Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Social Media’s Influence on Christian Living

Can the dangers of social media directly influence people’s Christian beliefs and mindset?



3:51 – But would it be wrong for a person to resist changing and fitting into the adjusting, advancing or let’s say, changing cultures around them?

4:36 – But you know, brothers, what specific instruction, however, does the Bible give us? So that we could make sure to keep our personal growth headed in the right direction, no matter what may be the influences around us in culture, or social medias or whatever?

8:07 – These things not only help in our daily tasks and nobody can deny that that’s true. But they are also used to share ideas, to share opinions and share information – in all of that, it is just right there at the fingertips of everyone that has a smartphone nowadays, right?

10:39 – And who, brothers, among social media users do you think are the most susceptible to adapting to such harmful behaviors? Does the study respond to that question? Does the study reveal that as well, Brother Cromwell?

13:22 – So brothers, what does the Bible make very clear about the beliefs and behaviors well, that we see like everyday, but many may not be aware of just how dangerous those things are?

19:24 – Are there any other behavioral trends that we should be aware of?

21:40 – So brothers, if instead of a person attempting to always fit in with the cultures around us, we instead focus on following God’s guidance in the scriptures, how then will well-informed spiritual maturity develop within us?

23:44 – Maybe our viewers would want to ask something like this, but aren’t there so many religions already preaching so many so-called truths? Which path should I travel?

26:14 – So how will learning the actual truth then brothers, how is that going to change us for the better?

27:06 – But what is it that God’s words are going to actually do for a person during a time when cultures are so different and cultures are changing so rapidly, there are so many trends on social media just influencing the way people think nowadays?

30:40 – what exactly should we understand regarding the truths of our Lord Jesus Christ, when it comes to involving ourselves in any kind of influences around us in this world, be it social media or other things that some may consider as normal in culture today?

33:09 – what is the price that our Lord Jesus Christ paid for certain people to have the right to serve the living God?

34:43 – who are these people? And where are they?

37:47 – Isn’t it true that, you know, pressures especially on young people nowadays – pressures to fit in, and pressures to do and to believe what their social media friends are also believing and what is trending, and what social media is deciding is good – the pressure on them, it’s tough for them to really distance themselves and do the right thing, right?

[Show opens]

[Video clip begins – source: Youtube/Netflix]

Host 1: What I want people to know is that everything they’re doing online is being watched, is being tracked; Every single action you take is carefully monitored and recorded.

Host 2: A lot of people think Google’s just a search box and Facebook’s just a place to see what my friends are doing. What they don’t realize is there’s entire teams of engineers whose job is to use your psychology against you.

[Video clip ends]

Brother Robert Pellien: What we just watched is a clip from the trending documentary about the dangers of social media, that, well, many may not even know about. The various cultures all around the world – Eastern, Western, European, African, etcetera – all have their own unique ways of thinking. The unique behaviors and habits that are, well, considered normal in their own society. But when discussing mankind in general, there’s no part of the world where their culture can be described as the standard, worldwide. Also, as of ongoing advancements in science and advancements in technology, cultures are evolving. They’re always changing. Social media trends and online discussions often influence people’s way of thinking.

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Topic: When Does One’s Own Social Media Culture Become Dangerous?

Brother Bob: Today, we will look at biblical guidance to help us walk through safely in the world’s jungle of current cultural influencers online.

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Robert Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: Dear friends, that’s our topic for this episode of Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. And joining us in this week’s discussion, we have Brother Donald Pinnock from Toronto, Canada. Brother Donald, thank you once again for joining us in our discussion.

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Donald Pinnock: Thank you so much, Brother Bob, for the invitation.

Brother Bob: And we also have as well, Brother Cromwell Correa, from the United Kingdom, there in London, UK. Brother Cromwell, thank you very much for, as well, joining us in this, what I consider, one of our very important discussions of late.

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Cromwell Correa, United Kingdom, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Cromwell Correa: Thank you, Brother Bob, for having me and it’s nice to see everybody this day.

