Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Unity Games Around the World Pt. 2

The heat is on as we continue our coverage of the much anticipated Unity Games, continuing to bring together Church Of Christ members from around the world. Featuring the ecclesiastical districts of: New Zealand, Southern Ontario, United Kingdom, and Virginia.


Naomi De La Cruz: Welcome back to INC News World. The heat is on as the much anticipated Unity Games continue to bring together Church Of Christ members from around the world. Let’s go.


Naomi De La Cruz: Our first stop takes us to the Ecclesiastical District of New Zealand, where Church Of Christ members stay warm in the winter through the heat of competition. Participants from across New Zealand gather in Southland to join the much anticipated sporting event, Unity Games. The event began with a parade of colors showcasing the different local congregations throughout New Zealand, demonstrating camaraderie as each local congregation cheered for one another.

Brother Rafner De Castro (Minister of the Gospel): All the brethren from the different local congregations here in South Island, New Zealand. We’re so excited about this activity. We show not only our love for our brethren, but even we can level up our faith onto our Lord God.

Naomi De La Cruz: Athletes competed in various sports, including volleyball and basketball. Allowing participants to hone their skills while working together as a team. This was also the perfect opportunity to focus on physical health.

Charlene Fancio (INC Member, Christchurch, New Zealand): For us to be physically fit and active so that we can use our strength to serve and worship our Lord God.

Naomi De La Cruz: Through the Unity Games, attendees were also able to socialize and form new bonds with each other. One of the aims of this special event, even guests in attendance, like Paul, were able to see the special bond that the members have.

Paul Vriend (Candidate for Baptism, Invercargill, New Zealand): They do a lot of things together. It doesn’t even matter to them to travel a long distance but they all try to participate and be really active in the activities.

Brother Arnel Del Rosario (Resident Minister, Christchurch East, New Zealand): One of the goals of the Church Administration in launching this activity is for households to have a stronger bond, which is very important to have in a household.

Naomi De La Cruz: Although the different athletes and teams were keen on taking home a trophy, attendees were reminded that the true victory was the new memories and bonds they all shared through this experience. For next stop, we head north to Canada, to the Ecclesiastical District of Southern Ontario, where the Unity Games spanned across four days. On day one was the golfing event. Golfers had their clubs in hand, doing their best to take the fewest number of strokes to win.

And day two was the bowling events. With each roll of the bowling ball, enthusiasts and hobbyists gather to be able to show off their skills and compete for the trophy. On day three, the day began with the singing of the national anthems of both Canada and the Philippines, followed by an oath taking for all competitors.

Sporting events for all ages commenced, including basketball, volleyball, track and field, table tennis, and even chess. Participants like Harrison, use this event to keep up with their physical and social well-being.

Harrison Villareal (Norval, Canada): It gets me active, you know, usually I’m sitting around in the house, but with activities like these, it gets my activeness up. It gets my physical well-being up. It increases connections with other brethren and other people. It gets you more social.

Naomi De La Cruz: On the fourth day came the finale, which included the finals of basketball and volleyball.

Brother Ramil Macaspac II (Minister Of The Gospel): This event continues to strengthen the love of the brotherhood of the members of the Church Of Christ in our ecclesiastical district. It develops good relationships with one another in sportsmanship. The brethren are able to show their different skills and talents in sports and continues to promote physical fitness so that we can continue to use our life and strength in our services to the Almighty God.

Naomi De La Cruz: We now head south to the Ecclesiastical District of Virginia as the Unity Games took center stage in Myrtle Beach while commemorating the 50th anniversary of the KADIWA and Binhi youth organizations of the Church Of Christ.

Brother Esteban Inocencio (Supervising Minister, Ecclesiastical District of Virginia): It gives the brethren the opportunity to all meet together and unite in this very special activity as we are able to be together with our fellow brothers and sisters in the faith.

Darlene Belen (INC Member, North Atlanta, Georgia): We’re pretty spread apart in our district. And so it’s hard to have opportunities for all of us to come together. So, it’s just been so nice to see brethren that I haven’t seen in a really long time and chat with them.

Naomi De La Cruz: The event began with an oath-taking ensuring that unity would be the priority in the games.

Naomi De La Cruz: Through this event, Church Of Christ members across the Ecclesiastical District of Virginia were able to gather in one place and engage in friendly competition.

Alwin Guingab (INC Member, Chesapeake, Virginia): A lot of the brethren are able to see each other wherein we are strengthened or we are edified in our faith.

Naomi De La Cruz: And for our last stop, we head across the Atlantic to the ecclesiastical District of the United Kingdom, where Church Of Christ members travel by plane, car and coach from various locations such as the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to compete in the Unity Games in London. The parade of colors showcased the 14 teams that represented the various local congregations and group worship services across the ecclesiastical District of the United Kingdom.

Naomi De La Cruz: Just from the parade of colors, brotherhood and sportsmanship could be felt as members didn’t just cheer for their favorite teams, but for each other. Participants joined and showed their skills in various sports, including track and field, badminton, table tennis, and even a cheering competition for the CWS or children’s worship service organization.

Brother Glenn Gomez (Supervising Minister, Ecclesiastical District of the United Kingdom): Brethren from various local congregations in our district are very excited to participate in this activity because this is another opportunity for them to unite with the Church Administration in the ardent desire of our Executive Minister that every member of the Church Of Christ and every Christian family remain strong and active in our faith, in our services to our Lord God, so that we can all secure our salvation.

Naomi De La Cruz: As the event drew to a close and a closing ceremony commenced, medals were given to winners who would advance to the regional Unity Games.

Brother Chilo Fernandez (Minister of the Gospel): We have our quality time with each other, bonding in brotherly love with each other. And then the brethren here in the United Kingdom proclaiming their strong decision and firm conviction that happened what may, they will remain active members of the Church Of Christ.

Naomi De La Cruz: As Unity Games events continue to be held throughout the entire world, Church Of Christ members are not only motivated to be healthier, but are also able to practice true sportsmanship while growing stronger in the true faith.


Naomi De La Cruz: Well, that does it for us on INC News World. Tune in every Saturday for new episodes of INC News World on, our YouTube channel and on streaming platforms. I’m Naomi De La Cruz and thank you for joining us. Stay safe and we’ll see you next time.


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Unity Games Around the World Pt. 2