03:04 Why did the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo refrain from participating in any games, parties or any activity associated with Halloween?
05:40 Why are we so sure that Halloween has its origins in paganism?
07:15 What Catholic religious beliefs are connected to their practice of celebrating Halloween?
09:10 Are we really sure that the Catholic Church teaches that the soul is immortal or doesn’t die?
10:30 Do the teachings in the Holy Scriptures agree with these Catholic notions or beliefs about Purgatory and the immortal soul?
11:53 Why are we sure that it’s wrong to teach and believe that the soul and the spirit are the same?
13:07 What about the remaining two components, the spirit and the body, what happens to the body and to the Spirit, when a person passes away?
14:07 What about what happens to the spirit when one does?
17:03 Why are we sure that purgatory is not true or real, and that people should not believe in it?
18:46 Is purgatory biblical?
20:54 Why does this admission of Catholic priests that the word and the doctrine of purgatory are not in the Bible, totally refute or disprove the claim of the Catholic Church that it is the Church Of Christ?
23:33 What are some of the more popular activities being observed during Halloween?
28:41 What’s the origin for all of these different things?
32:57 What teaching of the Bible is contradicted by the belief that the dead come back and haunt their houses as ghosts?
34:41 What should we understand about this popular activity among children that is an integral part of the Halloween celebrations?
36:54 What should we be aware of regarding the jacket lantern? What is its history?
41:04 What does it matter if Halloween is connected to paganism?
41:14 How come the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo still choose to not conform to any pagan practices like celebrating Halloween?
[Show open]
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Hi, I’m Johnny Martin and this is the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: It’s that time of the year when young people look forward to dressing up in Halloween costumes and attending Halloween parties. Little boys and girls are eager to go around their neighborhoods, knock on doors and say, ‘trick or treat’ and they get lots of candy put in their Halloween treat bags, department stores and even people’s homes get decked out and decorated with pictures of or figures of scary monsters, ghouls, ghosts, witches, black cats with big spiders and cobwebs with creepy music playing in the background. And some would even say with smiles on their faces while you know celebrating Halloween. It’s a lot of fun. Well, how did Halloween even begin? And why don’t members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo participate in Halloween activities? Well, that’s what we’re going to be talking about today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Joining us today are Brother Jojo Bayani in Los Angeles,
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Jojo Bayani
Los Angeles, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: Brother Solomon Joves in San Francisco,
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Solomon Joves
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: and Brother Phillip Velasquez in London, England. Hi Brothers,
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Philip Velasquez
London, United Kingdom
Minister of the Gospel
Brothers: Hello, Brother Johnny.
Brother Johnny Martin: You know, Halloween, which is on October 31 is a big holiday that is celebrated in the United States and around the world. Check out this video clip:
[Video starts]
[Source: YouTube]
News: Halloween has finally arrived. It’s why I’m wearing black. The night when people and their poor pets are sadly denied dignity. Dressed up in costumes wandering the streets looking for tricks and treats. Now you’ve probably seen the costumes and candy clogging stores for weeks. But unless there’s a ton of last minute shopping this Halloween is very scary for retailers. Industry analysts expect Halloween spending to hit just $7 billion in the US which frankly sounds like an absurdly huge amount of money but it’s actually down a billion dollars from last year. But it’s not about America, Halloween its roots are in a Celtic pagan festival. But it didn’t really take off as a holiday until religious America got a hold of it and started shaping its traditions into something people pay cold hard cash for. Now, it’s become a monster money making celebration, and an American style is being exported to everybody else. Over the past few years, more and more countries have embraced the Americanized Halloween: dressing up in costumes, carving pumpkins, which by the way, aren’t indigenous to America, going door to door for candy and participating in zombie walks. And in addition to Europe and North America, Halloween is now celebrated in Asia, big in Tokyo, Africa, South America.
[Video ends]
Brother Johnny Martin: You know Brothers, it may come as a surprise to others. But the celebration of Halloween is actually a big deal for people and for retailers. Many would say that celebrating Halloween is a lot of fun. Everyone has a good time when they celebrate the holiday and people of all ages enjoy themselves. So our question is this one? Why did the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo refrain from participating in any games, parties or any activity associated with Halloween Brother Jojo if we could start with you, please.
Brother Jojo Bayani: Brother Johnny, I’d like to begin our discussion today by reading from a publication entitled The Facts On Halloween by John Ankerberg. Here on pages five 610 and 611.
