- [2:21] – Is there a difference in religions?
- [7:16] – what kind of service does God want to be rendered to Him?
- [17:05] – What is the True church?
[Show open]
Host: Driving around your own neighborhood, you might come across more than just a few church buildings, chapels, and other places of worship. If one is looking to attend a service on any given Sunday, one might wonder, will just any church do?
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Today’s Topic
“Will just any Church Do?”
Brother Bob Pellien: Since so many believe that all churches are the same anyway. Many believe that it doesn’t really matter which religion you join this week or next week as long as you’re worshiping. But is that what the Bible teaches?
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Bob Pellien
Minister of the Gospel
San Francisco, California
Brother Bob Pellien: I’m Bob Pellien. Today, we will be asking, will just any church do? Find out today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition, and joining us in this week’s discussion on this important topic is Brother Reuel Salazar there in Jacksonville, Florida.
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Reuel Salazar
Minister of the Gospel
Jacksonville, Florida
Brother Bob: Brother Andrew Fisher in Melbourne, Australia.
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Andrew Fisher
Minister of the Gospel
Melbourne, Australia
Brother Bob: As well as Brother Felmar Serrano in Vancouver, Canada
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Felmar Serrano
Minister of the Gospel
Vancouver, Canada
Brother Bob: Brothers, thank you for joining the discussion, and welcome to the program for this week.
Brother Reuel Salazar: Hello, Brother Bob.
Brother Andrew Fisher: Hey, Brother Bob.
Brother Felmar Serrano: Hello, Brother Bob. Good to see you brothers
Brother Bob: Thank you as well, brothers. You know to get right into our discussion today, let’s first take a look at this Pew Research study that, well, it shows what Americans look for first when choosing a new church to join. 83 percent say the quality of sermons is what leads them to decide the religion or church. 79 percent say feeling welcomed by the church leaders, and 74 percent say that the style of services is what drew them to their religious affiliation. You know the list goes on and on like that, but notice how not on this list is the teachings of the church were based on the Bible. That none of them said that was the reason that they joined that particular religious affiliation or church. So let us first ask, is there a difference then between the many religions in the world nowadays, and how can we know which church is of God and which church is of man? Let’s go to you first, Brother Felmar.
Brother Felmar: Well, Brother Bob, to answer your first question, is there a difference between all the many religions in the world now? Yes, there is a difference. However, what many are aware of is the widespread belief that all religions are said to be the same because all religions are supposedly serving the one same God.
Brother Reuel: Right, but you know, friends, even if it were true, it is to God that all religions render their services? Not all of them are deemed worthy and accepted by God. People really need to search for the true religion which belongs to God. And anyone who wants to serve Him and be saved should enter in that religion and remain in it.
Brother Bob: Yes, so what is the difference then? Let’s go to you, Brother Andrew. What’s the difference, then?
Brother Andrew: We’ll allow the bible to answer us there, Brother Bob. We can read in the Book of Isaiah 58, and the verses are 2 up to 3. Let me read what the bible says.
Day after day, they worship me. They seem ready and willing to know how I want them to live. They act as if they were a nation that does what is right. They act as if they have not turned away from my commands. They claim to want me to give them fair decisions. They seem ready and willing to come near and worship me. ‘We have gone without food,’ they say. ‘Why haven’t you noticed it? We have made ourselves suffer. Why haven’t you paid any attention to us?’ “On the day when you fast, you do as you please. You take advantage of all your workers.
[Isaiah 58:2-3 New International Reader’s Version]
Brother Andrew: You know, dear viewers, notice that although these people mentioned in the verses we read are worshiping God day after day. We can see that our Lord God does not recognize the things that they do as true service to Him because they are replacing true service and true religion with something completely different.
Brother Bob: Wait a minute, what do you mean they are replacing it with something different? How are they replacing it?
Brother Andrew: Well, Brother Bob, notice what our Lord God said. They seem ready and willing to know how I want them to live. You know what is meant by the word seem? If we look at dictionary.com, It means to appear to be true, to give an outward appearance of being, or to pretend to be. Therefore, in other words, they are not really true. They are just seeming to be true or pretending to be true.
Brother Bob: Brother Felmar, let’s go to you next. What else does God have to say about such people as that, that are pretentious like that?
Brother Felmar: Well, Brother Bob, if I may point out several things in what the Lord our God mentioned in the verses that we quoted like. As if they were a nation that does what is right. So there are those who are not really doing what is right. It’s only as if they’re doing it. God went on to say, as if they have not turned away from my commands. So they only pretend to have not turned away from the true commands of God. And they seem ready and willing to come near and worship me. So they are not really ready to come near and worship God the right way. In other words, there are those who are pretentious in the way they serve God.
