Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: parents – Page 11


A young man accepts an invite to a Bible study in the INC where he learns that true prayer isn’t done with a rosary or by repeating memorized words.
Martin struggled through life with an abusive father, a broken family, and going to churches that had no real faith. Then he accepts an invite to the INC.
Not sure how to start a conversation about your faith? Maybe you don’t know what faith topics to talk about? See how can help you out.
Is it possible to work from home and homeschool? Listen to Christian moms discuss how to adjust to the new normal with prayer, patience, and God.
When 10-year-old Sophia Espiritu was diagnosed with a rare pediatric cancer, her family depended on God for hope and a chance to live cancer-free.
After being homeless and discharged from the military, a hopeful man decides to join the Church Of Christ and learns that God can change his life.
Struggling with change can feel like things are out of your control. A young Christian learns to trust God by embracing the changes happening around her.
Motherhood can be tough but it’s also very rewarding. Listen to Christian moms discuss the reasons why motherhood is so worth it and is a great blessing.
Bruce was confused about his religion, especially when it came to the trinity doctrine. That is until he met someone who believed in the one true God.
A young man, raised in the Catholic Church, shares how he faced his fear of disappointing his parents when he decided to join the Church Of Christ.