[The Facts On Halloween, John Ankerberg, Pages 5-6 and 10-11]
“,,,Halloween took the place of a special day celebrated by the ancient Druids, who were the learned or priestly class of the Celtic religion… These Celtic people lived in Northern France and the British Isles. They engaged in occult arts, worshiped nature, and gave it supernatural, animistic qualities… The Celts worshiped the sun god (Belenus) especially on Beltane, May 1, and they worshiped another god, apparently the Lord of Death, or the Lord of the Dead on Samhain, October 31. “In the Middle Ages the Catholic Church attempted to oppose the paganism involved in the Samhain festival by making November 1 All Saint’s Day and November 2 All Souls Day…
“In 835 Pope Gregory IV transferred this feast of All Saints to November 1 and extended it to include all the saints. So November 1, All Saint’s Day, the day after Halloween (Hallow’s Eve or All Saint’s Eve), became a day dedicated by the Catholic Church to the Virgin Mary and the Saints.”
Brother Jojo Bayani: So according to this book that we read, Halloween is a religious celebration of the Catholic Church. It refers to the evening before what is called by the Catholic Church as All Saint’s Days celebrated every first of November, followed by another celebration which they call All Souls Day, every November the second. And so the term Halloween, as we have just read, comes from the words “Hallows Eve” or “All Saints Eve.” So to answer your question earlier, why is it that the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo or the Church Of Christ, do not celebrate Halloween? It is because this is a Catholic celebration, and it is based on paganism, something against God’s teachings or commandments.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Solomon, you know, some viewers may be asking, why are we so sure that Halloween has its origins in paganism?
Brother Solomon Joves: Well, Brother Johnny, and dear viewers just like what was just shared with us by Brother Jojo, Halloween took the place of a special day that was celebrated by the ancient Druids, rather, which were the priestly or learned class of the Celtic religion, which is a pagan religion. Now what is it that we should understand and remember, concerning the Celtic religion? Well, the Celts worshiped nature, they worship the Celtic sun god or solar god that they named Belenus on May 1, and the Celtic Lord of the Dead or the Lord of Death on, of all days, October 31, which is what they call Samhain. Therefore, Halloween is not only a religious activity of Catholics, but it is something that was concocted, invented or adopted by the Catholic Church to take the place of a pagan Celtic festival Samhain in which their Lord of the Dead or the Lord or the Lord of Death, is worshiped. And since we inside the Church are neither Catholics nor pagans, we do not participate in any of their religious activities and practices like the celebration of Halloween.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brother Philip, it was pointed out that Halloween is something that the Catholic Church invented or adapted to take the place of a pagan Celtic festival. Now what Catholic religious beliefs are connected to their practice of celebrating Halloween?
Brother Philip Velasquez: Well, Brother, I would like to continue reading that same publication, entitled The Facts On Halloween, and this will be can read on page 11.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Philip Velasquez
London, United Kingdom
Minister of the Gospel
[The Facts On Halloween, John Ankerberg, Page 11]
“Eventually, November 2 became All Soul’s Day as a special day to pray for the dead… Reminiscent of the ancient Druids, the Catholic Church still teaches that the living May, through various acts, alleviate the sufferings of the dead. They may pray for the souls being tormented in purgatory and ease their pains through specific or sacrificial acts such as penance, partaking of the Sacraments, mortification using the Rosary, and good deeds like almsgiving.”
Brother Philip Velasquez: The Catholic Church’s belief or practice in Halloween actually stems from the ancient druid practice, when they would pray for the dead. The Catholics, they do this on All Souls Day, November 2, and they believe that praying for the dead would alleviate the suffering of the souls of the dead there in Purgatory, a place called the Purgatory, so they say. And through these prayers and other good deeds, such as Sacraments, mortification of the Rosary, almsgiving
they will be able to alleviate the sufferings of the dead people there in Purgatory. One thing we should also point out is that the Catholic Church believes that the souls of the dead continue to live on. And the souls are also immortal that they don’t die.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Jojo, if we can stay on this topic for a moment, are we really sure that the Catholic Church teaches that the soul is immortal or doesn’t die? What is the official teaching of the Catholic Church regarding the human soul?
Brother Jojo Bayani: Well, I’d like to read another book Brother Johnny entitled Modern Catholic Dictionary written by a Catholic priest named John A. Hardin, which has a nihil obstat by a William B. Smith and an imprimatur by Joseph T. O’Keefe. This is recorded on page 514.
