that the summer is near. So, what’s the lesson he’s teaching? He said, in the same way, when you see all these things beginning to happen, realize that the end is near, right at the door. 

Brother Bob: So there will be certain things that would alert people that the end is near. There would be events that would be seen. [08:51] So, when are these going to be seen? Because then, when we see them, then we’re going to realize, well, it’s the time for the near arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ. And that time is when the very end is near. So, we’re living, therefore… because these signs are all being fulfilled, right? [09:16] What are these events, what are these signs that really prove that we really are living in that time frame called the last days, or the time when the end is near? 

Brother Dexter:  That’s a really good question, brother Bob, and it’s important for all of us to understand this. The signs that tell us, that alert us, that the day of our Lord is near. Well, our Lord Jesus Christ enumerates many of these events that would happen when the end is near. And this is recorded in Matthew 24, and the verses are 6 to 8, we’ll also read verse 21. This is what it says: 


And you will hear of wars and rumors of more wars, but don’t be alarmed. All of these events must take place, but they do not mean that the end has come. Because when the end is actually approaching, many nations will rise up and war against many other nations, and kingdoms against other kingdoms. And there will be famines, disease epidemics, and earthquakes in various places. But even these are only the beginning of the birth pangs. Because there will then be frightful persecution, calamity, and suffering – far greater than any other since the beginning of time until now. There will never again be anything like it. 

[Matthew 24:6 Last Days Bible] 

Brother Bob: I can’t help but notice there, brother Dexter, how those things enumerated there by our Lord Jesus Christ are so much of what we were describing at the opening of our program of what we’re all seeing in the news. [11:07] The earthquakes, the disease epidemic, pandemics, and all of those things that basically you just read from the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, which shows us we’re really living in the last days, right? 

Brother Dexter:  Yeah, that’s right. And I believe all of our viewers also noticed that. And Jesus mentioned, many nations will rise up in war against many other nations. Kingdoms against kingdoms. There was also a mention here, there will be famines, disease epidemics, earthquakes in various places, … 

Brother Bob: Yup. 

Brother Dexter:  … calamities, and sufferings far greater than any other since the beginning of time until now. 

Brother Bob: And these are the things we’re seeing happening. Right, brother Donald? 

Brother Donald: Yes, brother Bob. I was just going to mention that when it comes to this proclamation of our Lord Jesus Christ, he virtually said the same thing, this time, recorded by Luke. And we can read that in Luke 21, and the verse is 11, and this is stated: 


There will be violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and [deadly and devastating] pestilences (plagues, epidemics); and there will be terrible sights and great signs from heaven. 

[Luke 21:11 Amplified Bible 2015] 

Brother Donald: And please notice, when it comes to this statement, or this pronouncement of our Lord Jesus Christ, he mentioned earthquakes again. So numerous and, again, when it comes to the intensity, and even in the religious where they are going to take place. There’ll also be famines that will affect whole continents, and that is why we can’t be surprised that we hear of refugees trying to flee their homeland using sometimes only flimsy vessels in an attempt to reach the shores of other countries in order to seek a bright future. Again, we hear of different kinds of illnesses and sicknesses, and especially when it comes to the impact thereof of such devastation around the world. In fact, brother Bob … 

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The New York Times 

U.S. Is Alone Among Peers In Failing to Contain Virus 

Brother Donald: Since the beginning of this year, 2020, we’re all the living witnesses to all of these horrific events. When it comes to, again, these volcanic eruptions, these earthquakes of great magnitudes, When it comes to the vast number of people suffering from, or suffering from poverty, the lack of food in the world. And not just when it comes to, for example, the African continent, and parts of Asia, including India. But, even when it comes to developed countries, there are so many people who are starving, and they’re resorting to food banks. And, of course, the greatest peril right now, at this time, is none other than this global pandemic, this COVID-19. And when it comes to those who are affected, well, they can be found in all six inhabited continents all around the world. 

Brother Bob: Absolutely. Of course, the COVID-19 is the most prominent among the discussions of the tragedies taking place in the world, but it’s certainly not the only one. All those other things that you mentioned there, brother Donald, are, certainly, events that are crippling the economies and lives and such in so many places around the world. So, brother Richie, let’s go to you again. [14:30] When will… What does the Bible have to say concerning, again, the “when” questioned? When these things would be happening, and what would be the kind of responses that people need to take?