Brother Bob: Joining us as well is Brother Matt Talens. Once again thank you, Brother Matt, there in Washington, DC. Brother Matt, thank you for also taking the time to join our discussion for today as well.

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Matt Karl Talens, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Matt Karl Talens: Thank you so much, Brother Bob, for having me as well.

Brother Bob: Brothers, you know, when trying to do the right thing, and at the same time be, you know, culturally sensitive, that can be very challenging. Especially nowadays, you know, when what is considered right is often only based on personal feelings like that common phrase we often hear: Do what is right for you. But, you know, some trends are not beneficial. Some trends can even be detrimental, right?

Brother Cromwell: That’s true, Brother Bob.

Brother Bob: And you know, brothers, many of these issues that were mentioned in that video clip, well, they’re really being experienced by so many people nowadays all, all over the world. Isn’t it, Brother Donald?

Brother Donald: Yes, Brother Bob, for sure. Here in Canada. I’m very sure there in the United States. There in Europe, in the United Kingdom. For sure, they are.

Brother Matt: That is also very true, brothers, and the Bible will surely give us the needed guidance on how to face all these things that we are encountering, especially right now.

Brother Cromwell: That is very true, Brother Matt, and the Bible will teach us what is right.

(3:51) Brother Bob: So thank you for that, brother. So let’s get right to it then. You know, granting that, you know, social media cultures evolve and societies develop and individual ideas and beliefs gain more respect. But would it be wrong for a person to resist changing and fitting into the adjusting, advancing or let’s say, changing cultures around them?

Brother Donald: Well, Brother Bob, when it comes to progressing in life, it truly necessitates change. But the direction that we are changing towards, well that is something that we have to be very, very mindful about.

(4:36) Brother Bob: Yes, I think most everyone would agree that is important. But you know, brothers, what specific instruction, however, does the Bible give us? So that we could make sure to keep our personal growth headed in the right direction, no matter what may be the influences around us in culture, or social medias or whatever?

Brother Cromwell: Thank you for that very nice question, Brother Bob. So why don’t we go ahead and start reading from the Holy Scriptures. We can begin reading in the book of Romans, chapter 12 and the verse is 2. And this is what the Bible teaches:

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

[Romans 12:2 The Message]

Brother Cromwell: Well, Brother Bob, so what is the instruction of the Bible, so we can keep our personal growth headed in the right direction? Well the Bible teaches us that God instructs through the Apostle Paul that we should not become so well-adjusted to our culture that we fit into it without even thinking.

Brother Bob: Well, why not? Brother Cromwell, what would be the danger of just going along with the crowd, going along with the trend, trusting that, well, society that we live in or the culture around us has our best interest in mind and, therefore, there is no need to constantly think about what is right or what is wrong. Is there danger in that?

Brother Cromwell: Well, Brother Bob, the biblical truth we just read answered that. The culture around us is always dragging us down to its level of immaturity.

Brother Matt: The point there, Brother Bob and Brother Cromwell, is that the culture of society, even though it may claim to have a progressive way of thinking. However, if it will just drag us down to immaturity, well, we have to be very careful.

Brother Bob: So who then should we follow? And by the way, brothers, we’ll include in our discussion also how the Bible is going to teach us what being mature really means because people may have their own ideas and descriptions about that, right?

Brother Cromwell: Well, Brother Bob, just like what we read, the Bible made it clear that God brings out the best in you, or in us. Develops well-formed maturity in you.

Brother Donald: Beloved viewers, we have to be very careful with who or what we allow to influence us. If we are so prepared to fit in with a certain group of people, if we are going to be adjusting ourselves to conform with the behaviors, the attitudes of others, well, we may be placing ourselves in a very precarious situation.

Brother Bob: Even dangers right, Brother Donald, without even knowing it.

Brother Donald: Yes, Brother Bob.

(8:07) Brother Bob: Because nowadays, we have technology, we have the internet, mobile devices are part of everyday life, everybody’s got it in their hands. These things not only help in our daily tasks and nobody can deny that that’s true. But they are also used to share ideas, to share opinions and share information – in all of that, it is just right there at the fingertips of everyone that has a smartphone nowadays, right?

