Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

From Canada to Australia, Milestones in the Church Of Christ

From Canada to Australia, the Church Of Christ witnesses more milestones and inspiring events. Featuring: 50th Anniversary celebration in Florida, Evangelical Mission in Hawaii-Pacific, Nova Scotia Inagural Worship Service in Ottawa, and Baptisms in Calgary and Australia East.


RICHIE FERRERA: From North America to Australia, the Church Of Christ continues to reach milestones as more people embrace the true faith found in the Church Of Christ. Let’s take a look.


RICHIE FERRERA: Our first stop takes us to the Ecclesiastical District of Florida where a special gathering was held at the Double Tree hotel in commemoration of the 50th anniversary for the congregation of Jacksonville. The special gathering featured music and live entertainment as members gathered to commemorate and reminisce the wonderful achievements for the golden anniversary of Jacksonville. Among those in attendance were pioneering members like Nilo, a devoted choir member in the last 52 years.

NILO ACIERTO (PIONEER MEMBER OF JACKSONVILLE CONGREGATION):  I’m very thankful to our Lord God, that I was used as an instrument to be a pioneer of this local [congregation]. I’m very thankful and happy.

GEORGINA KENT (NILO’S DAUGHTER, PIONEER MEMBER OF JACKSONVILLE CONGREGATION):  I’m so happy to be part of it as a pioneer, even though I was only three years old at the time and I was with my parents. The fact that we started here and it grew to the District of Florida today, and the fact that we’re still members in the Church and still have our duties, until our Lord Jesus Christ comes.

RICHIE FERRERA: Recognized for being the mother congregation in the district of Florida, pioneering members like Rebecca, were witnesses of the many congregations that have grown since then throughout the district.

REBECCA FABELLA (PIONEER MEMBER, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA): I’m very happy that Jacksonville is where it is now. Having seen it from its very humble beginnings, through all of these years and seeing all of the work of the brethren put together, this is not something that was the work of any one or two people, but it was truly the work of our Almighty God. And I am so thankful for that.

BROTHER MARLONE BALASON (SUPERVISING MINISTER, ECCLESIASTICAL DISTRICT OF FLORIDA): Praises be to our Almighty God. For the past 50 years, He has blessed the local congregation of Jacksonville. And we have been so blessed tonight because we receive the greeting of our beloved Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo Manalo. Truly, he loves the entire Church and he loves this local congregation and truly all of us have been inspired with his message, with his greetings.

JENNIS TAINO (HEAD DEACON, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA): We’re hoping to progress in all aspects of works and activities here and especially for the work of propagation for the success of our local through the help of our Lord God.

REBECCA FABELLA (PIONEER MEMBER, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA): We wouldn’t be where we are today if our Almighty God did not give us His grace, His mercy, and His blessings and I am profoundly grateful for being a part of that.

RICHIE FERRERA: Filled with fond memories, members continue to celebrate and cherish the numerous milestone successes in the district, paving way to further victories in the Church Of Christ.

RICHIE FERRERA: From Florida, we head west to the Ecclesiastical District of Hawaii-Pacific, where an evangelical mission was held as members along with their invited guests, gathered at the house of worship in Ewa Beach in a study of the words of God emphasizing the importance of the Church Of Christ for one to receive salvation. Among those in attendance was Theresa, who found herself eager to learn more about the Church Of Christ after being drawn by the solemn atmosphere of the sacred gathering.

THERESA PENE (GUEST, EWA BEACH, HAWAII): What stood out to me today was the hymn singing. I really love the fact and appreciate the fact that the message was, simple and to the point. There was enough scripture references to where I’m able to actually go back and reference on to kind of learn, dive in a little bit deeper into the message today.

BROTHER DONTAE THOMPSON (RESIDENT MINISTER, EWA BEACH, HAWAII-PACIFIC): These activities are very important because not only will it show the world and the people who we care about the most, like our friends and family members who we are, but it also strengthens the faith of the brothers and sisters in the Church, to all the more, make sure that the people know about who we are as members of the Church Of Christ, and also to have the participation of the brothers and sisters in our activities like this.

THERESA PENE (GUEST, EWA BEACH, HAWAII): I would absolutely love to come and attend another activity.

RICHIE FERRERA: And for attendees like Soseiki, has since become a current doctrinal instructee after being invited by his friend and member, Ryla.

