Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Who Are God’s Children?

Just because God created all people, doesn't mean He considers all people His children. Sin has separated mankind from God, but there's still hope.


Who Are God’s Children?

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Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas

Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas: We are all God’s children. We are all brothers and sisters, and God has shown his face to us as a loving God, as a loving brother. 

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Brother Johnny Martin: This Catholic archbishop said, “We are all God’s children.” But is that true? Are we all God’s children? Does the Bible say that all people are God’s sons and daughters? That’s what we will discuss today here on The Message. 

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The Message

Brother Johnny: Hello, I’m Brother Johnny Martin.

Brother Joe Velasquez: And I’m Brother Joe Velasquez. 

Brother Johnny: And we’re here in our San Francisco Bay Area studios. Dear friends, thank you so very much for joining us today. 

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The Message

Brother Johnny Martin

Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Johnny: Now, a moment ago, we saw a video clip where an archbishop in the Catholic Church said that we’re all God’s children. Many people subscribe to the idea that all people are the children of God—but is that true? Members of the Church of Christ, the Iglesia Ni Cristo, we believe that the Bible is the word of God. 

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Who Are God’s Children? 

Are we all God’s children?

Brother Johnny: So, does the Bible teach that all people are God’s children? In the first place, Brother Joe, how should the One true God be recognized? 

Brother Joe: Let’s read here in Isaiah 64:4, 8, and this is the teaching of the Holy Bible:

No one has ever seen or heard of a God like you, who does such deeds for those who put their hope in him. But you are our father, LORD. We are like clay, and you are like the potter. You created us, 

[Isaiah 64:4, 8 Good News Bible]

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The Message

Brother Joe Velasquez

Minister of the Gospel

Brother Joe: Did you notice here, dear viewers? This is what the Bible says about our Lord, the One true God: “No one has ever seen or heard of a God like You. You are our Father. You created us.” So, the Father, the One true God in heaven is the creator of all mankind, and it is a biblical truth that all people are made or created by God. 

Brother Johnny: Now, you know Brother Joe and dear friends, some might be wondering along these lines, “Well, because God created all people, is it not the right of all people to be considered by God as His children?” What’s the answer of the Bible to that question? 

Brother Joe: Well, the Bible gives us a very clear answer, Brother Johnny, here in Malachi 2:10. Allow me to read here, and this is what is stated: 

Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously with one another By profaning the covenant of the fathers? 

[Malachi 2:10 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, what is a right that every person whom God created should have had? The Scriptures say, “Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us?” Thus, it should have been the right of all people created by God to be counted as His children. 

Sin separates us from God

Brother Johnny: But Brother Joe, does God recognize everybody as being His children? Does God recognize all human beings as His children, though the Scriptures teach that God created all mankind? And though all people should have the right to be counted as His children? Brother Joe, what happened? 

Brother Joe: Well, the Bible, again, can give us the answer here, this time in Deuteronomy chapter is 32, the verses are 5 down to 6, and this is what is stated: 

They have done evil against him. To their shame they are no longer his children; they are an evil and lying people. This is not the way to repay the LORD, you are foolish and unwise. He is your Father and Maker, who made you and formed you. 

[Deuteronomy 32:5-6 New Century Version]

Brother Joe: Is it true that all human beings are recognized by God as His people simply because all people are created by God? The Bible shows us very clearly that people have lost the right to be God’s children. The verse says here that they are no longer God’s children. Why is that so? It’s because they have done evil against our Almighty God. So, our Lord God refuses to acknowledge as His children the people of this world, because of the evil that they have done. They lost their right to be God’s children. 

Brother Johnny: Brother Joe, let’s stay on this point for a moment. Since when have people done what is evil in the eyes of God, and thus, God has disowned them as His children? 

Brother Joe: Well, let us find out the answer here Brother Johnny, in the Book of Malachi, the chapter is 3, the verse is 7. Allow me to read here, and this is the teaching of the Holy Bible: 

Yet from the days of your fathers You have gone away from My ordinances And have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” Says the LORD of hosts. “But you said, ‘In what way shall we return?’