Brother Cromwell: Yes, Brother Bob. What exerts a strong influence today on people’s behaviors and beliefs, which all Christians should be careful of? Well let me share this to you, from a publication of Citizens Crime Commission of New York City called “Social Media Impacts Behavior and Norms,” we can read the following:

“As such, an online social group is powerful at changing its members’ views on certain topics, thus reinforcing certain norms and behaviors within their group. Such a situation becomes problematic when agreement-focused groups adhere to social norms around harmful behavior.”

Brother Cromwell: Now, Brother Bob, based on this study of behavioral sciences, social media or online social group is powerful – take note – powerful at changing its members’ views on certain topics.

Brother Bob: So what we see here then, brothers, is that people are greatly influencing each other and they’re doing so by means of social media. Well, this per se is not the problem. But as we did hear there, as you’ve just read, brother, the situation does become a problem or becomes problematic when these agreement-focused groups adhere to social norms that are around harmful behavior. That definitely becomes a problem. Right, Brother Matt?

Brother Matt: I totally agree with you, Brother Bob, and so when the ideas or opinions being shared are harmful, then the people in those particular social media groups are also in danger. It’s just like someone being sick because of a virus. If he would share that virus with someone else, well, more likely the other person would become sick as well.

(10:39) Brother Bob: And who, brothers, among social media users do you think are the most susceptible to adapting to such harmful behaviors? Does the study respond to that question? Does the study reveal that as well, Brother Cromwell?

Brother Cromwell: Oh yes, Brother Bob, that is for sure. Well, listen to this as we continue to read the article here:

“The need for popularity also increases self-interested behaviors, which makes it more difficult to take others feelings and perspectives into account. Moreover, these users often feel additional social media anxiety, which pressures them to behave in a way that garners ‘likes,’ which can lead to the spreading of harmful content online when it is reinforced. This is even more impactful for teens, where 39% report feeling pressured to only post content that they believe will get them lots of comments or likes.”

Brother Donald: The point here then, beloved viewers, is this. If there are people who are feeling a great pressure to be liked or to be accepted by others, what is the danger? They are the ones who are much more susceptible to being influenced by harmful opinions, ideas or beliefs.

Brother Bob: But wait a minute, brothers, you know, there might be some viewing our discussion and wondering, “Well, what’s harmful about my social media? I don’t look at anything there that’s harmful. I don’t see anything harmful in social media or in the culture around me for that matter.” So, brothers, what then does the Bible make very clear about the beliefs and the behaviors that we might see everyday, but may not be aware of how dangerous those trends really are? We’ve all heard the cliché right, that we can’t see the forest because the trees are in the way, right? Therefore, brothers, we will study the Bible’s take on these issues and receive the needed guidance from God. Dear viewers, stay with us, as the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition continues.


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Topic: When Does One’s Own Social Media Culture Become Dangerous?

(13:22) Brother Bob: Welcome back, everyone, as we continue with our discussion on these important topics for today.

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Robert Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: So brothers, what does the Bible make very clear about the beliefs and behaviors well, that we see like everyday, but many may not be aware of just how dangerous those things are?

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Donald: Brother Bob, please allow me to read here in 1 Corinthians, the chapter is 6 and the verse is 9, and the Bible teaches the following:

Do you not know that sinful men will have no place in the holy nation of God? Do not be fooled. A person who does sex sins, or who worships false gods, or who is not faithful in marriage, or men who act like women, or people who do sex sins with their own sex, will have no place in the holy nation of God.

[1 Corinthians 6:9 New Life Version]

Brother Donald: We can clearly see today, beloved friends, when it comes to the culture around us that it has become so sexually promiscuous. Sexual promiscuity has become more of the norm rather than the exception.

Brother Bob: Wait a second, Brother Donald, why would you say that? I thought our discussion is about social media influences and social media influencers? And now you are talking about standards of morality.

