Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Doing The Right Thing

To find true happiness some people search everywhere except inside religion. A young man accepts an invitation that changes his mind.

Something Was Missing in My Life

woman looking into camera in front a gray background

Searching for a connection to God, Emani had biblical questions no one could seem to answer. In college, an old friend helps her find her way to the truth.

I Was Broken and God Helped Me Heal

Woman smiling into camera

Marisol prayed earnestly to find relief from her heartache. A random stop in front of an INC chapel in San Pablo led her closer to her answers.

I Couldn’t Feel God in My Life

asian woman looking into the camera with a gray backgound

A young woman searches for answers from her friends after suffering trauma at a young age, and struggles with a constant feeling: “Why can’t I feel God?”

I Was Guided by the Truth in the Bible

woman wearing glasses and leopard print shirt, smiling with dark gray background

When searching for a church what do you look for? Where lies the weight of your decision? Find out how this Bible-based Church became the answer for Marda.

I Found Confidence in My Faith

Woman smiling into camera

Taryn went to many different Christian-professing churches with her parents. But in her adulthood, she found herself still wondering what to believe.

Trusting in God’s Timing

Woman smiling into camera

Life is a series of choices, and for some, God isn’t always their choice. Tawanda chose to make time for God not only for herself but for her son, as well.

I Wanted to Find the One True God

woman smiling into camera

Mala grew up in a religion that believed in many gods but didn’t entertain her questions. As an adult, she had more questions—and wanted answers.