Brother Richie:  You know, brother Bob, as we’re going over the prophecies of the Bible, signs of the end being near. The Bible does also mention how people are going to respond when these signs actually occur. As brother Donald read, in Luke, chapter 21, if we just continue to verse 25, the Bible does say how people are going to feel, how they’re going to respond, and this is what it says – it says: 


(b)…People in the nations on earth will be utterly confused, baffled, and panic-stricken. 

[Luke 21:25 Amplified Bible 2015] 

Brother Bob: And that’s really taking place. [15:25] There’s a lot of depression, and a lot of panic and anxiety taking place. Mental health is a very, very vital and important issue in society nowadays, right brother Donald? 

Brother Donald: Well, you know these words of our Lord Jesus Christ, brother Bob, they’re so very, very true. Because when you look at the actual events that are unfolding in this world, well, you know, imagine, these were pronounced by the Lord our God through the prophets thousands of years ago, and then through the greatest prophet, our Lord Jesus Christ. People are, indeed, confused and baffled when it comes to just this one horrific event – this global pandemic. And that includes even medical professionals and scientists. They’re not sure, they’re stunned, when it comes to what to do in order to curb, let alone, when it comes to stopping the spread of this virus.  

Brother Dexter:  Yes, that’s true, brother Donald. And in many places, self-isolation, as well as quarantine are mandated to help curb the spread of this virus, but we could also see in many places, unfortunately, people are not taking it seriously, and it’s causing the virus to spread even more. 

Brother Richie:  Brothers, you know, we could even add this: because of people not able to go to work, right? Businesses are closed, communities and cities, they’re on virtual lockdown. People are panic stricken, as evidenced by their, they call it panic buying, right? Hoarding, or trying to get as much groceries as they can, emptying shelves. And we can see the necessity of PPE, right? It’s a term we’re learning now: Personal Protection Equipment, needed for medical professionals, they’re becoming scarce because other people are getting it for themselves. 

Brother Bob: Yes, that’s true. There are a lot who are hoarding and such things as that. Well, brothers, you know, we’ve read the words of our Lord Jesus Christ here in the Holy Scriptures that tell us about these events that we’ve been discussing. They were mentioned in the scriptures that they would happen, and it would also be the heralding or the announcing – I think in the Bible or the verse that you read there, brother Donald – it was the “alerting” that we’re living in the time called “the last days,” or the time just before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. [17:55] Well, what exactly is the fulfillment of all these events that we have just read about there in those verses, brothers. What do they really mean? And what should be – what has to be our response as we witness all these things unfolding in the world around us? Dear friends, stay with us, because the Bible will answer that and so much more, as we continue with our discussion on this important topic, right here, on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We’ll be right back. 


Brother Bob: Welcome back, everyone, to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition, as we continue with our very important discussion today. 

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Topic: The Signs of the Last Days 

Brother Bob: You know, we’ve been studying what the Bible here actually says concerning the signs of the last days. 

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Rober Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Bob: And dear friends, what we’ve learned from our Lord Jesus Christ and the various events that he said would happen as the signs heralding or announcing that we are now living in the last days. So, dear brothers… let’s go to you, brother Richie, [19:07] what are the fulfillments of these things that we’ve read from our Lord Jesus Christ, announcing the events that would herald the last days? 

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Richie Juatco, San Francisco, California, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Richie:  Brothers, the fulfillment of those signs that we read earlier, in Matthew 24:6-8 of the Last Days Bible’s translation. If we go to the footnote of that translation, Bible scholars actually have an explanation of the fulfillment of those signs. This is what is recorded. I’ll go ahead and read the footnote:


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Matthew 24:6-8 footnote … 

Jesus now tells His followers how they could discern when the world was actually entering the beginning of the birth pangs … 

The approach of the end of the age would see several phenomena on the earth occurring at the same time. 

Those phenomena, would be: 

  1. Many nations rising up against many other nations 
  2. 2. Kingdoms rising against kingdoms 
  3. Famines 
  4. Disease epidemics 
  5. Earthquakes in various places. 