Brother Donald: Well you are quite right, brother Bob, that this is our discussion. But we need to mention here, first of all, when it comes to sex per se, it is not a sin within the confines of marriage that was instituted or created or established by the Lord our God, that sex act is for the man and woman joined together in holy matrimony. So it means to say that when it comes to sex outside of this law of God, it is what? It is a… it is a sin. But the reason why we have to mention this here in this point of our discussion today, is because it is the popular belief, the popular belief of many people that when it comes to sex, it is not a sacred privilege. But rather it is a rite for any individual who so desires. Because of this, many people are being influenced and again, when it comes to social media it is a powerful force when it comes to influencing people to accept such erroneous beliefs or norms.

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Matt Karl Talens, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Matt: Not only are sex sins common practice in modern cultures today, but we can even see that what is also common is being not faithful in marriage. There is actually a term called open-marriage – a married couple can have sexual relations with someone else without the other partner being offended by it. And there is also as what was mentioned by the Bible, people who do sex sins with their own sex or men who act like women. And right now, it is also commonplace that if there are people who come out, they are even lauded like it’s a heroic act. And these things are often promoted favorably by social media influencers and even mainstream media programming in television.

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Cromwell Correa, United Kingdom, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Cromwell: And Brother Matt, you know, all these sexual immoralities or sex sins, it has even become so culturally accepted or it actually has become the norm that if anyone does not openly support, for example, homosexuality or maybe fornication or sex before marriage, or maybe just like what you mentioned earlier, adultery or sex outside marriage – again, if they don’t accept such thing, then they become the bad guy or they are the ones who are not socially accepted.

Brother Bob: Some might be thinking that why is it said that these are harmful ideas? Why are you saying that these are behaviors that are inappropriate? People should be allowed to live their own lives, many would say. And they would say, you know, shouldn’t you be more understanding? Shouldn’t we have a more progressive way of thinking? God is the judge anyway, right? What’s the harm? That would be the way of thinking that many people have developed, have been influenced to have. Having compassion on such individuals, they would say, that is what we have to do. No matter what they do, no matter who they are, no matter what they are doesn’t matter. These are common things that we would hear from those that have been influenced by social media. Social media that has promoted these behaviors and have built them up to be considered now the current, normal behavior.

Brother Matt: That is so correct, Brother Bob. It is true that our Almighty God is the judge. However, the harm comes when the ones being influenced with those beliefs is that God already stated his judgment on them, who practiced such behaviors that our Almighty God will punish these people.

Brother Donald: And in fact, Brother Bob and our beloved viewers, the biblical truth that we read earlier is that when it comes to people who practice such things, they will have no place in the holy nation of God. Meaning to say, how can they be accepted by God? How can they serve Him? How can they be saved? That is why the admonition of the Holy Scriptures is that a person should not be fooled.

(19:24) Brother Bob: Brothers, does the Bible teach us… are there any other harmful behaviors – let’s call them that – harmful behaviors online or elsewhere for that matter that we need to make sure that no one is influenced by? We are not allowing ourselves to be influenced to behave that way or think that way or have that ideology impacted within us because someone is drilling it to us in constant barrage of social media posts and such. Are there any other behavioral trends that we should be aware of?

Brother Cromwell: Yes, Brother Bob, in fact earlier we read 1 Corinthians 6:9. We will just continue reading on verse 10. Here it states here:

Also those who steal, or those who always want to get more of everything, or who get drunk, or who say bad things about others, or take things that are not theirs, will have no place in the holy nation of God.

[1 Corinthians 6:10 New Life Version]

Brother Cromwell: Again Brother Bob, although getting drunk and maybe making money by any means possible are viewed today as just a normal part of life, again, you know, there are those people who are saying it’s okay, life is hard, we are in a pandemic. You know? But to the point that you steal, well, the Bible makes it very clear the harm of adapting that belief. The biblical truth is that those people will have no place in the holy nation of God. That is how dangerous it is to not think and just simply adjust to fit in the culture around us. So we have to be very careful.