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Jojo Bayani
Los Angeles, California
Minister of the Gospel
[Modern Catholic Dictionary, John A. Hardin, Nihil Obstat by William B. Smith and Imprimatur by Joseph T. O’Keefe, Page 514]
“As a simple and spiritual substance, the soul cannot die. Yet it is not the total human nature, since a human person is composed of body animated by the soul.”
Brother Jojo Bayani: So according to what we just read from an official Catholic book, one of the official Catholic teachings or doctrines regarding the soul is that it cannot die. In other words, what the Catholic people believe is the soul is immortal. It cannot die, it continues to go on or exist.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brother Philip, since we are members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, and we base our faith solely upon the teachings that are written or recorded in The Holy Scriptures. Our question is this: Do the teachings in the Holy Scriptures agree with these Catholic notions or beliefs about Purgatory and the immortal soul? Does the Bible say that purgatory…Does the Bible say that purgatory exists? Or is it real? If you could please go further with this Brother Philip?
Brother Philip Velasquez: Well, Brother Johnny, let’s hear it from our Almighty God Himself. It is recorded here in Ezekiel 18, 4 and 20:
Behold, all souls are Mine: The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is Mine; The soul who sins shall die. The soul who sins shall die…
[Ezekiel 18:4 NKJV]
Brother Philip Velasquez: As we’ve read here, according to our Almighty God Himself: The soul that sins shall die. Therefore, the Catholic teaching that the soul is immortal, that it goes on to live, when a person dies– it is false. It goes against the teacher in the Bible, which is God’s teaching. Therefore, any religion teaching something contrary to God’s words, cannot be the true religion. Also, we have to point out…
Brother Johnny Martin: Yes, Brother Philip, please continue.
Brother Philip Velasquez: Also, it’s wrong to say that the soul is the same as the Spirit. And this is where a lot of confusion happens as well.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Solomon, why are we sure that it’s wrong to teach and believe that the soul and the spirit are the same? What is the reason that we are certain that the soul and the spirit are indeed different?
Brother Solomon Joves: Well, in order to answer that question, Brother Johnny and your viewers, what we need to share with you is what the Bible teaches concerning the components that make up a human being. And we can read all about that here in the letter of the apostle Paul, in First Thessalonians 5:23 where it says:
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[I Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV]
Brother Solomon Joves: Now, in this passage, the apostles show us that a human being is made up of three components, namely: the spirit, the soul, and the body. Now, when a person dies, there’s something that happens to each of these three components that make up a human being. And we learned a moment ago, based on what the Bible teaches that when a person dies, his soul dies.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Jojo, what about the remaining two components, the spirit and the body, what happens to the body and to the Spirit, when a person passes away?
Brother Jojo Bayani: If we will humbly recall what the Catholic authority says about the body.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Jojo Bayani
Los Angeles, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Jojo Bayani: In the book that we just read, the body, they say, is animated by the soul. And so we just found out according to the Bible, that when a person dies, his soul dies. Now what becomes of the body, this is what it says in Psalm, chapter 146, verse 4:
When they die, they return to the dust; on that day all their plans come to an end.
[Psalm 146:4 TEV]
Brother Jojo Bayani: So what happens to a man when he dies? What happens to the body of mankind, when it dies, it returns to the ground. And so the soul dies, and the body returns to the ground and dies or passes away as well.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brother Philip, what about what happens to the spirit when one does?
Brother Philip Velasquez: Well, we can understand what actually happens to the spirit when one dies? Because the answer is written in the Bible.
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Philip Velasquez
London, United Kingdom
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Philip Velasquez: In Ecclesiastes 12 and 7:
Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it.
[Ecclesiastes 12:7 NKJV]
Brother Philip Velasquez: According to what we read here. The spirit when one dies, returns to our Almighty God, as opposed to the soul when one dies,
it is not immortal. It doesn’t carry on living. So anyone that teaches that the soul is immortal, and it goes on to live in a place called purgatory is unbiblical, it is unChristian.
Brother Jojo Bayani: Therefore, we cannot read anywhere in the Bible that the soul of a person continues to exist when a person dies. That a soul has any kind of awareness, that a soul continues to feel, that a soul has any consciousness and that it can go on living, and even suffering in a place that they call purgatory.
