Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

What Does Celebrating Easter Say About You?

Easter is considered a fun and widely accepted holiday, but should you celebrate this tradition? What is Easter and what does it mean? How did Easter start and what is the real story behind Easter?



Brother Bob Pellien: Thank you all very much! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome everyone to this program That’s in the Bible Live today. 

I’m Brother Bob Pellien and we thank you all for joining us today, being our studio audience. We are very thankful, as well, to all those who will be watching this recorded broadcast later on in various Church mediums like Direct TV,, INCTV America, and several others. 

Now those who have been tuning into our program on a regular basis, you know already that in this show, That’s in the Bible, we explore the Bible’s teaching on many topics. Topics relating to salvation and relating to proper service to God. 

Today’s topic:

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What Does Celebrating Easter Say About You?

Brother Bob: If you’re celebrating Easter, you’re probably one of three types of people. You may be like the first: you’re fully aware of everything about Easter, you’re aware of the origins of the Easter holiday, and, for you, it’s really nothing that you’re too concerned about. 

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1 – You’re fully aware of the origins of this holiday and it’s really nothing that you’re too concerned about.

Brother Bob: Or you might be the second type of person. Maybe it could be described like whether or not you know the origins, or you really know the history of Easter in the essence of this holiday for you, but it’s just fun, right? 

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2 – Whether or not you know its origins or history, in essence the holiday is just a fun thing to participate in.

Brother Bob: It’s nice to participate in the various traditions of Easter. Or you might be a third kind of person. You maybe don’t know much yet about Easter or the origins of the various Easter traditions, but you are interested to find out.

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3 – You don’t know much about Easter or the origins of its traditions, but are interested to find out.

Brother Bob: We challenge you. We ask you today to fit yourself into one of those personas as we go on in our study together. Our That’s in the Bible team went out right here in the San Francisco Bay trail. They gathered some video interviews of real people just talking about how they celebrate Easter. I’m very sure that many of the things that you’re about to hear may seem very familiar to you. Let’s take a moment and look.

[Video Starts]

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Do you celebrate Easter?

Interviewee 1: We celebrate Easter every year. 

Interviewee 2: Personally, my husband and I don’t really celebrate it.

Interviewee 3: I celebrate it at church and with my family.

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How do you celebrate Easter?

Interviewee 4: I celebrate it with the family. That’s the most important thing. So friends and stuff like that little most important family.

Interviewee 2: I don’t celebrate Easter by going to church, but I certainly do plan Easter egg hunts for my kids. 

Interviewee 1: I not only celebrate Easter at church, but I also celebrate with my family. 

Interviewee 4: You know, of course the Easter egg basket though

traditional stuff, but some of us go to church. Some don’t. Then we just get together and just eat and have a good time and celebrate.

Interviewee 3: Last year I did little goodie bags [that] said ‘Jesus is alive.’ 

Interviewee 5: Being Christian I go to church and put my family together. We pray. But of course, being here in Western country you have to do what kids like. So egg hunt for the kids!

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How do you prepare for Easter?

Interviewee 1: Well before that is Lent, I believe, and you’re supposed to give up stuff for Lent.

Interviewee 3: And as far as 40, the Lent thing, I grew up Catholic so I kind of used to do that but I didn’t really understand it. 

Interviewee 1: I was going to give up sweets or something this year, but anyway, not really good at giving up anything. 

Interviewee 2: We just try to say, “Hey, remember you celebrated Easter,” but not really opening up a Bible or something to explain to them what it is because we ourselves are not very educated in that area.

Interviewee 3: My family does that. It kind of kicks off the 40 days before Easter, which is the day Jesus rose from the dead.

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What do you know about Easter? 

Interviewee 2: So I don’t know. It’s just happy, fun, bunnies and stuff. Where I grew up fromgrew up at and I’m not Christian so we were not educated

with it. 

Interviewee 3: I think it’s just mostly [a] time of just really reflecting on the reason why all this was happening and who Jesus was.

Interviewee 2: We still try to educate them [on] what it what it is. It’s not all about candy, right? But we certainly try to make it fun.

