Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

A Story About God

Man standing in front of black curtain

A man explores the ups and downs of his life and marvels at the chapters God has written in his story because he learns that God truly has great plans!

Making Forever Friends

Woman in front of black curtain

A high schooler has a difficult time choosing friends. But after praying she finds belonging, and community in her Church youth group. A true blessing!

I Choose Life

Woman standing in front of black curtain

A woman diagnosed with an aneurysm decides to completely rely on God and live life intentionally after realizing there are no guarantees in life.

What’s New With The INC Giving Project

Young woman smiling, standing under text that says “New Year, New You! New ways to help other ins 2024.”

INC Giving volunteers in different countries are giving back to the community. Join Taylor Joy for this recap to see all the various ways acts of kindness are being shared around the world.

Church Of Christ Grows in Chile, California, and Southern Africa

On the left, a group of people smile and pose for a photo; on the right, a man in white robes prepares to be submerged for baptism.

From South America to Southern Africa, the latest and most inspiring events happening in the Church Of Christ. Featuring the ecclesiastical districts: Santiago, Chile Inaugural Worship Service in South America, Baptism in Northwest California, Dimbaza Inaugural Worship Service in Southern Africa, and Evangelical Mission in Taiwan South.