[The Last Days Bible: The New Testament, God’s New Agreement with Mankind, Prophecy Edition Matthew]

Brother Bob: And we have, for sure, seen those things. That’s what we’ve been discussing – right, brothers? So, our Lord Jesus Christ then, in Matthew 24:6 through 8, well, there he enumerated 5 different events that would occur. And there are many nations rising up against each other, other nations, kingdoms against kingdoms, famines, disease epidemics, and earthquakes in various places. [20:45] And these things are happening – right, brothers? What else have the scholars had to say as regards to the fulfillment of these predictions of our Lord Jesus Christ? 

Brother Richie:  Yes, brother Bob. These scholars now, 13 of them in all, came together – that made this translation – and this is what they continued to say about the fulfillment. It says: 


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Wars between nations, or even between kingdoms, is and has been a common occurrence. History has recorded famines at various times. There have been times of great disease epidemics. 

There have been earthquakes in the past, but increasingly so in the present day. Jesus tells His disciples, however, to be awaiting a specific time during which all of these phenomena would be in evidence at the same time. 

The first such time in world history occurred during the years of World War I (1914-1918) and immediately following. 

[The Last Days Bible: The New Testament, God’s New Agreement with Mankind, Prophecy Edition Matthew]

Brother Richie:  So, we can see the beginning of these events happening all at the same time, which we know are the signs that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us at the beginning of World War I, which we know broke out on July 27, 1914. 

Brother Bob: [21:10] So, there’s already a calendar date now attached to the beginning of the last days? 

Brother Richie:  Yes, brother Bob. 

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Donald: And, if I can add, brother Bob and brother Richie, these same Bible scholars had come to this conclusion in the same translation of the Bible, but in their footnote for Luke 21:11, that we read earlier, and they state this: 


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Luke 21 footnote … 

… But, there seems to be little doubt that the present day is the time of the end. 

[The Last Days Bible: The New Testament, God’s New Agreement with Mankind, Prophecy Edition Matthew]

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Dexter Manglicmot, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Dexter:  But they are not alone, dear friends and beloved brethren. When it comes to this conclusion, another Bible scholar writing about the fulfillment of the events in Matthew 24, said the following:


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“Now we are ready to ask: Has there ever been a war, started by two nations, which grew into a worldwide war by the kingdoms of the world, followed by unprecedented famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places (perhaps simultaneously)? I am of the opinion that we can discern such. 

Though reluctant to be dogmatic on the subject, I believe there is one event that fulfills all four parts of this prophecy. 

That terrible event has been labeled by historians as World War I, which took place between 1914 and 1918.” 

[Tim LaHaye, The Beginning of the End, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, Copyright ©1972 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187], pp. 35-36 

Brother Dexter:  The same author came to the conclusion regarding the fulfillment of these events that 1914, with the outbreak of the first world war, ushered in the beginning of the end. This is what he says: 


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“… it is reasonable to conclude that 1914 ushered in the beginning of the end.” 

[Tim LaHaye, The Beginning of the End, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, Copyright ©1972 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187], pp. 39 

Brother Bob: So then, brother Dexter, brother Donald, brother Richie… If our Lord Jesus Christ, then, has told us that these are the signs of his inevitable and soon – very soon – return, we are living then, for sure, in what the Bible called “the last days” before he actually returns. But even if we know that, and it’s absolutely proven by these scriptures and that fulfillment that we can see happening all around, [24:39] what are our viewers, what are all of us to do? What action needs to be taken?

Brother Donald: You know, brother Bob, if I can just interject here, what you just mentioned, that is so very, very paramount when it comes to importance. We are actually living in the last days. We’re living at a time just before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of the chaos – 

Brother Bob: Yeah, but brother Donald, [25:10] wouldn’t that be a horrible waste if one has that proven, and they absolutely know that to be true, but they don’t do anything about it? Or they don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing with that knowledge? 

Brother Donald: Yes, brother Bob, and that is so very, very true. And that’s why man needs to take heed to this pronouncement of our Lord Jesus Christ that we can read here, in Matthew, the chapter is 24, and the verse is 44, and he states the following: 


Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. 

[Matthew 24:44 New King James Version] 

Brother Donald: So, please note this, when it comes to our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ says that we should be ready, or we should prepare ourselves. [25:57] And what is one reason why we should prepare? Because the Son of Man or our Lord Jesus Christ will come at an hour we do not expect. Yes, we know that we are living at a time when the end is near, but when exactly the end will be, we do not know, and that is why our Lord Jesus Christ says, we should prepare. 