Interviewee 3: I’ve had funny stories like I’ve taught Sunday school on Easter, and we’ve asked the kids, like, “Where did the Easter eggs come from?” And one kid said, “Jesus laid them,” which is really funny, but, we had to tell them what the meaning was behind that. It’s just all symbolism, but what does it really mean? it just means new life that, you know, Jesus died so that we can live again with him.

[Video Ends]

Brother Bob: So there you go, a full spectrum of ideas and perceptions of about Easter and how to celebrate it, and things like that, right? Now whether or not you celebrate Easter for its religious aspect, as you heard a couple of them say, or you’re just into it because well, it’s family fun time. 

As we saw, there’s a lot of ways to celebrate Easter being undertaken in the world nowadays. So what does celebrating Easter—back to our original question right? What does celebrating Easter, what does it really say about you? 

Easter symbols, traditions, and practices

Brother Bob: What we will do is briefly go over a few of the popular symbols, or let’s call them traditions, practices of this holiday called Easter. Let’s first start with the term itself—Easter. You might be surprised about the meaning of that term. According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, let’s take a moment to read what is recorded here on on page 6: 

Since Bede the Venerable (De ratione temporum 1:5) “the origin of the term for the feast of Christ’s Resurrection has been popularly considered to be from the Anglo-Saxon Eastre, a goddess of spring. 

[New Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 5 Page 6]

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Pagan Fertility Goddess

Ishtar (Babylonian)

Ashtaroth (Hebrew)

Astarte (Greek)

Eastre (Anglo-Saxon)

Easter (English)

Brother Bob: Easter was also known to the Babylonians and others as Ishtar, Easter, and other similar names in ancient religions, all connected to what is now been Christian-ized into mainstream Christianity today.

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“Easter” – goddess of Fertility

Rabbit – Symbol of Fertility

Brother Bob: What’s another tradition of Easter? They said it on the video. Easter eggs. 

Audience: Eggs.

Brother Bob: And bunnies.

Audience : Bunnies.

Brother Bob: Easter eggs and Easter bunnies. By the way, just a little side biological note, bunnies don’t lay eggs. They’re mammals. But that’s another whole discussion. 

Easter Bunny, Easter eggs, and the symbols all of those kinds of symbols, which are quite synonymous with the Easter holiday. In this Catholic Dictionary on page 169, what is noted here regarding those traditions like Easter eggs, Easter baskets, and things like that, it’s not of course into Holy Scripture. So, where then, what then, is it all about? Take note:

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Easter eggs may possibly be a “baptized” pagan custom, since they are an obvious symbol of fertility, and many places it is still the practice to paint the eggs and bring them to church and decorated baskets for a blessing before or after mass. Chocolate eggs and such like-fooleries are a degeneration of no significance. 

[A Catholic Dictionary Page 169]

Brother Bob: That is the official book of Roman Catholicism. These things are from what origin? The Bible? No, they are from pagan origins. But what’s paganism in the first place? What’s the big deal? That’s what a lot of people say. “Pagan. So what?” Can we say so what? What do we need to understand about paganism? What is a pagan? Here’s one definition. You can see it on the screen from The Cambridge Dictionary says:

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a religion that worships many gods, especially a religion that existed before the main world religions

Brother Bob: Easter bunny, Easter egg, the Easter goddess of fertility from the Babylonian goddess of fertility, Easter, Ishtar, those are ancient pagan gods and goddesses that come not from the Bible. 

What does it say, then? I pose this question to everyone: what does it say about anyone who is okay with that? In the New Encyclopedia Britannica and on page 605, what do they have to say about some of these origins of various Easter traditions? I quote:

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As at Christmas, so also at Easter, popular customs reflect many ancient pagan survivals-in this instance, connected with Spring fertility rites, such as the symbols of the Easter egg, and the Easter hare or rabbit. 

[New Encyclopedia Britannica MACROPEDIA, 15th Edition, Vol 4 Page 605]

Brother Bob: So the Easter egg [and] the Easter rabbit are symbols of spring fertility rites used in ancient pagan worship to ancient goddesses of fertility, not anything that has to do with Jesus and His death and resurrection whatsoever. 


Brother Bob: Everyone has heard about Lent, and, a couple of those that we interviewed outside here on the trail, as you saw [in] the video, they spoke about the 40 days of Lent. We all know that it’s the 40 days of fasting done in the Catholic Church in preparation for Easter. In the Catholic Encyclopedia on page 69. This important statement was made:


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No distinct traces of the quadragesimal observance are discernible until the fourth century. The decrees of the Council of Nicea in 325 contain the earliest mention of Lent. 