Brother Donald: Meanwhile when it comes to the Lord our God and His teachings written in the Bible, if we are going to apply those teachings in our life, then we are going to be lifted up to maturity, most especially, spiritual maturity. We will be found acceptable before the sight of God.

(21:40) Brother Bob: So brothers, if instead of a person attempting to always fit in with the cultures around us, we instead focus on following God’s guidance in the scriptures, how then will well-informed spiritual maturity develop within us?

Brother Matt: Brother Bob, it is through obedience and that is being taught to us by the Bible in Ephesians 4 and 14. This is what Apostle Paul mentioned:

Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth.

[Ephesians 4:14 The Living Bible]

Brother Matt: My friends, being mature means we will then no longer be like children.

Brother Bob: In what way, what do you mean there, Brother Matt?

Brother Matt: Brother Bob, we know that children constantly change their minds, right?

Brother Bob: Yes.

Brother Matt: Because they do not know yet what is good for them and only follow what they feel is right for them.

Brother Bob: Right.

Brother Matt: And so if as adults, we merely would follow our own feelings or moods and regard that as the truth, and then base our beliefs and behaviors on that, then we will be forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or has cleverly lied to us and made it seem that it is the truth.

Brother Bob: Got it, got it.

Brother Donald: Well when it comes to a person’s feelings, yes, they may change as time goes by. But when it comes to the teachings or the words of God, they never change. And even our Lord Jesus Christ declared in Matthew 5:18, such is the case. However, when it comes to utilizing properly or wisely the teachings of the Lord our God, we will not be led astray. We will be kept on a good, a proper path or direction, and that direction is going to lead us to salvation and eternal life.

(23:44) Brother Bob: Important point there, Brother Donald, but how will we, how would any person for that matter, receive God’s words which are, of course, the truth and how will it change us for the better? Maybe our viewers would want to ask something like this, but aren’t there so many religions already preaching so many so-called truths? Which path should I travel? Well what about those who may be asking that question, Brother Cromwell?

Brother Cromwell: Brother Bob, that is such a perfect question. Because as we know that there are many religions nowadays, there are many people who are confused which path to follow. Well let us read what the Bible teaches according to Apostle Paul in Ephesians, chapter 4, verses 20 to 25, we are taught this:

But that isn’t what you were taught about Jesus Christ. He is the truth, and you heard about him and learned about him.

[Ephesians 4:20-21 Contemporary English Version]

You were told that your foolish desires will destroy you and that you must give up your old way of life with all its bad habits.

[Ephesians 4:22 Contemporary English Version]

Let the spirit change your way of thinking

[Ephesians 4:23 Contemporary English Version]

and make you into a new person. You were created to be like God, and so you must please him and be truly holy.

[Ephesians 4:24 Contemporary English Version]

We are part of the same body. Stop lying and start telling each other the truth.

[Ephesians 4:25 Contemporary English Version]

Brother Cromwell: Brother Bob, which truth or which path should one take? Because especially nowadays there are so many religions? Well, the truth is about our Lord Jesus Christ. That is what we need to be on the right path.

Brother Bob: So later in our discussion, isn’t it, brothers, that we will be discussing about the role of Christ and what we have to know about him and how we should all be receiving the guidance from Him. Right, Brother Matt?

Brother Matt: Brothers and our viewers, there is also something else that we need to understand. As what we have learned earlier, the Bible said that our foolish desires will destroy us. This actually supports the biblical truth that if we remain like children, we are just following our own desires, something that we think gives us pleasure or feels good to us, then we will eventually destroy ourselves.

(26:14) Brother Bob: So how will learning the actual truth then brothers, how is that going to change us for the better?

Brother Donald: Brother Bob, if you notice in the citation that was read by Brother Cromwell earlier, there was mention, “Let the spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person.” Therefore, if there is anything that we should allow to influence us, it should not be the culture around us. It should not be influences or influencers on social media, well rather, it should be God. we should allow God to influence us or influence our way of life. How can we prove that we have allowed God to influence our life? Through His teachings or the truth of the gospel written in the Bible.