Brother Solomon Joves: That’s why Brother Jojo and beloved viewers, we members of the Church Of Christ or Iglesia Ni Cristo abstain or keep away from participating in any kind of Halloween celebration, because not only is Halloween, a Catholic religious practice, adapted from paganism, but also the beliefs and the teachings regarding Halloween are against what the Bible teaches. It is contrary to what the Bible says.
Brother Johnny Martin: Okay, dear viewers, because of what the Bible shows us, we can see that the Catholic Church has been teaching an untrue doctrine all these years by telling people that the soul of a person is immortal, the soul does die. But what about the Catholic Church’s teaching on purgatory? Since purgatory was brought up a moment ago. Well, let’s discuss this for a little bit. Why are we sure that purgatory is not real? And the people should not believe in a place called purgatory? What do Catholic Church authorities testify regarding it? Those are the questions we’re going to be tackling as the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition continues, stay with us.
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Welcome back, everyone, we have been talking about Halloween.
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
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Brother Johnny Martin: Now we have seen that Halloween is a Catholic religious practice that has been adapted from paganism. Earlier mentioned and was made about purgatory. One of the things that the Catholic Church believes is that there are souls suffering in Purgatory, and that they can be helped through the actions of the living. Now, Brothers, why are we sure that purgatory is not true or real, and that people should not believe in it? What do the Catholic Church authorities themselves testify regarding purgatory? Well, Brother Philip, we could begin with you. What is purgatory?
Brother Philip Velasquez: Well, let’s find out from a Catholic priest himself, you know, explaining what is actually purgatory.
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Philip Velasquez
London, United Kingdom
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Philip Velasquez: And we can read that in a book entitled, My Catholic Faith, A Catechism In Pictures, and is written by a Catholic priest named Louis LaRavoie Morrow, on page 256. This is what we can read:
[My Catholic Faith, A Catechism In Pictures, Louis LaRavoie Morrow, Page 256]
“1. The doctrine of purgatory was given solemn definition by The Council of Trent as follows: There is a purgatory, and the souls there detained are assisted by the suffrages of the faithful, but especially by the most acceptable sacrifices of the altar. This dogmatic definition contains three points of faith that all Catholics are compelled to believe: (A) that there is purgatory; (B) that after death souls suffer there for their sins; (C) that the living can extend assistance to such souls.”
Brother Philip Velasquez: According to what we read in Catholic belief and teaching– They say that purgatory is a place where souls of dead people go to suffer for their sins. They can, however, receive assistance or help from a Catholic faithful through their prayers, attending Mass and other good works.
Brother Johnny Martin: Okay, we understand what the Catholic Church teaches about purgatory. But that leads us to this very simple but direct question Brother Jojo. Is purgatory biblical?
Brother Jojo Bayani: Well, Brother Johnny, allow me to share with our viewers what is stated here in a book.
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Jojo Bayani
Los Angeles, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Jojo Bayani: A Catholic book entitled, The Teaching of Christ, A Catholic Catechism for Adults, edited by a Catholic priest named Ronald Lawler, and which has a Nihil Obstat by Lawrence Gullner, also a Catholic priest and an imprimatur by Leo A. Pursley, also another Catholic priest. This has been stated on page 527.
[The Teaching of Christ, A Catholic Catechism for Adults, Edited by Ronald Lawler, Nihil Obstat by Lawrence Gullner, Imprimatur by Leo A. Pursley, Page 527]
“The word ‘purgatory’ is not in the Bible, nor is the doctrine of purgatory explicitly taught there.
Brother Jojo Bayani: Now, here are some very important things to point out number one, in this book, the Catholic Church admits and acknowledges that the word ‘purgatory’ is not found in the Bible. Number two, they admit that the teaching or the doctrine regarding purgatory is not explicitly taught in the Bible. It’s not there. And so, here is the point that we want to make to our viewers, especially our loved ones who are members of the Catholic Church, whenever the Catholic Church compels its members to believe in this doctrine that they call purgatory, they are, in essence, forcing their members to believe something that is not only unbiblical, but something that goes against the teaching of the Bible. Now, the Catholic Church also makes a very strong statement that they are the true Church. Well, by reading what we have just read in their own book, and by their admission, we can see that their claim to be the true Church is made null and void by means of this statement that purgatory is not found in the Bible.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, you know, Brother Solomon, so may say well, how come? Why did you say that? Well, why does this admission of Catholic priests that the word and the doctrine of purgatory are not in the Bible, totally refute or disprove the claim of the Catholic Church that it is the Church Of Christ?