[The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 1 Page 69]

Brother Bob: A popular 40 day period prior to Easter is called what, studio audience?

Audience: Lent? 

Brother Bob: How many days is it? 

Audience: 40.

Brother Bob: 40. It was invented in the Bible. It was instructed to be done in the Bible. True or false?

Audience: False.

Brother Bob: Where did it come from, then? Lent is not a biblical instruction. It was made up, as you saw me read from the Catholic book. The Catholic Church invented it—brought it into use. What century? Fourth century. And what year? 325 AD at the Council of Nicea. 

And to learn more about these and in greater depth thorough detail, we would like to recommend checking out You can learn more about the history of Lent, many things about Lent, more things about the Easter traditions themselves, the Holy Week, stations of the Cross and all that leading up to Easter and the various celebrated practices and traditions of each one of them relative to what the Bible actually says about them. 

Everyone should become very well educated about all the history of those things, but here right now, knowing—that was just some highlights, right? Knowing where Easter truly came from and where the traditions really came from, out of the three types of people, then, which type of person are you? Are you persona number one? You knew these things already, but to you, “No big deal. I like chocolate.”

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1 – You’re fully aware of the origins of this holiday and it’s really nothing that you’re too concerned about.

Brother Bob: Or maybe your persona number two. 

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2 – Whether or not you know its origins or history, in essence the holiday is just a fun thing to participate in.

Brother Bob: You didn’t know these things before. You didn’t know that it was rooted in a history of service to Ishtar, Babylonian goddess of fertility. Her symbols were the egg and the rabbit. “I didn’t know that.” But even after learning it here now, it’s not really too concerning of an issue. It’s not really going to “pull at your heartstrings”, as the saying goes. Or you are person number three?

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3 – You don’t know much about Easter or the origins of its traditions, but are interested to find out.

Brother Bob: Now that you know that its practices are not from the Bible, but instead from ancient worship to pagan gods, you are very concerned about that, and you would like to know what is actually written in the Holy Scriptures so as to properly commemorate the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ

Are you one, two or three type of a person? If you are a person number one or two, you are definitely entitled to your way of thinking. That is your right and we respect everyone. But if you are the third type of person, we share with you now, today, what the Bible actually teaches to protect us, and to keep us from straying away from God, our Creator

Today, we turn to the Bible, inside the Church Of Christ. We are guided by the Bible only to know what is right and wrong, good and bad for us to do and to know what is acceptable to God when it comes to our service to Him. The Bible is the sole basis of our faith. 

What does the Bible say about Easter?

Brother Bob: So having said all that, let’s take a look together right now at the things the Bible actually does say, or more importantly does not say about Easter. 

Most Christian-professing religions consider this to be the most sacred of seasons. Easter, for many, is the one holiday of the year they strive to be religious. What did they do? Well, they probably gather up the families for a special meal, they participate in various traditions, like we heard from the interviews that we did, and from the history and we all know the Easter baskets and all those kinds of things. 

As we look at the following Bible verses I asked you then to consider evaluating your own self. Should we all go hide easter eggs? Should we? Should we color the egg? Should we make chocolate Easter bunnies? I can’t believe I’m saying something against chocolate again. Here I go. Do all those things and say maybe “It’s fun. It’s enjoyable. The kids are happy. What’s wrong with that?” The children may like it. And isn’t it true, those of us who are parents, isn’t it nice to see your children happy? What parent doesn’t want that? 

But what does the LORD Himself say about adopting these practices, which, by the way, as we’ve been saying, have their origins in paganism which remember is the worship to ancient gods and goddesses. What does the Lord say about that? 

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a religion that worships many gods, especially a religion that existed before the main world religions

Brother Bob: It doesn’t have anything to do with worship to God nor in remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. So what then is the instruction of the LORD exactly? All right, let’s get to it. Jeremiah the prophet, Chapter 10, verse 2:

Thus says the Lord, “Do not learn the way of the [pagan] nations, … 

[Jeremiah 10:2 Amplified BIble]

Brother Bob: That’s a very clear directive, “Do not learn the way of the pagan nations…” But not only have people learned them, they have learned them and incorporated them into their culture, incorporated them into their practices. And they call it service to the LORD in remembrance of Christ. No, no, no pagan ways are from the Catholic Church. People are practicing them with all kinds of enthusiasm. But what is it that the LORD said? You saw it on the screen. 