(27:06) Brother Bob: Good point, Brother Donald. But what is it that God’s words are going to actually do for a person during a time when cultures are so different and cultures are changing so rapidly, there are so many trends on social media just influencing the way people think nowadays?

Brother Matt: In 2 Timothy 3:15 up to 17, Apostle Paul will give us the value of the words of our Almighty God. Let us read these verses:

and you remember that ever since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

[2 Timothy 3:15 Today’s English Version]

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living,

[2 Timothy 3:16 Today’s English Version]

so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.

[2 Timothy 3:17 Today’s English Version]

Brother Matt: My friends, this is the teaching of Apostle Paul. We have heard that Apostle Paul mentioned that the words of our Almighty God written in the Holy Scriptures will give us wisdom. To receive what? To receive salvation. It is also very useful for teaching the truth, for rebuking error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living. And this is the reason inside this Church Of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Administration led by our beloved Executive Minister, continues to teach us commandments recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Why? Because as what the Bible said, this is what will equip the servants of our Almighty God in doing every kind of good deed. Which is the good being referred to by Apostle Paul? Of course, the commandments of our Almighty God.

Brother Bob: So therefore, brothers, if then the culture around us is changing in a direction that is going against or going farther away from the words of God here in the Bible, then it will be wrong to try and fit in and change with it as it goes away from the teachings of God. Don’t go along with the majority, dear friends, when the majority does what is wrong. Stand our ground on the side of God. That is our belief as members of the Church of Christ. And if we are to have a culture that we use as a basis of what is normal or what is proper, it has to be the culture that is based upon the Bible or what we often call as Christian culture. Remember, the truth that we need is about Jesus Christ. Therefore, we need to continue our discussion in this direction, brothers. We first need to be taught, isn’t it? We first need to learn about Him. So that is where our discussion turns now when we come back to Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. Stay with us as our discussion continues.


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Topic: When Does One’s Own Social Media Culture Become Dangerous?

(30:40) Brother Bob: Welcome back, everyone, as we continue now our discussion on the dangerous social norms and social media integrity, based upon Christian principles written here in the Holy Bible.

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Robert Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: So, brothers, let us now ask the Bible what exactly should we know, what exactly should we understand regarding the truths of our Lord Jesus Christ, when it comes to involving ourselves in any kind of influences around us in this world, be it social media or other things that some may consider as normal in culture today?

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Cromwell Correa, United Kingdom, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Cromwell: Brother Bob, we can read what the Bible teaches in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, verses 23, 31 and 35. This is what it states:

Christ paid a price to buy you when he died for you. So do not act as if you are evil people’s slaves by doing the evil things that they tell you to do.

[1 Corinthians 7:23 Translation for Translators]

… Because this world as it exists now will soon be gone, those who are actively involved in the affairs of this life should not devote all their time to be involved in those things.

[1 Corinthians 7:31 Translation for Translators]

I am telling you this for your own good. I am not saying it in order to restrict you. Instead, I am saying it in order that you may do what is proper and be able to serve the Lord without being distracted {things distracting you}.

[1 Corinthians 7:35 Translation for Translators]

Brother Cromwell: Now our beloved viewers and our friends, what exactly should we know and understand about the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ? Well just like what we have read from the Holy Scriptures, our Lord Jesus Christ paid a price to buy or purchase people in order for them to be able to serve the Lord. Now these particular people are instructed not to act as slaves of evil people by doing evil things. In fact, they are told not to devote all their time to be involved in the affairs of this life. So these people are the ones who have well-formed maturity, actually follow the guidance of the biblical truth and are not simply trying to fit into the cultures around them.

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel

(33:09) Brother Donald: I think it is important, Brother Cromwell, that we explain to our beloved viewers – what is the price that our Lord Jesus Christ paid for certain people to have the right to serve the living God? Well we can read the answer to that question here in Hebrews 9, and the verse is 14:

How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!