Brother Solomon Joves: Well, to answer that, Brother Johnny, allow me to read from a book entitled, Things Catholics Are Asked About.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Solomon Joves
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Solomon Joves: This book was written by a Jesuit priest by the name of Martin J. Scott, and has a Nihil Obstat by Arthur J. Scanlan, also a Catholic priest, and an imprimatur by Patrick Hayes, who is a cardinal in the Catholic Church. This can be read on page 139:
[Things Catholics Are Asked About, Martin J. Scott, Nihil Obstat by Arthur J. Scanlan, Imprimatur by Patrick Hayes, Page 139]
“If the Catholic Church has taught but one false doctrine it is not the Church of Christ.”
Brother Solomon Joves: These Catholic authorities say that if the Catholic Church has ever taught just one doctrine that is false or is unbiblical then they admit that it cannot be the true Church Of Christ. Now, since the Catholic Church has been teaching the doctrine about purgatory for a long time now, and since the Bible does not contain the word or the teaching about purgatory, then it is safe to conclude that the Catholic Church is indeed upholding a teaching or a doctrine that is completely unbiblical, a false doctrine. Therefore, contrary to what they say, contrary to what they claim, the Catholic Church is most definitely not the true Church that belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, dear viewers as we continue our discussion on the subject of Halloween, we’ve already seen how the teaching of the Catholic Church on purgatory is a false doctrine that contradicts the teaching of Scripture.
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: It is not true that there are souls of the dead suffering in a place called purgatory. Now, what are some Halloween practices that people observe during this time of the year and do the teachings of God written in the Bible approve of the holding of such activities? Well, that’s what we’re going to be talking about when we come back. Stay with us on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Welcome back, everyone to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Brother Johnny Martin: We’ve been taking a good look at the celebration of the popular holiday, known as Halloween. Now what are some of the more popular activities being observed during Halloween? Well, let’s take a look at this video clip:
[Video starts]
[Source: YouTube?USAToday]
Elle Duncan: Happy Halloween! Shame I didn’t dress up. You know, it’s time to dress up, take the kids trick or treating. Maybe you’re just gonna stand by your door greeting the little ones of your neighborhood. But as you’re doling out Snickers and Reese’s cups, let’s give you a little food for thought about the real reason that we celebrate All Hallows Eve. It’s believed to have started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when spirits were thought to roam the earth on their way to the afterlife. Some spirits weren’t so friendly. In fact, they were playing tricks on the living so to confuse them, people would dress up in costumes. And to keep the spirits happy, the living would leave out food and drinks. Kind of sounds like Santa Claus. Later on people started going house to house in costume offer to perform their own tricks for some of these fabulous treats. And all these years later, Halloween has morphed into the celebration that you know and love today, a spectacle of costumes, most of them scantily clad, and of course, candy. Have fun today. Trick or treat?
Reporter: In the heart of New York’s Hudson Valley, where Washington Irving’s headless horseman rides, a new spooktacular tradition has arisen. Take one humble Jack-o-lantern. Multiply it by 4000. Add some whimsy and creepiness and you have yourself the great Jack-o-lantern blaze.
Michael Natiello: The Jack-o-lantern is an Irish creation
Reporter: Artist Michael Natiello and his team transformed this colonial manor house into a Halloween Wonderland. Using real and molded plastic faux pumpkins they call “funkins.” So why are pumpkins at all?
Michael Natiello: Well, they don’t rot.
Reporter: And how does funkin seeds taste?
Michael Natiello: They’re kind of chilly
Reporter: Natiellocreates dinosaurs, skeletons, even crates of Lost Souls.
Michael Natiello: Now these are what are referred to as soul effigies or angels of death. And they’re all based upon 18th century headstones, many of which are modeled after the ones down at Sleepy Hollow cemetery.
Reporter: 4000 visitors a night come to marvel at the Jack-o-lantern That’s a one to one ratio of pumpkin to person. What is it that touches people?
Michael Natiello: Many people say it’s like another world.
Reporter: That’s gonna make you feel amazing as an artist. You created another world that’s kind of..
Michael Natiello: That’s the ultimate compliment.
Reporter: Well Natiello is haunted year round by the need to create new and ghoulish gourd designs. You know what they say? It takes a village to make a blaze. So every October hundreds of candle lighters, Carver’s and volunteer scoopers descend knives in hand.