Brother Reuel: One thing to also point out, Brother Bob, is God did not accept such kind of worship and services to Him. As those people who did such things said unto themselves, why haven’t you noticed it? Why haven’t you paid any attention to us, and even after they denied themselves by fasting or abstaining from food, what did God tell them? On the day when you fast, you do as you please.
Brother Bob: So, dear friends, what we should understand at this early point of our discussion? Well, you know God does want to accept such services or religions like that because what such people are doing is it’s not what God wants. It’s what they alone want. They themselves want to. Although they may try to serve Him, but their objective is to satisfy their own personal welfare, their own whim. So the next logical question and dear brothers, to ask now is this, what kind of service then does God want to be rendered to Him?
Brother Andrew: Brother Bob, we have to go back to the bible to get the answer to that question, and we can read it in the Book of Deuteronomy 10:12-13. This is what we can read from the bible.
So now Israel, what do you think God expects from you? Just this: Live in his presence in holy reverence, follow the road he sets out for you, love him, Serve God, your God, with everything you have in you, obey the commandments and regulations of God that I’m commanding you today- live a good life.
[Deuteronomy 10:12-13 The Message]
Brother Andrew: You know, dear friends, we should notice there is something that our Lord God expects of us when it comes to the service that we render to Him. and what is that? Well He expects that we will live in holy reverence that we will follow the road that He sets out for us. And not only that but what does our Lord God expect? That we would love and serve Him by obeying the commandments and regulations that our Lord God has given.
Brother Bob: But Brother, can just anyone who does this – follow God’s commands love and serve Him – does this mean that God will automatically then henceforth accept that person and their services? Isn’t that there are many people who say that they love God, and many who say that they are serving God in many different kinds of religious groups, and many of them call themselves Christians, too, right?
Brother Reuel: No, it’s not that simple, Brother Bob, because there is a difference, as you said earlier in the beginning of our discussion, and that’s what we can read in the Book of Romans 10, and the verses are two down to three.
I can say this about them[For I testify about them that…]: They really try to follow God [have a zeal for God], but they do not know the right way. [their zeal is misguided/uninformed/undiscerning; not according to knowledge]. Because they did not know [or ignored] the way that God makes people right with him [righteousness of God], they tried to make themselves right in their own way [sought to establish their own righteousness]. So they did not accept God’s way of making people right [ submit to God’s righteousness].
[Romans 10:2-3 The Expanded Bible]
Brother Reuel: Did you notice their friends? Although there are people who claim that they try to follow God, but they do not know the right way. Indeed people cannot follow what they do not know. What is the right way that those people do not know? Well, the way God makes people right with Him.
Brother Bob: Brothers, why is it necessary for people to be considered and made right by God with Him in the first place?
Brother Felmar: Brother Bob, It’s because when people sinned against God, people were separated from Him or became far away from God, so people who have sinned against God need to be made right with Him first according to God’s way of reconciliation. Only then will our services to God be acceptable or worthy.
Brother Bob: I see, however. What are the people who have no knowledge or understanding about this do?
Brother Felmar: That’s the thing, Brother Bob, there are those who try to set up their own way to be right in God’s sight. Other people have established their own righteousness instead of submitting to God’s righteousness.
Brother Bob: So it’s obvious then it’s very important to find out now what is the right way? What’s the right way of knowing God? Does the Bible tell us that also, Brother Felmar, explicitly?
Brother Felmar: It does, Brother Bob, and we invite everyone along with our viewers to listen to what’s stated here in First John chapter 2, and the verse is three.
And this is how we may discern [daily, by experience] that we are coming to know Him [to perceive, recognize, understand, and become better acquainted with Him]: if we keep (bear in mind, observe, practice) his teaching (precepts, commandments).
[1 John 2:3 Amplified Bible ]
Brother Felmar: So the true way of knowing God or the true religion that is of God is by keeping His commandments, precepts, and His teachings.
Brother Bob: Dear friends, if we’re able to be certain that God will count our services and count our worship of Him as acceptable and to be recognized as truly of God, then we should never depart from His commandments, never depart from His teachings. We should faithfully obey so that we can understand the right way of knowing and serving God and knowing the true religion, the true Church that is of God. But dear friends, how can we know these things? What should be the basis of determining what the true religion today is amidst all those who are claiming to be so, and why should we even make an exerted effort to examine these religious groups in the world nowadays and find which one is true? Is all of this very important? The Bible will continue to teach us the answer to these questions and so much more when we return right here at the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. Stay tuned.
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INC International Edition
Brother Bob: Dear viewers, for we members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo or the Church Of Christ, we believe that the Bible should be the only source, the only basis of what to believe in or have faith in, especially when it comes to about God, right, and the true religion the true Church we believe the father is the only true God and that Jesus is His beloved Son, our Savior. So even if there are many people who may believe that all religions are acceptable to God and all religions are given importance by God, we should not fall victim to such worthless religious concepts and religions and instead examine if at the very basis of one’s faith in religion and the church they belong to and worship within are they following the truths recorded here in the Holy Scriptures that would make them acceptable to God.