Brother Bob: So, that’s the action item, dear friends, get ready. [26:22] So, why did our Lord Jesus Christ say that he will return?  Because what you read there, brother Donald, is that he’s going to come back at a time when no one is expecting it. He will return at an hour, which no one is going to be expecting. In other words, there is not going to be a countdown “ten, nine, and he’s coming, eight, seven…” nothing like that! [26:41] He’s going to come at a time, brother Richie, when no one is expecting, so we’ve got to get ready for that, right? 

Brother Richie:  That’s correct, brother Bob. And the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ is teaching us, telling us to get ready, right? It’s going to come, he’s going to come at an hour that we do not expect. It’s because he, himself, does not know the exact day and hour. Now, why do we say this? Because that’s what he taught. We can read what he taught, here, in Mark 13:32, he says this: 


But no one knows the exact time when I will return. The angels in heaven also do not know. Even I do not know. Only my Father knows. 

[Mark 13:32 Translation for Translators] 

Brother Richie:  So, our Lord Jesus Christ, he’s making it clear, that exact day and hour, even he doesn’t know, the angels don’t know, we don’t know – it’s only our Lord God, our Father in Heaven [that knows]. So, that is why he is saying get ready, prepare for his return. 

Brother Bob: So, dear friends, it’s good if we’ve learned from the scriptures that we are living in the last days. It is good if we have learned from the scriptures that we are required to get ready for the soon arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ. [28:03] But even if we know, and have mastered the understanding of that, how are we to get ready? Isn’t that the next thing that we have to ask, dear friends? [28:09] How do we ready ourselves, prepare ourselves for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ? What does Jesus, himself, teach that people must do, and must know? As we see, the signs of his return and the need to get ready for his return are all fulfilled? This is what we will find the answer to, among so many more questions yet to be posed, as the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition continues. 


Brother Bob: Welcome back, dear friends to our program! The Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. 

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Rober Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Bob: Again, with us, in our biblical discussion, is brother Donald Pinnock in Toronto, thanks for sticking with us, brother Donald. Brother Dexter Manglicmot in Washington D.C., as well as brother Richie Juatco. 

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Rober Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Bob: Brothers, thank you for staying with us in our very important discussion today on the last days, and the signs concerning the end times. So, let’s go to you first, brother Donald. Our Lord Jesus said that people should prepare – and you read that – and ready themselves for his second advent or his return because, well, no one knows the exact time and hour of his return. So, he said, get ready for it. So, how do we do that? [29:46] How can we prepare ourselves for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ? What are the actions that people need to take? 

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Donald: Dear viewers, when it comes to what’s called disaster preparedness, there are government officials that will give directives that people should follow. But when it comes to the impending disaster, which is the Day of Judgment, which is also the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can’t just listen to anybody, but rather, we should listen and be prepared to follow what our Lord Jesus Christ, himself, says, in order to prepare ourselves. And we can read the following here, in Mark, the chapter is 13, and the verse are 3 to 6:


Peter, James, John and Andrew came privately to Jesus as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, and asked, “When is all this destruction going to happen? And how will we know it is about to happen? What signs will let us know? Jesus answered: “Keep your minds sharp so that no one deceives you. There will be many who will come using my name or claiming to be from me, or even claiming to be ‘the One:’ and vast numbers of people who haven’t kept their minds sharp and who don’t think for themselves will be duped.
[Mark 13:3-6 The Remedy New Testament]

Brother Donald: So, please notice, beloved friends, our Lord Jesus Christ says that we should keep our mind sharp. [31:15] And why is it that we should keep our mind sharp? So that we will not be duped or deceived, but rather, we will be able to think clearly. 

Brother Bob: [31:26] Well, how can that be done, brothers? How can a person keep their mind sharp, and therefore be able to think clearly, think properly, especially when it comes to making decisions and preparing themselves for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? 

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Richie Juatco, San Francisco, California, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Richie:  Brother Bob, that’s a really good question, since that is the characteristic that is necessary. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, have a sharp mind, all right, so that we can prepare. [31:59] How is it that we can have that characteristic? We can have a sharp mind, we’ll be smart about it, we’ll be wise? Well, we can read the answer that comes from Proverbs, the chapter is 1, and the verse is 7, and here it says:


How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord! Only fools refuse to be taught. 