[Video ends]
Brother Johnny Martin: Brothers after watching that video clip, we can see how Halloween is being celebrated. Brother Solomon, let me get your reaction first. And we’ll be watching those video clips.
Brother Solomon Joves: Well, first of all, I would like to mention that a lot of people are, I guess completely unaware of the origin, or the teaching or the underlying religious themes behind the celebration of Halloween.
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Solomon Joves
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Solomon Joves: It’s as if everybody’s caught up in the commercialization of things that businesses for example, are cashing in on the business that Halloween and selling costumes and all the money that it generates. But a lot of people are clearly clueless as to the religious basis why Halloween originated or why it is practiced and that is a very dangerous thing. Because we have to understand that one of the most important things that a person needs to take care of or ensure is his or her salvation, whether he or she will be saved on the day of judgment. And that depends greatly on his or her beliefs, whether it is in line with what the Bible teaches or not.
Brother Philip Velasquez: And it’s funny you say, Brother Solomon, how there are so many people who have been sucked into this, once you call it commercialization of this religious practice, even here in the United Kingdom, it seems exactly the same as they’re over in the States.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Philip Velasquez
London, United Kingdom
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Philip Velasquez: That video that we’ve just watched. We have pumpkins here that Jack-o-lantern the ghouls and the ghosts, and I really believe it’s a worldwide global thing that many, many people actually celebrate.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brothers, you made mention of a couple of things that we did happen to see in the video clips on how Halloween is celebrated, you know, people of different ages dressing up in costumes, doing the trick or treating things, getting candy, carving pumpkins, transforming them into Jack-o-lanterns. Well, you know, the questions that we’re going to ask is, what’s the origin for all of these different things? You know, Brother Jojo, if we can begin with you. When it comes to dressing up in Halloween costumes what should people be aware of when it comes to that?
Brother Jojo Bayani: Yes, for Johnny allow me to read from a book entitled Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, written by Robert J. Meyers, here on pages 260 and 261.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Jojo Bayani
Los Angeles, California
Minister of the Gospel
[Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, Robert J. Meyers, Pages 260 and 261]
“The modern custom of going from door to door begging candy, nuts, apples, and pennies while masked and dressed in a grotesque or outlandish costume goes back ultimately, to the pagan New Year feast. The ghosts that were thought to throng about the houses of the living were greeted with a banquet laden table. At the end of the feast, mask and costume villagers, representing the souls of the dead, paraded to the outskirts of town leading the ghosts away. “With the advent of Christianity, various explanations were forthcoming to give a more Christian rationale for the practice. The masking proceedings have thus been found in the costumed parades of children who went around on the eve of All Soul’s Day (the day following All Saints’ Day) offering to fast for the departed souls in return for money or an offering.”
Brother Jojo Bayani: So based on this book of traditions and holidays, some things that people do whenever they celebrate Halloween is number one, they dress up in costumes, they wear masks. And another thing is they parade wearing those same costumes in order to celebrate what they call Halloween. Now, what is the meaning of dressing up when it comes to Halloween? Well, we know that in the ancient past, according to pagan belief, this represented or symbolizes the souls of the dead. And so in the book that we read, it stated that villagers paraded around so that the ghosts that would inhabit the houses of the living would be driven away from their towns. And so we can see something similar when it comes to parades that involve children, they still wear the same costumes. And that kind of symbolizes what they’re doing in order for the evil spirits to depart. And they fast in order for the souls to be, to be atoned for or saved, in order to have money or an offering in return. And so here’s the point when it comes to the celebration that people call Halloween. Halloween, and the dressing up in Halloween costumes, and the parading around in those same costumes and masks. These are all still connected to false beliefs, originating from pagan beliefs. That is why in the Iglesia Ni Cristo or the Church Of Christ, we do not participate in any of these activities. Even our children, we do not allow them to participate in these things. Someone may say, ‘Well, isn’t that something innocent for the kids to take part in something that is fun?’ No, that’s not the point. Whether our fellow men consider something fun, or something that is innocent. We all know, as long as we all know that something goes against the Bible, that something goes against the will of God, especially during the formative years of our children, then we will not allow them to participate in any of these activities, or originating from false beliefs and even paganism.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Solomon, you know, some people do believe in the existence of ghosts that supposedly haunt places and people. Now, what teaching of the Bible is contradicted by the belief that the dead come back and haunt their houses as ghosts? Thus, they need to be led out by means of Halloween costume parades.
