Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Donde Se Encuentran Los Verdaderos Creyentes

a couple standing in front of a chapel

Para mucha gente, simplemente creer en Dios es suficiente. Pero además de creer en el Señor Dios, el Señor Jesucristo y en el evangelio, ¿en qué más debe uno creer? ¿Qué bendición les espera a los que verdaderamente creen y cómo uno puede ser considerado como un verdadero creyente? (English Translation)
For many people, simply believing in God is enough. But besides believing in the Lord God, the Lord Jesus Christ and in the gospel, what else should one believe? What blessing is there for those who truly believe and how can one be regarded as a true believer?

Who is Isaiah 46:11 About?

A broad horizon at sunset with a bird soaring; text reads "Who is the bird of prey in Isaiah 46:11?"

What does the verse Isaiah 46:11 mean, and who is it referring to? Why is the bird of prey Felix Y. Manalo and not Cyrus? You asked, the Bible answers.

Who Will Tell Us Who God’s Messenger Is?

person holding an open book with two candles in front

Throughout history, God sends messengers. There’s no doubt that those written in the Bible like our Lord Jesus Christ, Moses, down to the apostles are all genuine messengers of our Lord God. But in our time, there’s no doubt that there are many who claim that they are messengers of our Almighty God. Who will tell us who God’s messenger really is, especially during our time?

El Origen de la Iglesia Católica

Aerial image of the Vatican in Rome, Italy on a sunny day.

La diferencia entre la Iglesia edificada por Cristo y la Iglesia del diablo. Los dos caracteristicas más que nos ayudarán confirmar la identidad de la iglesia plantada por el diablo.

(English Translation) The difference between the Church built by Christ and the Church of the devil. Two more characteristics that all the more confirm the identity of the Church planted by the devil.