So at this point in our study we want to ask, who is going to teach us how we should identify the true religion the church that we need to belong to so that God will accept us and it will accept our services rendered to Him and so that we can be made right with Him so it’s not to waste but instead fully benefit from his promises and blessings. Who’s going to do that? Let’s go to you this time, Brother Andrew. What does the Bible say about that?
Brother Andrew: Brother Bob, we’ll read the answer from the bible once again. In Psalm 34:12 & 11 it says this.
‘Tis your desire to live, to live long and be happy? Come, listen to me, my sons, I will teach you true religion.
[Psalms 34:12, 11 James Moffatt Translation]
Brother Reuel: Friends, the Bible tells us whom people should listen to tell our teachers about your religion. God himself said I will teach you true religion. Well, let’s continue reading verse 16, chapter 34 verse 16.
Seek out of the book of the Lord and read: not one of these [details of prophecy] shall fail, none shall want and lack her mate [in fulfillment]. For the mouth [of the Lord] has commanded, and his spirit has gathered them.
[Isaiah 34:16 Amplified Bible]
Brother Reuel: In this biblical verse, it mentions seeks out of the book of the Lord. That book is none other than the Holy Scriptures or the Bible in which God’s words are written. That’s why in the Church of Christ, we read from the Bible, we ask questions about religion about, God, about salvation, and we read the answers straight from the Bible, not give our own opinion.
Brother Felmar: And that’s important because, as stated, not one of these shall fail, for the mouth has commanded, and his spirit has gathered them.
Brother Bob: Wait, wait, what does that mean, Brother Felmar?
Brother Felmar: It means that all of the things that God wants to tell us, He had them written here in the Bible or the Holy Scriptures. The Lord, our God, guided His chosen writers in writing His teachings to make sure that they would write only what they had been instructed to write. What we need to do now is to listen to what God wants us to understand based on His words written in the bible.
Brother Bob: So what is written in the Bible then regarding that? Who does the bible teach as the ones who are in the true religion or the true Church that God values? Are they identified?
Brother Felmar: Yes, Brother Bob, that’s a great question. We can find the answer here in the Book of Romans chapter five, and the verses are eight down to nine.
But God shows and clearly proves his [own] love for us by the fact while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. Therefore, since we are now justified (acquitted, made righteous, and brought into right relationship with God) by Christ’s blood, how much more [certain is it that] we shall be saved by Him from the indignation and wrath of God.
[Romans 5:8-9 Amplified Bible]
Brother Felmar: Friends, the bible tells us of those who have benefited from the death of Christ. Christ’s death is vital because through it, His shed blood, people can be justified and made righteous. Or in other words, forgiven of sins and have the right relationship with God.
Brother Bob: And dear friends, isn’t that what we all want to be sure of that so we don’t just join any church that may be out there but instead be joining and be part of those who are among they that have the right relationship with God. They have been justified by Christ’s shed blood and therefore forgiven for sin and receive salvation. Most important of all is salvation in the end, right?. But Brother Felmar, is that all, is that all people? Is it all people who are redeemed with the blood of Christ? Is that everybody?
Brother Felmar: Actually, the Answer to that, Brother Bob, is no. Now let’s allow the Bible to teach us. We go to the Book of Acts. The chapter is 20, and the verse is 28.
Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the Church Of Christ which he has purchased with his blood.
[Acts 20:28 George Lamsa Translation]
Brother Felmar: So dear viewers, as we can read from what was taught by the apostles, written in the bible, it is the Church Of Christ that was purchased or redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus.
Brother Reuel: That’s why dear friends, those who join the Church Of Christ understand this truth. It is God’s way for people to be worthy before Him. Many may have had wrong beliefs and might have thought that all religions are the same before God and that God will accept any religion. That it’s okay to belong to just any Church. But when they heard these biblical teachings, God’s words were written in the Bible and not just anybody’s. What they said, they left their former religions and underwent the Bible studies on doctrines in the Church Of Christ and eventually received the true baptism.
Brother Bob: Let’s take a look at this short video clip on the basis that some have used to decide if the Iglesia Ni Cristo, or the Church Of Christ, was for them.
[Video starts]
Naeemah Waleed: Hi! Thanks for being here, and welcome to the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Of Christ. I’m Naeemah, so chances are you’re watching this because a friend, a co-worker, a classmate, a neighbor, or a loved one wanted you to check out this video about the Church, right? Whatever it was, I’m thankful to have you here for a few minutes. You see, a few years back, my brother Ahmad invited me to a Bible study, and now I do the same, inviting everyone I can to share in the beautiful and powerful words of God.
Minster of the Gospel: From all the people on Earth, He chose you to be his own special people.
