Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: parents – Page 8


Is Halloween just a harmless celebration for your children? How do you explain what Halloween is to your children and why Christians shouldn’t celebrate it?
How do we know if God hears our prayers? Learn three reasons why God may not be listening to your prayers and how you can build a relationship with God.
Dating is complicated these days.  But how should one approach dating as a Christian? What’s the difference between dating and Christian courtship?
People wonder if the God in the Bible is real. But is it possible you don’t believe in God or proof of God’s existence because of your own criteria?
Life is hard when you don’t know where to turn. A young woman struggling with family problems finds the peace she needs to overcome her sadness.
Are church leaders bound to fail? Despite pressure to adapt to changing beliefs and trends, and a growing mistrust towards leaders, it is possible for a Church leader to authentically care without compromising biblical teachings.
Many religions place great importance in baptism, but could they be conducting baptism incorrectly? Is there a type of baptism accepted in the Bible?
Do conversations about faith and religion have to be awkward? Is it possible to respectfully agree to disagree over something as important as salvation?
Coping with stress as a young adult, can be overwhelming. A college student asks how to handle the stresses of life, as he works towards his own life goals.
Scientists believe they’re close to extending life but can today’s technology lead to immortality? Or is the key to eternal life found only in the Bible?