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Church Of Christ Celebrates 50 Years of Blessings in Toronto, Canada

In Toronto, Canada, watch the celebration through the lives of pioneering members overcoming challenges over the past 50 years while upholding the greatest priority in their lives, their faith.


Brother Tyler Worthen: 

Marking its golden jubilee in Toronto, Canada, the Church Of Christ joyously commemorates five decades of steadfast faith that brought them to this significant milestone since its establishment in 1974 Let’s learn how one pioneering family celebrates with others through heartfelt reflection on the courageous pioneers whose dedication to their faith led to this moment.  Michael Robinson has the story.


Michael Robinson:  Imagine finding yourself in a foreign land, thousands of miles away from your loved ones, working hard to build a new life. This was the reality 50 years ago for these residents in Toronto, Canada. Dealing with a new culture, and no one to help … these were challenges faced by residents like Rolando Obcena and his wife May who at that time were working out to make a new life.

Rolando Obcena (Toronto, Canada):  It was more than 50 years ago, November 1973.

When I left the Philippines, I didn’t have any notable thinking on what I’m going to face.

May Obcena (Toronto, Canada):  Of course, you are still shy.  Although you know how to speak English, it’s different when you are speaking it.  It is different than when you’re writing it.   When I came, I had an 11 month old baby in tow, so it was not easy.

Michael Robinson: But instead of worrying, Rolando and his wife May found strength in their faith and determination. 

Rolando Obcena (Toronto, Canada):  The truth is when you are by yourself, especially here in Canada.  So I entrust everything to God that He would be able to help me in that situation that I was in.

Michael Robinson: His faith that kept him and his family going because 

it was also 50 years ago that the Church Of Christ which he belonged to would begin to be established in Toronto.  And as his family grew in Toronto, so did the Church Of Christ.  And now 50 years later, Rolando and many other pioneering members of the Church Of Christ in Toronto are celebrating God’s blessings throughout the years together.

Michael Robinson:  A celebration of all members in the congregation of Toronto  joining for an evening embracing the fruitful years of the true faith here at the Woodbine Banquet Hall by recognizing those pioneering members in their dedication of faith while also giving members the opportunity to relive the history of God’s blessings in Toronto.   Like Fe Quero her life also resembling a similar journey as well the resilience of pioneers of the Church Of Christ here in Toronto.

Fe Querro (Pioneer Member, Toronto,Canada):   When we arrived in Canada in 1975, actually our hope was to find the Church because Brother Mario and I were like, We didn’t know anybody until we found the Church. 

May Obcena (Toronto, Canada):  At that time, it was still a committee prayer.  There’s no Group Worship Service at that time.  But the very fact we were able to worship that was already a very big blessing for us.

Brother Emiliano Magtuto, Jr. (Minister of the Gospel): I witnessed the tenacity, the endurance and the patience of the brethren during those early days of the congregation.  As you can imagine, the congregation was just starting, but still they performed their duty without hesitation.  And as a matter of fact, some of them are still fulfilling their duties until now. 

Michael Robinson:  That tenacity still shared until now, the congregation of Toronto adding more members over the years and sprouting to more places in the Greater Toronto area with more congregations with newly established districts like Eastern Ontario and Southern Ontario.  Even further beautifying and renovation of their current house of worship later rededicated to the Lord God led by the Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ.    

A celebration nothing less than amazing in seeing these inspiring pioneers of the true faith celebrated while celebrating God’s blessings in Toronto over the years.   This dedication of faith also now extended to the next generation as the youth of the Church Of Christ and how they can continue the legacy of those before them through the true faith.  

Brother Pastor Palacios. (Minister of the Gospel):  You are the future of the Church and you will be the ones replacing us. Leading the members of the Church of Christ in Toronto.  It is a nice gesture before God that you would be a great help to the Administration in taking care of the Church because your parents, we have already made ourselves the best we could to fulfill our duty, helping the Administration.

Brother Emiliano Magtuto, Jr. (Minister of the Gospel):  Carry on.  Carry on holding the torch of victory and be the beacon of truth, light and righteousness for all people in this world.  

Michael Robinson:  And even after 50 years, the same sentiment remains in what is most important.

May Obcena (Toronto, Canada):  Performing your duty is always the priority.  Put God first place in your heart and everything will come down.  

Rolando Obcena (Toronto, Canada):  What should be given to the younger generation is hold on to our faith, stand your ground.  So whatever happens to you or whatever our challenges in life, we should always rely on God and most importantly, be prayerful.

Michael Robinson: This celebration not only commemorates the past but also looks towards the future, and for Toronto, a powerful message has been shared, to prioritize one’s faith to God above all else.  For in doing so, we find strength, guidance, and the success that comes from the Lord God to the Church Of Christ, like here in Toronto.  Michael Robinson, Iglesia Ni Cristo News Network

Brother Tyler Worthen:  Praise be to God for the ongoing success of the Church Of Christ in Toronto, Canada.   If you are celebrating a significant event or a milestone in your congregation, drop a comment below and share the excitement with us.   Well that does it for us on INC News World. Tune in every Sunday for new episodes on INCTV, and every Saturday on, our YouTube channel and on streaming platforms. I’m Brother Tyler Worthen, thank you for joining us. Stay safe and we’ll see you next time. God bless.


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Church Of Christ Celebrates 50 Years of Blessings in Toronto, Canada