Thus says the Lord, “Do not learn the way of the [pagan] nations, … 

[Jeremiah 10:2 Amplified Bible]

Brother Bob: Don’t do it. And as we’re discussing many may want to respond to say that, “Those details about pagan roots and all that, that’s not important, right?” You know, “It’s okay if we ignore—let’s not just pay attention to the roots of those practices, their origins, as long as we have good intentions and we’re trying to do it in our service to the LORD, right?” That would be the mindset of a lot of people. 

Are there any biblical principles or expectations of God that we can read here in the Holy Scriptures that have to be considered when answering that question? 

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Brother Bob Pellien | Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: Let’s just say right out absolutely, yes. And here’s one of them. Exodus chapter 20: 

“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,… 

[Exodus 20:3-5 New International Version]

Brother Bob: God gave a very clear and definitive answer, did He not? He said, “Don’t have any other gods, don’t make any image of them, and don’t bow down. I’m a jealous God.” That’s not safe then to do that, because God said he would be jealous. Why? Because they’re replacing Him with [a] pagan goddess. They’re replacing God. And of course, you would be saddened by being replaced by another, which, what’s the very meaning of the word “jealousy”? Being sad because you have been replaced by another. 

“But wait!”, you may say, you know, “You mean to say that the practices of Easter wouldn’t constitute the replacement of God, would it?” Yes! Clearly that would not be okay with the Lord. 

What then is essential and a real element of Easter that one should consider before you will entertain the idea of applying Easter practices and then say, “It’s my intent to give honor to God. It’s my intent to give honor to His son, our Lord Jesus Christ”? The celebration is an obvious service to another God, in that God’s name was Easter name for the goddess Easter. 

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Pagan Fertility Goddess

Ishtar (Babylonian)

Ashtaroth (Hebrew)

Astarte (Greek)

Eastre (Anglo-Saxon)

Easter (English)

Brother Bob: And that’s not in the Bible. Dear friends, that’s what is called idolatry, worship to false gods or goddesses. And that’s what God does not allow, of course. 

What then, I pose this question, what does it say about you if you don’t care about that? Do you care about what God cares about? God will not tolerate, then, any service to other gods or other goddesses like Easter, the Babylonian goddess. That’s very clear. But many still believe that all of this is truly harmless. It’s truly harmless. 

Isn’t it possible to just say traditions like the Easter Bunny, it’s just for fun. It’s just for the children and it’s really harmless. Can we say that? These things may not be in the Bible. Many would say, “I know it’s not biblical, but surely the LORD would accept them as a service to Him. It’s not as a worship to Him, right?” 

We can’t answer that, but God Himself gives a profound answer about that and it was mentioned and recorded here. I quote Matthew. I quote the Bible once again, Matthew chapter 15, verse 9: 

And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’“ 

[Matthew 15:9 New King James Version]

Brother Bob: What did it say about their worship? It’s vain, it’s useless. But can’t we just overlook the pagan origins of these things and just let it be enjoyed? Why dig into the roots and details about all these things and read God’s responses in the Holy Scriptures?

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What if Easter is just for fun and not a form of worship?

Brother Bob: “What if my personal celebration of Easter is just for fun and what if I don’t even mean it as a form of worship?” I know. That question continues to be asked by a lot of people, but here’s the thing, we can’t just ignore warnings. Consider that. I’m going to repeat it. We cannot just ignore warnings given to us in the Holy Scriptures. “Warning? What warning?”

Let’s let’s take a look at an example. This is mentioned here by Apostle Paul in Colossians chapter 2, verse 8. “Beware.” What’s the meaning of that word, by the way, “Beware”—it’s already announcing what? Danger, right? “Beware! Watch out!”— 

Beware, lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

[Colossians 2:8 New King James Version]

Brother Bob: What was the warning? The warning was about traditions that are not rooted in Christ. The traditions of Easter are not rooted in Christ, they are rooted in paganism. So the Bible is giving a warning about that, we can’t just ignore the warning. 