[Malachi 3:7 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, since when have people done evil against our Almighty God, which is why God has disowned them as His children? The Bible says, “…from the days of your fathers, You have gone away from My ordinances And have not kept them.” 

Who are the ones being referred to here as ‘your fathers’—from whose time people have gone away from God’s ordinances or commands? Well, they were the first people whom God created, namely Adam and Eve. Well, isn’t it true that in their time, when they were in the Garden of Eden, the only people on Earth broke the laws and commands that God had given them, which they understood fully well. They sinned against our Almighty God. 

However, are Adam and Eve the only ones guilty of disobedience and sin? Well, the answer is no, because the Bible says that all people have sinned (and we could read that in Romans 5:12), except our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone did not commit any sin, according to I Peter 2:21-22. And because of peoples’ sinfulness, they lost the right to be the children of God. 

There is still hope to become a child of God

Brother Johnny: Now, dear viewers, does this mean to say that there’s no hope for the people of the world to regain the right of being God’s children? No, there is still hope. God said, return to Me—”Return to Me, and I will return to you,” What should we notice? Despite the sins and evils done by people, God is still giving them a chance. He invites people to return to Him. Now, you might be wondering, how do we do that? How do we do that? Brother Joe, how can people regain the right to be the children of God, according to the Bible? 

Brother Joe: And this is what we can read here, Brother Johnny, in John 1:12. This is what is stated: 

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 

[John 1:12 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, how can people regain the right to be God’s children? Well, the Bible’s answer is very clear—but as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God. Therefore, one cannot receive the right to be among God’s children, unless it is given to him. Now, who are given such [a] right and privilege? Those who receive our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, how does one receive our Lord Jesus Christ? By firmly believing or having faith in His name. 

Brother Johnny: However, dear viewers, does this mean that all who claim to believe in Christ truly have the right to be God’s children? Who among those who believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ are recognized by God to be members of His household and His children?

Brother Joe: The Bible tells us the answer again, Brother Johnny, here in Ephesians, the chapter is 2, the verses are 19 down to 20, and this is what is recorded here:

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 

[Ephesians 2:19-20 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, what we read here is Apostle Paul’s statement. Now, how did the apostle Paul describe the people to whom he was talking? He said, you are the fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. Notice that they are already members of God’s household, and because they are members of the household of God, they have already gained the right to become God’s children. But, who are those who are recognized as the household of God? Apostle Paul said here, “having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,” Thus, they are the ones who are built upon our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the chief cornerstone.

Brother Johnny: Well, let’s talk about this a little bit more, Brother Joe. Who are the ones built upon our Lord Jesus Christ? What is it that has been built on the chief cornerstone, who is our Lord Jesus Christ? 

Brother Joe: Well, let’s read the testimony of the Holy Bible, Brother Johnny, here in Matthew 16:18. This is the pronouncement of the Holy Scriptures, and this is what we can read: 

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 

[Matthew 16:18 Revised Standard Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, what is it that was built upon our Lord Jesus Christ? The Church that Christ Himself built. 

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The Message

Brother Johnny Martin

Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Johnny: So, Brother Joe and dear friends, there is a Church built by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now, you might be wondering, well does that Church have a name? According to the apostles, does the Church that our Lord Jesus Christ built have a name, and if so, Brother Joe, what is the name of that Church that our Lord Jesus Christ built? 

Brother Joe: Let us turn once again, Brother Johnny, to the Holy Bible here in Acts 20:28. This is what is stated here:

Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood. 

[Acts 20:28 George Lamsa Translation]

Brother Joe: And so, Brother Johnny and dear viewers, the name of the Church that our Lord Jesus Christ built is clearly mentioned in the Holy Bible and it is the Church Of Christ. And so, according to the Holy Bible, the members of the Church Of Christ are the ones considered by God as His household or His children. And so, Church Of Christ members are so very fortunate. They are the true brothers and sisters in the sight of our Almighty God. 

