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Search Results for: bible – Page 9


Did God send Jesus Christ to die? How does Jesus being crucified on the cross forgive me of my sins? And did Jesus die for everyone?
Why are there so many Christian church denominations? How do you know which type of Christianity is one with Christ? You asked, the Bible answers.
Has God’s law changed through the different dispensations of time in the Bible? What laws have changed since the Old Testament and who changed them?
Have you ever asked, “Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? Is He slow to respond?” The road to an answered prayer is more than offering up words to God.
¿Cuánto tiempo le toma a darse cuenta de que estás perdido? Escuchar lo que la Biblia dice acerca de que se pierdan y quién recurrir en busca de orientación. (English Translation)How long does it take you to realize that you are lost? Hear what the Bible says about being lost and who to turn to for
What is the definition of a cult? You asked, the Bible answers.
An amateur artist from Nueva Ecija shares the inspiration behind her sketch of the Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ and the response she received.
What does the Bible say about debates between Christians? Are all Christians the same? You asked, the Bible answers.
If there’s only one Bible, why are there so many different denominations? According to history, what happened to Church established by Jesus Christ? Join us for part one of the Real History of Christianity series.
La Iglesia de Cristo dedica recursos para ayudar a los necesitados. ¿Cuál es la razón bíblica para hacer esto? (English Translation) The Church of Christ or Iglesia de Cristo devotes resources to help those in need. What is the biblical reason for doing this?