Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Students Show Their Gratitude For Teachers

Having gratitude for our teachers is something that we should all strive for. Their impact on our lives is undeniable. With this in mind, a group of INC Giving volunteers, who happen to be students, along with their families, worked together to organize an event for appreciating teachers.


Taylor Joy: Hello everyone! Today, we’re here at our chapel for an INC Giving event. This one is a Teacher’s Appreciation Day, so I’m so excited to show our appreciation to some of our teachers.

Taylor Joy: Hi guys!

INC Giving Volunteers: Hi!

Taylor Joy: What’s going on today?

INC Giving Volunteers: We have our Teacher’s Appreciation Day, we’re just the welcoming committee of our event.

Taylor Joy: You guys seem very welcoming indeed. See you guys inside! 

INC Giving Volunteers: See ya! Bye!

Aaliyah: Welcome to our Teacher’s Appreciation Day. My name is Aliyah.

Arlezia: And I’m Arlezia.

INC Giving Volunteer: And we hope you guys will have a fun time today.

Taylor Joy: You know, I have to say, this INC Giving project is a little different for me. Usually, I’m a little bit more involved when it comes with the planning and preparation process. Even if it’s just a little bit.

Taylor Joy: Like when we volunteered at the food bank, or when we had our fence painting activity.

Taylor Joy: But this time around…

Taylor Joy: What I love about today’s event is this was really planned and coordinated in large part by the younger members in our congregation.

Taylor Joy: I know this because my brother, my youngest brother, is part of the planning committee and he’s actually hosting, helping with the program today.

Taylor Joy: And I know that they’ve been preparing all week, planned this very special day, for their teachers. So I’m very excited to see how it turns out.

Taylor Joy: They also wanted to give their teachers some gifts. And I’m very excited to see how the teachers react.

INC Giving Volunteers: Hello!

Taylor Joy: What are you guys doing?

INC Giving Volunteer: Playing music! We’re going to perform for the Teacher’s Appreciation Day.

Taylor Joy: Yay! We love music here.

INC Giving Volunteer: My clarinet, and her saxophone!

Taylor Joy:  Beautiful! We’re so excited! Yay!

Taylor Joy:  I really loved the fact that the planning committee, most of them students themselves, asked for help in preparing lunch for the teachers as part of showing our gratitude to them.

Taylor Joy:  Hi Ava.

Ava: Hi ate.

Taylor Joy: Why do you think it’s important that we show our appreciation to our teachers? 

Ava: They allow us to learn very important knowledge in life, and I guess help us grow as we progress in our childhoods and beyond.

Taylor Joy: Very true. I like to call them our ‘unsung heroes.’

Ava: Our unsung heroes! I love that!

Taylor Joy: This is my brother JC Boston. What’s exciting is Boston invited his teacher, and she actually came! How did that make you feel?

JC Boston: It made me feel very happy. It is a lot for them to sacrifice their time to come over here. So I’m just really glad she came.

Bro. Jared Paskewic: And we’d like to thank you so much for joining us this morning for our Teacher’s Appreciation Day.

Ava: Thank you so much for all that you do for the students. Please know that you are greatly loved and appreciated.

JC Boston: Thank you for your time. Thank you for educating the children, and thank you!

Taylor Joy: I truly hope the teachers felt loved and appreciated through this INC Giving project. The work that they do in shaping young minds, and the future of society, just can’t be emphasized enough.

Taylor Joy: Thank you for joining us for another amazing INC Giving Project, and remember whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it.


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Students Show Their Gratitude For Teachers