[Hebrews 9:14 New International Version]

Brother Donald: Therefore, the question was what did our Lord Jesus Christ pay as a price for certain people to have the right to serve the living God? Well the answer clearly is none other than His blood. When our Lord Jesus Christ died and He shed His precious blood, please notice there were people who were benefactors. They were cleansed when it came to their consciences from acts that lead to death. And those acts that lead to death are any kind of acts or deeds, including when it comes to social norms and all practices that go against the will of the Lord our God. Through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, certain people, their sins or those acts that lead to death, they were purified from them. And again, what was the right that they attained? They attained the right to serve the living God.

(34:43) Brother Bob: But you know, brother Donald, the questions that will be asked would most probably be like, well, who are these people? And where are they? Because those questions will no doubt be asked because anyone and everyone could just say that they have been purchased by the blood of Christ. Anybody could say they are Christians and that Christ died for them. But let us remember that just because you say it, doesn’t necessarily make it so. Just because you believe it, doesn’t make that the truth, right?

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Matt Karl Talens, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Matt: That’s right, brother Bob, and the truth regarding whom our Lord Jesus Christ died for or purchased with His blood is written in the Bible. So what is the biblical truth written regarding what was purchased by our Lord Jesus Christ with His blood? We can read it from the Bible in Acts in chapter 20 and the verse is 28. This is what it says, please listen:

Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood.

[Acts 20:28 George M. Lamsa Translation]

Brother Matt: The biblical truth regarding our Lord Jesus Christ that we need to know and understand is that He died for, or purchased the Church Of Christ or Iglesia Ni Cirsto in Filipino with what? With His blood. And so those inside the biblical Church Of Christ are actually the ones serving our Almighty God and they do not follow the dangerous cultures of this world, especially when those cultural practices oppose the ways of our Almighty God. Why? Because these practices that oppose the teachings of God will not lead man to salvation, but rather it will lead them to punishment from our Almighty God. That is why here in the Church Of Christ that is serving you right now, we have a common ground. Although this Church has grown so much already that it is composed of more than a hundred races or people coming from more than a hundred races, and established in more than 150 countries, but we have the Bible as our common ground, which is why we are sure that we are able to follow the commandments of the Father in heaven.

Brother Donald: That is why we will never cease, beloved friends, inviting you to become or to enter into the true Church Of Christ. Because the Church Administration always teaches unto the members of the Church, the words of the Lord our God, so that we in turn, will not be fooled or deceived. We will not be influenced when it comes to the so-called norms or the beliefs of the people around us, but rather we will remain worthy as being members of the nation of God who are on the true path that leads to salvation and eternal life.

(37:47) Brother Bob: But brothers, let us just pause for a second here. Isn’t it true that, you know, pressures especially on young people nowadays – pressures to fit in, and pressures to do and to believe what their social media friends are also believing and what is trending, and what social media is deciding is good – the pressure on them, it’s tough for them to really distance themselves and do the right thing, right?

Brother Cromwell: Brother Bob, that is very true, especially now wherever we are, whatever country we are from, you know, the youth are surrounded by friends, their loved ones who are in social media and they can be pressured to feel and believe in the same way. However, what they are expected to do by our Almighty God, they must stand firm on the side of righteousness.

Brother Matt: But we should also remember, brothers and our viewers, that doing so is not useless. This is the testimony of Apostle Paul recorded in Galatians 6:8 and 9:

If you live to satisfy your sinful self, the harvest you will get from that will be eternal death. But if you live to please the Spirit, your harvest from the Spirit will be eternal life.

[Galatians 6:8 Easy-To-Read Version]

We must not get tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up.

[Galatians 6:9 Easy-To-Read Version]

Brother Matt: As what was mentioned by Brother Cromwell a while ago, we should not give up. Why? Because as what the Bible said if we will live to please the Spirit, our harvest from the Spirit will be eternal life. Therefore, we will not be on the losing end.