Brother Solomon Joves: To answer that question, let’s turn to the pages of the Bible. Once more in Job 7:9 to 10 this is what we can read:
As the cloud disappears and vanishes away. So he who goes down to the grave does not come up. He shall never return to his house, Nor shall his place know him anymore.
[Job 7:9 to 10 NKJV]
Brother Solomon Joves: So the Bible clearly shows us and teaches us here that once the dead go down to their graves, they do not come up.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Solomon Joves
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Solomon Joves: Once people die and are buried in their graves, they do not go back to their old homes. So there is no truth to the belief that there are haunted houses, hotels, or even ships where there are ghosts of dead people that Romans wonder about making noise breathing on the necks of people who go there, scaring them. There are, however, evil spirits or demons that can possess people, make them howl or scream, make them very strong, make them violent and pose a danger not only to themselves, but also to others. And we can read about that in the Bible in Mark chapter 8 verse or rather, Matthew 8:28, Mark 5:1 to 5. But there are no ghosts or souls of dead people haunting the living.
Brother Solomon Joves: Well Brother Phil, what about trick or treating? You know where the kids are going around from house to house, knocking on doors and saying trick or treating getting candy in return. Well, what should we understand about this popular activity among children that is an integral part of the Halloween celebrations?
Brother Philip Velasquez: Well, I think one thing we all know about trick or treating Brothers is that we’ve all been a victim of it before and it can be quite irritating sometimes.
Brother Philip Velasquez: But let’s see what the Catholic authorities say a About this tradition of trick or treating. Let’s read a book entitled Catholic Customs and Traditions: A Popular Guide written by Greg Dues on pages 196 to 197.
[ Catholic Customs and Traditions: A Popular Guide, Greg Dues, Pages 196 to 197]
“There are several possibilities for the origin of the tradition of giving treats as part of trick or treating…. The more probable origin lies in the pagan New Year celebration among the Celts. It was thought that the ghosts who roamed freely that night would be satisfied with a banquet table laid out in homes. For a while after Christianity arrived in Celtic lands, there was an attempt to transfer this custom to the eve of All Souls Day (November 2). Masked children would go from door to door to pray for the departed loved ones in return for a treat.
Brother Philip Velasquez: According to the Catholic book that we’ve just read, the probable origin of the Halloween costume of trick or treating lies in the pagan New Year’s celebration. They say that ghosts roam freely that night and are offered food in homes. This custom was transferred to become a Catholic custom celebrated on Halloween, where masked children would go from door to door to pray for their dead loved ones, whom they believe are in Purgatory, in return for a tree. Thus, this tradition is connected not only to pagan religious beliefs, but also to that Catholic belief concerning prayers that they offer for the dead, whom they claim are in a place called purgatory, which we have already shown in which we have already shown earlier in the show is a doctrine that cannot be found in the Bible, and it actually contradicts it.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now Brothers we also saw earlier in the videos that the Jack-o-lantern is a permanent fixture during Halloween. Now Brother Jojo, what should we be aware of regarding the Jack-o-lantern? What is its history?
Brother Jojo Bayani: Well, allow me to go back to that book that I read earlier entitled Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, written by Robert J. Myers, and we can read this on page 263.
[Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, Robert J. Myers, Page 263]
There is an old tale connected with the name Jack-o-lantern. It concerns a stingy drunkard of an Irishman, Jack by name, who tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree to get one of the juicy pieces of fruit, then quickly cut the sign of the cross into the trunk of the tree preventing the Devil from coming down. “…As a final gesture the Devil threw a live coal to Jack straight from the fire of hell. Jack had been eating a turnip and he put the coals inside it. Ever since then he had been traveling over the face of the earth with his Jack-o-lantern.’…”
Brother Jojo Bayani: And so here’s the history of the Jack-o-lantern. It is of Irish origin. Supposedly in their fable or tale there was a man named Jack a stingy Irishman, and he was able to trick the devil into climbing up a tree in order to get a juicy piece of fruit by but by cutting the sign of the cross on the tree, he prevented the devil from coming down. And so I guess perhaps out of anger, the Devil threw a live coal straight from the pits of hell. And since Jack had a turnip, he didn’t have a pumpkin, he had a turnip. He put the coal inside the turnip. And ever since he has been traveling all around the world, known as Jack-o-lantern.
Brother Johnny Martin: And by the way, Brothers and dear viewers here also have a brief video clip on the history of Jack-o-lantern that we’d like to share with everyone.
