Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

From Ottawa to South Korea, Special Gatherings and Milestones in the INC

On the left, a group of people in formal attire smile on stage; on the right, a young woman performs live on stage for an audience

From Ottawa to South Korea, witness the latest and most inspiring events happening in the INC. Featuring: Saint John Inaugural Worship Service in Ottawa, Special Gathering in British Columbia, Officers Special Gathering in Northern Europe, Zaoqiao Inaugural Worship Service in Taiwan, and Officers Special Gathering in South Korea.

From Northern Europe to Australia, Milestones and Special Gatherings in the INC

On the left, a woman with glasses smiles behind a choir; to the right, a a band performs live on stage

From Northern Europe to Australia, the latest and most inspiring events happening in the Church Of Christ. Featuring a Choir Special Gathering in Eastern Ontario, Evangelical Mission in Saskatchewan, ‘Welcome, My Brethren’ Event in Macau, Stockholm 10th Anniversary in Northern Europe, Gold Coast 25th Anniversary in Australia East.

From Canada to Australia, Milestones in the Church Of Christ

A collage of photos featuring groups of people smiling with tarp banners and a light up letters.

From Canada to Australia, the Church Of Christ witnesses more milestones and inspiring events. Featuring: 50th Anniversary celebration in Florida, Evangelical Mission in Hawaii-Pacific, Nova Scotia Inagural Worship Service in Ottawa, and Baptisms in Calgary and Australia East.