Brother Bob: Brothers, thank you very much for this very valuable discussion on the dangers of social media and how to keep it all into proper perspective and to let the Bible be the one that influences us, the words of God. So Brother Cromwell, what final words of advice do you have based on everything we have discussed?

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Cromwell Correa, United Kingdom, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Cromwell: Well to all the brothers and sisters out there, members of the Church Of Christ, let us continue to stand our ground, keep our faith, and always remember God’s teachings in our life. And for our friends and loved ones, who are not yet members of the Church, we invite you to listen to the teachings inside the Church Of Christ. Please look into or visit our website, and read our Pasugo or God’s Message magazine.

Brother Bob: Thank you very much, Brother Cromwell. May we ask you also, Brother Matt, is there any final advice that you would like to share before we finish up our broadcast for today?

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Matt Karl Talens, Washington, DC, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Matt: Thank you, Brother Bob, and I’d just like to make a follow up with what Brother Cromwell said a while ago that we continue to invite our loved ones and friends who are not yet members of the Church Of Christ to check out the teachings that we uphold inside this Church Of Christ, which are based on the Bible. Although it may entail sacrifice because we would have to give up our own desires or what we used to know, in exchange of the truth recorded in the Bible, well there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from our Almighty God.

Brother Bob: Thank you, Brother Matt. Any final words, Brother Donald, before we finish up?

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Donald Pinnock, Toronto, Canada, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Donald: You know, Brother Bob and our dear viewers, the influence of society including media, social media, and when it comes to social norms and, or behavior, the influence of society is great. And by ourselves, we cannot overcome those influences. And let us not forget because through our program it should be very evident, when it comes to those influences, they are not building us up, but rather they are bringing us down to a level of immaturity. How is it that we can overcome the very powerful influence of the society around us? It is only through the words of God attached with the Holy Spirit, as being taught by the Church Administration inside the true Church Of Christ. The Church that our Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood for. That is why we cannot overstress, beloved friends, who are not yet members of the Church, the importance of entering herein, so that you can be with us members of the Church, who have that spiritual power and the ability to overcome those decaying influences, remain serving God and on the right path that leads to salvation and eternal life.

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Robert Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: Thank you very much, Brother Donald, and thank you too as well, dear viewers, for staying with us and joining us in our discussion and viewing our discussion, I guess. And you know, before we go, let us just conclude also with one final note. We are not suggesting that everyone run out and cancel all their social media accounts and unplug the routers to the internet in your respective places, but to be alert that those things that we would maybe view on social media or other sites and such on the internet, that we are discerning in what we view and never allowing those things to influence us and establish new norms different from what God has given to us here in the Holy Scriptures. That is the important point that we would like to leave you with.

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To learn more about the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), log onto and

Brother Bob: As well as with some very positive and uplifting websites and social media accounts as you can see on your screen. These will influence you all the more to align yourself with the truths here in the Holy Scriptures. You will be able to see on the various teachings of God written here in the Holy Scriptures and the various preaching shows and the family programming.

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To learn more about the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), log onto and

Brother Bob: There you can also see on your screen, you can also see There, you will see how members of the Church Of Christ are adhering to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ to love our neighbor and love our fellowmen, and how we do that and how you can also be part of it with us, joining with us as a member of the Church Of Christ as well. And there are various other Facebook pages and such that we have which will enhance and lift you up, inspire you as we continue true service to our Almighty God. Well, we  would like to thank Brother Donald Pinnock in Toronto, Canada. Thank you, Brother Donald. Thank you as well, Brother Cromwell Correa there in the UK. And Brother Matt Talens in our nation’s capital there in Washington, DC. Thank you, brothers, for giving us Bible-based answers, so that as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church, you will be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks, why you are living the way you are. That is 1 Peter 3:15. Well, that does it for us here on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition for today. We hope that you will join us again next time.

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Robert Pellien, INC Media Studios, Minister of the Gospel

Brother Bob: I’m Brother Bob Pellien and thanks for watching.

[Show closes]


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Social Media’s Influence on Christian Living