[Proverbs 1:7 The Living Bible] 

Brother Richie: [32:28] So, here, in order to have a sharp mind, in order to be wise, what is the first step? According to what we’ve read, it is to trust and have reverence in the Lord. We know those who trust and have reverence in the Lord, they allow themselves to be taught by the Lord. Those people will have a sharp mind. They’re the ones that they’ll know what time they’re living in, and not only that, they’ll know what needs to be done, so that they can prepare themselves for Christ’s return. Now, for those who won’t allow themselves to be taught by the Lord, well, according to the biblical truth, they are those that are foolish. They are the ones that will be duped or deceived. 

Brother Bob: So, it behooves anyone that wants to avoid being deceived or being duped, they need to maintain that sharp, wise mind. Well, what should everyone learn, so they’ll be taught to do… what should they… [33:28] what should everyone learn how to do – let’s word it that way – learn how to do, so that they are ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ? This is now a request for the actions to be taken, brother Dexter. [33:40] How can a person be ready for Christ’s return? With that kind of sharp mind and such, that brother Richie was referring to? That was able to avoid any deception, and being duped or deceived?

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Dexter Manglicmot, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Dexter:  A very important question to be answered, brother Bob, and, like what you said, after we learn it, we have to put into action what we are supposed to do – when we learn it, then we have to do it. Well, the Bible’s answer can be read in Psalms 18, and the verse is 21. This is what the Bible teaches: 


I have followed [obeyed; kept; guarded] the ways of the LORD; I have not done evil by turning away from my God. 

[Psalms 18:21 The Expanded Bible] 

Brother Dexter:  Dear friends, everyone needs to learn to follow, but not only follow, we have to obey and keep the ways of the Lord. You know, it would be wrong to refuse to gain new knowledge that would benefit a person in this life. It would be more wrong to refuse to learn God’s way. And if one has learned them, it would also be wrong to turn away from them, or not obey or follow them. 

Brother Bob: Yeah, that’s a very common error of many, isn’t it, brother Dexter? That… ok, they… maybe, maybe they have that sharp mind, maybe they have done everything in their own personal capacity to avoid being deceived or whatever. And they’ve heard, but then they’re unwilling to follow it and obey –  it will do them, therefore, no good. That’s why inside the worship services in the Church Of Christ, the worship service lessons that we hear are so important to us. Because it’s there, in the worship service, where the ways of the Lord, his instructions and direction for our life, his commandments are taught. And we could learn them. And then, we can obey them, and they will be the light for our journey in this life, and we’ll be able to be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. [35:58] Well, what did the prophet Isaiah have to say regarding the value and the importance of the worship service of the true people of God? Let me be the one to read from the Scriptures this time, brothers. I want to read Isaiah, chapter 2, verse 3, wherein it says this:


Many people will come and say, “Let’s go to the mountain of the LORD God of Jacob and worship in his temple.” The LORD will teach us his Law from Jerusalem, and we will obey him.

[Isaiah 2:3 Contemporary English Version] 

Brother Bob: [36:37] What is it that Christ our Lord has taught people to do with great effort and being ready for his return in our time? Because this was the instruction of God to His people in the nation of Israel. The prophet Isaiah said, they went to the house of worship and they went there for a purpose – to be taught, and to learn what they needed to do. Is that the same for all our viewers joining us in our broadcast today, brother Richie? 

Brother Richie: You know, brother Bob, what we need to have extreme effort in doing – you said [that’s] to follow the command, right? [37:16] What is the command that we can read from what our Lord Jesus Christ is telling us, that we really need to have extreme effort in doing? We’ll read from Luke 13, the verse is 24. It says this:


You must use extreme effort.” Jesus replied, “in order to gain entrance through the narrow gate. Because I tell you, many will try to enter, but will not succeed.”
[Luke 13:24 The Last Days Bible] 

Brother Richie: [36:49] So, what is the law? What is the command that we are learning? That we need to use extreme effort in doing? The Bible says, to gain entrance through the narrow gate. [38:02] How much effort should we use to go through the narrow gate? He says, you must use extreme effort, because [38:10] if we do not, what will happen? Just like what we read, it says, then we will not succeed. 