RYLA VALERIO (CHOIR & YOUTH OFFICER, KANEOHE, HAWAII-PACIFIC):  I followed up with him asking if he wanted to continue with the worship service and if he would like to join. And after that one, he said that he felt more closer to God and that he wanted to continue. And eventually he also followed up and became a Bible student.

SOSEIKI HIGUCHI (DOCTRINAL INSTRUCTEE, KANEOHE, HAWAII-PACIFIC):  I’ve been a Bible student for the past few months. I would say that sharing the teachings here today have been truly more heartwarming to know that, you know, what I’m learning is being continued to be taught to others. And I’m very much enjoying learning and continuing to perfect my faith.

RICHIE FERRERA: Members continue to take every opportunity in sharing their faith with neighbors and friends with the chance to invite more people to learn more about Church Of Christ. 

RICHIE FERRERA: From Hawaii-Pacific, we take our next visit east to Canada in the Ecclesiastical District of Ottawa, where an inaugural worship service was held in Nova Scotia for the newly established group worship service in Liverpool as members gathered to witness the sacred event and were led in a preaching by Assistant Supervising Minister, Brother Aeron Manabo, reminding the members of the importance of remaining faithful in their worship services to the Lord God.

BROTHER AERON MANABO (ASSISTANT SUPERVISING MINISTER, ECCLESIASTICAL DISTRICT OF OTTAWA): We know that it is a great blessing. It not only shows that our Almighty God truly fulfills His promises for His people, for the Church Of Christ or the Iglesia Ni Cristo, but it also shows the dynamic leadership of our beloved Executive Minister, all the brethren, all the members are being cared for, so that we may be sure that we may be guided towards receiving the promised salvation.

KOBI JONES (CHURCH OFFICER, LIVERPOOL GROUP WORSHIP SERVICE, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA): It was very spiritual. Praises be to God, He was able to establish this group worship service, with the help of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, which we are very grateful for.

BROTHER FELIX MIRANDA (RESIDENT MINISTER, LIVERPOOL GROUP WORSHIP SERVICE, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA): With the establishment of the group worship service of Liverpool, they may all the more carry on as they have and even enhance their services, all the more to our Almighty God, not only in attending the worship service, but even in helping with the growth of the Church in that part of the world.

RICHIE FERRERA: With the growing population in the town of Liverpool, the establishment of the Liverpool group worship service has been perceived as an opportunity for the growth of the Church Of Christ in spreading the true gospel.

RICHIE FERRERA: From Ottawa we head west to the Ecclesiastical District of Calgary, where the first ever baptism was held for the congregation of Red Deer as members gathered at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Red Deer to witness the sacred event, and were led in a preaching of the words of God by Assistant Supervising Minister, Brother Eleazar Yarcia, marking a significant milestone for the Church Of Christ.

BROTHER NATHANIEL SUBALA (RESIDENT MINISTERIAL WORKER, PONOKA, ALBERTA, CANADA): With the mercy and help of the Lord God, the number of the brethren continue increasing in spite of all the turmoil and hardship and difficulties happening in this world. All the more now in our time, it’s very important for us to help in the work of propagation to really share our faith because of the day of judgment is also very near.

RICHIE FERRERA: After witnessing this sacred event, members continue to look forward into the new year, hoping that many more will be introduced to and come to learn more about the Church Of Christ.

RICHIE FERRERA: From Calgary we take our next visit east to the land down under in the Ecclesiastical District of Australia East, where baptisms were held in multiple sites across the district including: Sydney, Australia, and Brisbane. With members from the congregations of Vanuatu joined through videoconferencing in Espiritu Santo and Tanna Island. Members gathered to witness this sacred event as newly baptized members were reminded of the importance of their membership in the Church Of Christ.

RICHIE FERRERA: With the ongoing growth of the Church Of Christ, members are further inspired in expressing their devotion and commitment in sharing their faith by reaching out to their fellowmen, in hopes that more people will be introduced to the Church Of Christ.



RICHIE FERRERA: Well, that does it for us on INC News World, tune in every Sunday for new episodes on INCTV and every Saturday on, our YouTube channel and on streaming platforms. I’m Richie Ferrera. Thank you for joining us. Stay safe and we’ll see you next time. God bless.