Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin?

Silhouette of a man and woman; text reads "Is premarital sex a sin?"

What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? Is it considered adultery and fornication? Is being sexually active before marriage really a sin in today’s world?

Talking About Brother Felix Y. Manalo: A Guide for Parents

family watching a youtube video on Brother. Felix Y. Manalo

Talking About Brother Felix Y. Manalo: A Guide for Parents Dear Faith and Family, I want my kids to value the work of God’s messenger, but how do I talk about prophecy and Brother Felix Y. Manalo in a way they’ll understand? Sincerely, Hopeful Parent _______________________________ Dear Hopeful Parent,  Thanks for your question! Actually, parents […]

Living Holy in Today’s Society

many people walking on a crosswalk

Let’s face it, the world is filled with temptations to throw off a person’s moral compass–but living in holiness is possible when armed with true faith.

Finding Hope in a Hopeless World

A young man struggles to find peace in life. After accepting an invitation from a friend to the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) he would learn that God will provide.

INC Reaches Kelowna, British Columbia

A family smiles to take a photo; a minister preaches to a congregation

As the Church continues to grow, the INC reaches Kelowna, British Columbia; a woman struggling with grief after losing her husband finds refuge in God after discovering the true faith.