Brother Donald: You know what’s so saddening but, in truth, it’s a stark reality when it comes to so many people? Call it a human flaw, however, many people, when it comes to what should be done with urgency, well, they make excuses. They give various reasons, and because of this, they’re not able to do what should have been done for their benefit or for their safety. 

Brother Bob: What can we say, brothers, about why… [38:47] Why is it so important that no one will make excuses for not entering that narrow gate? And, in fact, they will exert, with urgency, all extreme effort to do so? How important is it to enter that gate that you read about there, brother Richie?

Brother Richie:  You know, brother Bob, let me read why it’s so important. [39:09] What will happen if one follows that instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ? So, here’s another instruction of his. I’m going to read from John 10:9 [and] 16. He says:


I am the Door. Anyone who goes … through Me will be saved from the punishment of sin. 

I have other sheep which are not from this sheep-pen. I must bring them also. They will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock with one shepherd. 

[John 10:9 and 16 New Life Version]

Brother Richie:  So, we see our Lord Jesus Christ – as he instructed earlier – that one needs to have extreme effort in entering that narrow gate, right? And so, that gate… that gateway or doorway or that door… What is that? Now, he’s explaining, that’s him. What did he say? He said, I am the door. [40:01] Well, what is the guarantee? Why is it so important that one follows his instruction and goes through him? He said, anyone who goes in through me will be saved from the punishment of sin. That’s why it’s so important, and that’s why – as we heard earlier – there should be no excuse why one can’t follow this instruction, because the importance and value of it is that one can be saved from the punishment of sin. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ says, anyone who goes in through me …” What is he referring to? What should they go into? Just as what we read, also, he said, there will be one flock. So, that one flock, one should do everything that they can to enter into, through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Brother Dexter:  That’s right, brother Richie. And the flock referred to here, dear friends, that one must enter to be saved from the punishment of sin, is the Church Of Christ. And that’s not just us saying it here in the panel. This is what is written in the Holy Scriptures. This is recorded in Acts 20, and the verse is 28 of the Lamsa Translation of the Bible. This is what it says:


Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood. 

[Acts 20:28 Lamsa Translation] 

Brother Dexter:  Dear friends, membership in the Church Of Christ is the command of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. Becoming a member of the Church Of Christ is, indeed, the path commanded by our Lord in being ready for him, for his return, in order to be saved from the punishment of sin. That’s why, when we see all of these things happening around us, it is a call for us to prepare ourselves as well. And one way to do so is by being a member of the flock of our Lord Jesus Christ – the Church Of Christ. 

Brother Bob: Therefore, dear friends, the Iglesia Ni Cristo or the Church Of Christ believes in the second advent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We believe we are living in the last days, or the time just before his return. And this is so evident by all of these events that have happened and continue to happen at present. These are but warnings given by Christ, as written in the Bible for us to awaken ourselves to do what is right. What’s right? Obey the will of God, obey His instruction, and one of which is to become a member of the Church Of Christ, because it’s the only true Church, and the one to be saved by our Lord when he comes. That is why we invite you! We invite everyone to make the time to go to the nearest local congregation of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. And, of course, after the COVID-19 subsides, and the government restrictions are lifted, join with us in the house of worship for our worship services, and for our Bible studies conducted there! In the meantime, learn more about the Church Of Christ and what we believe by going to our official website: … 

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To learn more about the Iglesia Ni cristo (Church Of Christ), log onto and

Brother Bob: … where you can learn so many things about the Church Of Christ, and what we believe, and how we conduct our proper and true services to the Almighty God. Well, dear friends, we’d like to thank you, brothers… 

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Bob: Brother Donald Pinnock there in Toronto. Brother Donald, thank you for your important and valuable insight and input to our discussion. 

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Dexter Manglicmot, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Bob: To you, as well, brother Dexter, there in Washington D.C. Thank you as well for your deep understanding of this topic and the input that you have provided. 

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Richie Juatco, San Francisco, California, Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Bob: And brother Richie, there in nearby San Francisco. Thank you, all three of you, brothers! Thank you for giving us Bible-based answers, so – as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church – you will be ready to speak up and tell anyone why you are living the way you are. That’s 1 Peter 3:15. Well, that does it for us, here, on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We hope that you will all join us again, next time! I’m brother Bob Pellien, and thanks for watching!

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