Naeemah: Studies show the number one reason people go to church is to reconnect with God. And if that’s what you’re here for, you’ve come to the right place. Our worship services are solemn. No loud music or loud distractions but rather savoring the moment of being in the house of God and one-on-one time with Him. All of our worship services consist on preaching based purely on God’s words, no opinions, no personal stories. I remember attending my first worship service and feeling the music was so spiritual and listening to the words of God preach from the Bible. It was question and answer, and it made me realize that God’s words were straightforward, and I needed to hear everything that message had to offer that day, but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood.
Narrator: 36,000 items in this just one little room, so we want to make sure our accounts are as accurate as possible.
Naeemah: And if you’re looking for a church that, you can volunteer with communities all over the world. You’ve come to the right place, and we believe in spending time with people and sharing with them, Christian. Love and compassion through the INC giving projects, where we sing to elders and Say thank you to teachers, firefighters, and police officers all over the world.
Cory Ma: Whenever somebody in the community that we were sent out to protect comes in and says thank you. We love it, and it keeps us going a little bit harder. You know, it keeps that motivation up as well.
- Terada: I think it was amazing, probably one of the best Sundays I’ve ever had.
Naeemah: It even inspired me to go out there on my own for my birthday and see how else. I can make a difference. Slippers, socks, and a card, so yeah, that’s awesome. I can’t wait to look through it. So some of you are probably thinking, how can this Church help my family, my children? Well, I’m so glad you asked. While many churches are seeing young people leave their faith, this one is filled with vibrant youth involved in so many different types of projects, from the arts to music to volunteer projects to tv shows. I myself have been involved in numerous projects performing in places like the Verizon Center and, more recently, in front of the Lincoln Memorial. I’m so excited for you to learn what this Church has to offer. In just over a hundred years, this Church, which began preaching in the Philippines in 1914, is the first Christian church that has come from a developing country and progressed to the West. It’s only been 50 years since coming to the United States. And now the Church Of Christ is making impacts all over the world. And while nearly ten thousand churches close their doors every year in the United States, this church builds over 360 chapels a year, including one in my hometown of Philadelphia. Where did all this success come from? It can only be from the hand of God. Now that you have an idea of what the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ is about, it’s time for you to experience the main thing that makes the Church unique: the presentations of the words of God.
Minster of the Gospel: But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Naeemah: With congregations across North America, there’s probably one near your home, but I know the thought of walking into a place without knowing anyone inside might seem a bit intimidating, so if you want to message us or the one who shared this video with you before you go and we’ll walk you through it. Feel free to bring a notebook with you to take notes. Here in the Church Of Christ, everything we do is solely based on God’s teachings, nothing more, nothing less. So perhaps you haven’t been to a church in a long time because you’ve been disappointed time and time again by false preachers and false doctrine. Well, perhaps now’s the time God has set for you to meet the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ because this is the Church you’ve been looking for and waiting for. Now’s the time. Are you ready?
[Video ends]
Brother Bob: We hope that you, too, will take this opportunity to listen to more of these biblical truths with us here in the Church Of Christ.
Brother Felmar: Dear friends, examine the teachings that we uphold inside the Church Of Christ and see for yourself where our doctrines are based. Not from personal opinions or ideas or man-made stories, but everything is based on the Holy Scriptures, the word of God.
Brother Andrew: And friend, visit our website, INCMEDIA.ORG. Find a local congregation nearest to you, and you can inquire with a minister of the gospel in the Church Of Christ and even inquire about beginning Bible studies on doctrine.
Brother Bob: Well, that’s all we have time for, dear friends. We’d like to thank Brother Felmar Serrano in Vancouver, Canada, Brother Reuel Salazar in Jacksonville, Florida, as well as Brother Andrew Fisher in Melbourne, Australia. We thank you all, brothers, for giving to us Bible-based answers so that, as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church, you will be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you are living the way you are. That’s I Peter 3:15.
Well, as I said, that does it for us here on today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We hope you’ll join us again next time. I’m Bob Pellien. Thanks for watching. And as we come to the end of the Program, we invite you to join us for a Short prayer.
Brother Reuel: Loving Father, our God in heaven, thank You for allowing us to learn and understand the truth. May these words that we have received today be the guide of our friends and loved ones, so that they too will have the opportunity to learn about You, dear Father, and for them to receive Your blessing of salvation.
Continue to bless this program, dear Father, that this may be an instrument for many more people to know who You are. So that many more will give glory to Your Name. Bless the Church Administration, bless Brother Eduardo Manalo wherever he may be for the sake of the entirety of the Church.
Lord Jesus, we also approach You to help us pray to the Father. Intercede all our supplications, and may You please ask the Father to forgive our trespasses.
Father, once again, we call to You with firm hope that You have heard and answered our prayers, for we ask all of these in the name of our redeemer Jesus Christ.
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