[Video starts]
[Source: YouTube]
Jack-o-lantern originated in Ireland and were made from hollowed out turnips. The term Jack and lantern comes from the folklore story of Stingy Jack who supposedly trapped the devil with a cross and would only release him if the devil agreed never to take his soul. The devil agreed. And since Jack didn’t have to worry about health, he had a pretty terrible life. But when he died, Heaven wouldn’t take him either, so his soul was forced to wander the earth. The devil gave him a coal from hell that could never be extinguished, which Jack put into a hollowed out turnip and used as a lantern to light his way. From then on, he was known as Jack of the lantern, and today it’s been shortened to Jack-o-lantern.
[Video ends]
Brother Johnny Martin: So Dear viewers, we could see that the Jack-o-lantern is not taken from the Bible, but it’s rather an old tale about a drunken Irishman named Jack. That’s the origin of the symbol used to signify the celebration of Halloween and even there we can see the falsity of the faith of the religion that upholds this festival, you know, Brothers Solomon, and I seem to remember that there is something that the apostles wrote regarding old tales. If you could please share that with our viewers.
Brother Solomon Joves: Absolutely Brother Johnny. This is what Apostle Paul taught in First Timothy 4:7, this is what he said.
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales: rather, train yourself to be godly.
[I Timothy 4:7 NIV]
Brother Solomon Joves: The apostle Paul clearly pointed out here that a true Christian should have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales.
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Solomon Joves
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Solomon Joves: And considering that the tale about Jack-o-lantern is based on old tales, we should not believe in it, we should reject it. That’s why members of the Galician decree store Church Of Christ have nothing to do with Halloween. We do not waste any of our time on its activities, especially its activities, all its festivities, its symbols and its practices are not simply old wives tales, but are also from beliefs and religious practices of pagans, not true Christans..
Brother Johnny Martin: What do you know, Brothers and dear viewers, as some might be saying, well, so what’s the big deal? What does it matter if Halloween is connected to paganism? People still enjoy the holiday and have a good time. It’s a lot of harmless fun, and actually, you should join in the celebration as well. Well, how come the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo still choose to not conform to any pagan practices like celebrating Halloween? Well, the answer is here recorded in Ephesians, 4:17 and 18:
Here then is my word to you, and I urge it on you in the Lord’s name: give up living as pagans do with their futile notions. Their minds are closed, they are alienated from the life that is in God, because ignorance prevails among them and their hearts have grown hard as stone.
[Ephesians 4:17 and 18 REB]
Brother Johnny Martin: Dear friends, the apostles tell the members of the Church Of Christ that they are to give up living as pagans do. Now, when we give up something. We stopped doing that. We learned today that Halloween is a Catholic celebration with roots in paganism. So even though celebrating Halloween may be popular, it may be fun to join in Halloween activities. Well as Iglesia Ni Cristo members we choose to not participate in that celebration, in obedience to God’s will, that we give up living as pagans do. So it is advisable that people around the world put an end to spending their time, effort and even money in celebrating Halloween and instead, use that precious time well, or in doing things good and pleasing to the Lord God that is in obeying His laws and commands, which shall result in our salvation and eternal life.
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: We’d like to thank Brother Jojo Bayani in Los Angeles, Brother Solomon Joves in San Francisco, and Brother Philip Velazquez in London, England, for giving us Bible-based answers so that, as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church, ‘you will be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are,’ which we could read in first Peter 3:15.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, that’s all we have for today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We hope you’ll join us again next time. I’m Johnny Martin, and thank you for watching. And as we come to the end of the program, we invite you to join us for a short prayer.
Brother Philip Velasquez: Almighty God most merciful Father, we praise and honor your holy name. We thank you also their god that you have given us this wonderful opportunity to proclaim Your truth, Dear Father, to our friends, our loved ones, all the viewers to the show Dear God. We beg and pray please, that you allow these words of yours to see deep into our hearts and our minds so that we may all come to the knowledge of the truth, Dear Father’s to the true form of service to you, to your promise of salvation come the day of judgment. Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon you. Please bring this prayer to Our Father. We also ask you for the forgiveness of our sins, Lord Jesus, and that you will continue to bless the Church in its works of propagation. Almighty God as we returned to you, once again, in this prayer, we pray for our Church Administrator, who continues to spearhead all of these projects of propagation for the glory and honor of Your Holy Name. These things we pray through the name of Your Son, Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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