If there’s danger and you proceed to the danger, whose fault is it then if you get hurt, right? Since Christ did not give any instructions about Easter practices, we’re not going along with the whims of traditions, especially since traditions came from pagan service to false gods. 

But, this is important also, this isn’t to say that all family traditions are bad. There is a specific kind of tradition that we are instructed to avoid above any other. What is that? That’s called a prohibited tradition. Jesus Himself spoke of it in these terms. I’d like to read from the book of Matthew chapter 15 verse 3:

Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?” 

[Matthew 15:3 New International Version]

Brother Bob: What kind of a tradition is bad? A tradition that goes against the commands of God. Christians are cautioned not to observe sinful traditions that break God’s laws, break God’s commandments. 

Some of you may say your families wouldn’t understand you if you choose not to observe a holiday with them like that. What if your excuse would be that, “Well, my family celebrates Easter and they gather up together, and the children are given Easter eggs and Easter baskets. And there’s chocolate bunnies for everybody. And it’s just a big family happy gathering. And they’re not going to understand if I will say, ‘I’m not going to join in the normal family Easter traditions.’ And in fact, they will get angry with me. They might even ostracize me from the family.” 

The apostles give any important advice to anyone that may find themselves in that kind of a situation, that kind of a circumstance. Well, yes, absolutely. I’ll read that from the writings of Apostle Paul to the Colossians 2:16:

“So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.”

[Colossians 2:16 New Living Translation]

Brother Bob: So, dear friends, if [you’re] joining us in our program, be it in our studio audience or anyone watching and, or any of the other outlets wherein this program shall be broadcast, if you are joining us and you find yourself in that very situation, based upon what we have read, we give this: stand your ground. And never allow yourself to be drawn into services, to false gods or goddesses like Easter in order to conduct practices of any kind to pagan gods and goddesses. Why? It’s kind of like the same question again in another format, right? Why? 

Why is it so bad to participate in pagan religious practices? 

Brother Bob: Does the Bible say anything more about these things? I want something very specific. There’s a very powerful pronouncement in the Holy Scriptures as to why. I have to say this slow, I want you to catch it, okay? Why it is so very dangerous for anyone to participate in any of them, any popular pagan practices. Consider what I now read, also the writings of Apostle Paul, 1st Corinthians chapter 10, verse 20:

No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. 

[1 Corinthians 10:20 New International Version]

Brother Bob: That’s the Bible. Obviously, therefore, we can have no part in that at all. If we truly want to serve God, here inside the Church Of Christ, we will have no part in those things. 

How about you? How about you? Another guiding, divine principle by which Christians should base their service to God, and, let’s say even their way of life, there’s a principle that has to be understood very well. 1 Corinthians 4:6. Let’s take a look at this and this is in the format of an instruction to us all:

Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” …

[1 Corinthians 4:6 New International Version]

Brother Bob: What’s an important principle? Don’t go beyond what’s written. Don’t invent things and pretend to call it service to the Lord. 

That’s a very direct instruction we receive there, which we take very seriously here inside the Church Of Christ. What would be an example of going—listen to the question. What would be an example of going beyond what is written? 

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EASTER TRADITIONS & PRACTICES goes beyond what is written in the Bible

Brother Bob: Easter traditions. Easter practices. Therefore your decision right now, today must be to adhere to the truth that comes from the word of God. When you choose to do that, what must you also leave behind? A command of the Lord I quote Titus 1:14:

Don’t pay any attention to any of those senseless Jewish stories and human commands. These are made up by people who won’t obey the truth. 

[Titus 1:14 Contemporary English Version]

Brother Bob: What’s the instruction? Don’t pay any attention to those things that are made up by people who refuse to embrace the truth. Don’t pay any attention. That’s not our advice to you. That’s not our counsel. That’s not our words. That’s the word of God in the Holy Scriptures. He said, “Don’t pay any attention to that.” 

So, dear friends, will you obey the truth? If there are religious practices such as Easter that do not come from God, be careful, don’t follow those practices. They oppose the will of God. 