You must be made holy

Brother Johnny: You know, Brother Joe, you know what others might say, “We learned from the Bible that all people—and that includes members of the Church Of Christ—have sinned. And that sin has caused mankind to lose the right to be God’s children.” So how could the members of the Church Of Christ have regained the right to be children of God?

Brother Joe: Well it’s true that members of the Church Of Christ also have committed sin. Well, we can read the answer stated here in the Holy Bible, in Hebrews, the chapter is 2 and the verse is 11, and this is what is recorded:

For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,

[Hebrews 2:11 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, what is the unique quality of the members of the Church Of Christ, even though they also committed sins? Well, we heard what was written here in the Holy Bible, “For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” 

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Who Are God’s Children? 

Brother Joe: So, it is stated very clearly here in the Holy Bible that there is one who sanctifies, and there are those who are being sanctified. Now, what does being sanctified mean? It means to be made holy. So we need to understand, dear viewers, that man needs to be made holy, for by himself man is unholy in the sight of God because of those sins, which he has committed. 

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The Message

Brother Joe Velasquez

Minister of the Gospel

Brother Joe: Now who is being referred to as the one who sanctifies man? It’s our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thus, Christ and those whom He has sanctified are one household, or members of the same household, and that is the household of God. And so, Brother Johnny and dear viewers, they are the children of God. 

Brother Johnny: Now of course, Brother Joe, our friends who are watching this right now, they would like to have a little more clarification. According to the teaching of the Bible, well who are referred to as those whom our Lord Jesus Christ sanctified or made holy? 

Jesus died for our sins

Brother Johnny: Can just anyone claim this for himself. How can people be sanctified, Brother Joe, and thus have the right to be the children of God?

Brother Joe: Well let’s find out the answer stated here, Brother Johnny, in Ephesians 1:5, 7. Again, notice we’re just reading the teaching of the Holy Bible. And this is what is stated here:

having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, …In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace

[Ephesians 1:5, 7 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, how is it that people can be sanctified by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? It is through His blood or His death. Now why is it that through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, people can be sanctified by Him? What blessing was received by those whom Christ redeemed through His death. It’s the forgiveness of sins. 

Now those whom our Lord Jesus Christ redeemed, through His death, can now rightly say, “Jesus died for our sins.” Therefore, people who have sinned and are considered unholy can be sanctified, and can become members of God’s household, by means of the redemption of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But who are these people redeemed by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

Brother Johnny: You know, Brother Joe, that is a really great question. Dear friends, what is it that our Lord Jesus Christ redeemed or purchased with His blood, not according to our opinion, but according to the Bible?

Brother Joe: Well, Brother Johnny, the Bible tells us the answer again here in the Book of Acts 20:28. This is what we can read:

Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed your overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood. 

[Acts 20:28 George Lamsa Translation]

Brother  Joe: Did you notice here, dear viewers, what Christ redeemed or purchased with His precious blood is the Church Of Christ. Therefore, based upon what the Bible teaches, the members of the true Church Of Christ are the ones who have been sanctified, and thus they are the true brothers and sisters in the sight of God. They’re the ones who have the right to call one another as brothers and sisters.

Brother Johnny: Well dear friends, we have seen from the Bible, the Bible teaches this, that the members of the Church Of Christ are the true children of God. Well, dear viewers, does that mean though that mere membership in the Church Of Christ is enough for people to be regarded by God as His true children?

Brother Joe: Well let’s find out the answer, here in the Book of 1 John 3:10. And this is what the Bible says:

In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.

[1 John 3:10 New King James Version]

Brother Joe: And so dear viewers, in this verse that we have read, it is clear from the letter of the apostle John, addressed to the members of the Church Of Christ, that he clarified to them that there is a distinction that will tell apart the children of God from the children of the devil. 

