Bible Study Types: Which One Is For You?
There are different types of Bible studies out there but see what makes bible studies in the Church Of Christ different. Find a Bible study near you.
Finding Truth in God’s Words
Some seek their own truth but why not seek out God’s truth? See what happens when you let the Bible guide you through a life with meaning and purpose. /// Ready to get your biblical questions answered? Set up a time to speak with a minister in the Church Of Christ.
How This Church Changed My Outlook on Life
Do you find it hard to stay positive in life, especially during these uncertain times? See what happens when people stop worrying and start trusting God.
What To Expect in an INC Worship Service
Wondering what a worship service in the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) is like? Maybe you’re a little hesitant to attend a worship service because you don’t know what to expect. We’ll take you step by step so there are no surprises and you can focus on gaining a better understanding of God’s words.
[gravityform id="103" title="false" description="true"]Is There a Church Prophesied in the Bible?
Do you consider prophecy when searching for a church? See how these individuals discovered the prophecies referring to the true Church.
How This Church Can Help Your Marriage
Many marriages today fail, so building a good foundation and having support and guidance are important. Married couples share the integral ways the Church Of Christ has solidified their unions as husband and wife.
Set up a time with a minister of the gospel and discover how a marriage guided by God can change your life.
[gravityform id="99" title="false"]What You Need to Live Your Best Life
Do you constantly chase things that don’t bring you happiness? See how these individuals from the Church Of Christ discovered their true purpose in life.
Is It Time to Leave Your Church?
Does your church leave you lost, confused or questioning your faith? Meet individuals who left their religion and gave the Church Of Christ a chance.
Important Steps to Make It to Heaven
If you’ve been told that faith alone is enough for salvation, you may want to think again. Here are the steps to follow to make it to heaven.
10 Things About the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)
Have you heard about the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)? Here are 10 things you should know and why we believe it’s the one true Church.