Before we finish up here in just a moment, let’s ask another question or two. How are we instructed to live our lives? There’s an important—I’ve been seeing Bible principles, but if we could call this a Bible principle as well or an instruction regarding our life. What is it? Ephesians 4:17 reads this way: 

Therefore I say this – indeed, in union with the Lord I insist on it: do not live any longer as the pagans live, with their sterile ways of thinking. 

[Ephesians 4:17 Complete Jewish Bible]

Brother Bob: Is that complicated? Is it hard to understand? The LORD said how to live our life. If up to this moment we have been living it and allowing ourselves to embrace pagan practices and cultural anomalies in service to their ancient pagan gods, God said, “Don’t do that.” And we learned that a lot of them are being taught and embraced within Catholicism. We read the Catholic Dictionary, Catholic Encyclopedia, a couple different of the Catholic Encyclopedia quotes. Do they deny that their teachings and practices came from paganism? Let’s be fair, if we’re going to quote these things and speak of that, let’s give them the chance to admit or deny or respond. Think that’s fair? What do you say? 

Audience: Yes.

Brother Bob: That’s very fair, right? Let’s take a look at another reading from the book written by a Catholic priest. This is their official response and the book is entitled The Externals of the Catholic Church. Let’s take a look at it. Let’s take a look at it together—Externals of the Catholic Church page 156:

It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans, … Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are reproduction of those pagan creeds; but they are the taking of what was best from paganism, the keeping of symbolically practices which express the religious instinct that is common to all races and times. 

[Externals of the Catholic Church – Page 156, By John F Sullivan]

Brother Bob: Do they admit or deny? They admit it. They know it. The Catholic Church admits that their practices originate from paganism and their excuse for using unbiblical practices, “Well, we got their best. We got the best from paganism.” Not a good reason, not a good reason at all. 

For those who will say, “Well, they celebrate Easter to remember the life and death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Catholic Church also claims that in some of their writings. Did Christ, however, prescribe that we would commemorate his death, His resurrection by chocolate Easter bunnies and Easter egg hunts? You can’t read that anywhere in the Bible. What can you read in the Bible from 1 Corinthians chapter 11? 

To finish up what actually is to be done to remember the crucifixion, the death, followed by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ—11:24 and 25:

and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 

[1 Corinthians 11:24-25 New King James Version]

Brother Bob: What can we all see here? “Do this in remembrance of me.” Take from the cup. Take of that one bread. It’s my body, it’s my blood, do this. This is what’s to be done in the remembrance of that sacrifice, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, not Easter bunnies, as good as chocolate is. That’s not the way. The pagans, they were ignorant of God’s teachings through Christ. So the Christians were therefore warned not to live as pagans. 

As Christians, we are bound to obey what we learned from our Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded in Scripture, wherein we are not ignorant of these things. Now, neither are you. With this knowledge, what seemed before maybe like a harmless holiday, is actually, now you understand it, is deeply rooted in false religious beliefs and celebrating it would have dire consequences to your spiritual health. 

So we’ve come full circle. 

Who are you? 

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1 – You’re fully aware of the origins of this holiday and it’s really nothing that you’re too concerned about.

2 – Whether or not you know its origins or history, in essence the holiday is just a fun thing to participate in.

3 – You don’t know much about easter or the origins of its traditions, but are interested to find out.

Brother Bob: What does celebrating Easter and the traditions, what does it say about you? It says you are either number one, number two, or number three. We hope you are a number three, and that we’ll see you again soon just as engaged, just as eager to learn as you are right now. 

Thank you for joining us in this episode of That’s in the Bible live. We’ll hope that you will visit and when you are ready to learn more about the fundamental teachings found here inside the Church Of Christ. 

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Brother Bob: We’ll also help guide you to the nearest House of Worship near to your residence, where you can meet ministers and undergo important series of Bible study lessons. 

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Brother Bob: We also have Facebook pages and there you can view more of our shows and content and see how the Church also gets involved with the community there. 

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Brother Bob: You can even volunteer along with us to partner up with our community outreach programs and outlets to have an impact in the world around us. If you have other questions about the Bible, we have a team of ministers always standing by to provide answers. Those answers will always come from the Holy Bible. If you’d like, you can also email us at

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Brother Bob: I’m Bob Pellien and we’ll see you again next time on That’s in the Bible. Thank you all very much!



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What Does Celebrating Easter Say About You?