Now what will show whether or not a person is truly among God’s children? The verse says here, “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.” Thus, God’s true children are the members of the Church Of Christ who practice righteousness. They live their lives in accordance with God’s teachings that are written in the Holy Bible. So if someone joins the true Church but later on stops practicing righteousness, well he or she is in danger of not remaining among the children of God.

Brother Johnny: You know, Brother Joe, at this part of our study, there might be somebody at home watching the program right now and they’re going, you know, “Why should I even want to be counted among the children of God?” Why should people want to be included with the children of God? How important is it to be God’s children? What awaits God’s children who practice righteousness? Brother Joe, according to the Bible, what can God’s righteous people, God’s righteous servants, expect?

Brother Joe: Well, this is what the Bible teaches us, Brother Johnny, in Proverbs 3:33. This is what is recorded:

The LORD’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous.

[Proverbs 3:33 New International Version]

Brother Joe: Dear viewers, the Bible says here, God blesses the home of the righteous. He lays in store for them blessings here in this life. Now isn’t it true, dear viewers, that nowadays in this time of affliction, we all need God’s blessings? We can have confidence that we will receive God’s blessings, when we are counted among His righteous children. Are blessings here in this life the only things that God has in store for His righteous children? What tremendous grace is waiting for God’s children, on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ’s return?

Brother Johnny: Well Brother Joe, to get the answer to that question, dear viewers, as we always do inside the Iglesia Ni Cristo, we’re just going to get the answer recorded in the Bible. We’re going to read what it says here in Romans 8:16- 17:

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirsheirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

[Romans 8:16-17 New King James Version]

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The Message

Brother Johnny Martin

Minister of the Gospel 

Brother Johnny: Dear friends, when people are God’s children—they are heirs. The apostles said right here in the verse, “If children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” What will God’s children inherit from God? His promises of salvation, eternal life, and dwelling with Him in His Kingdom when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. You see, based on the Bible, God blesses His children, not only in this life, but also on Judgment Day.

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The Message

Brother Joe Velasquez

Minister of the Gospel

Brother Joe: And, Brother Johnny, it truly is good to be counted among God’s sons and daughters today. They are the members of the true Church Of Christ who practice righteousness in their daily lives. And so, dear viewers, the Bible has shown us today that there is indeed hope for people to be counted among God’s true children in these last days—if we become members of the Church Of Christ, which Christ redeemed with His blood, our sins will be forgiven.

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Who Are God’s Children? 

Brother Johnny: And, dear friends, if we remain inside the true Church, living our lives in accordance with God’s words, then we can be sure that we remain God’s children whom He will bless in this life, and whom He will reward with salvation and everlasting life, on the upcoming Day of Judgment. So dear friends, on behalf of all of us here at The Message, we would like to thank you so very much for joining us today in our study of God’s message. We hope that you’ll continue to watch this and the other programs of the Iglesia Ni Cristo on

Brother Johnny: But if before we go, we’d like to ask you to please join us for a short prayer.

Brother Johnny: Our Almighty Father. Dear Lord, we thank You so very much for all the blessings and all the goodness that You have given to all of Your children in these last days. 

We also want to thank You, Dear Father, for granting us this opportunity right now for us to be able to share Your words, Your truth, with our fellowmen. 

Dear Father, we pray that You will have mercy on all who have watched the program. May You bless each and every one. Bless our visitors, dear Father, our viewers, our guests. Help them to understand Your teaching. And may it be, dear Father, that we will all be together inside the true Church Of Christ, being Your sons and daughters in these last days, who will serve You and honor Your name.

Please, dear Father, continue to bless this program. May it continue to be Your effective instrument in not only strengthening the faith of the brethren, but also helping more and more of our fellowmen to come to know Your truth. 

Please, Lord Jesus, remember us. Please talk to our God for us, O Lord. And please continue to give us the blessings that we need so that we, O Lord, can continue to serve You and our Father inside Your Holy Church.

Dear Father, we believe You have listened to our prayer. We have all received Your blessing and we are one with the spirit of the Church Administration.

We pray in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Brother Joe: Amen.

[Show Close]


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Who Are God’s Children?