Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Growing Up CODA: A Year Of Change

In this bonus episode, we catch up with Brother Ronnie and Brother Rowel David, children of deaf adults and ministers of the gospel in the Church Of Christ. It’s only been a year since we’ve aired the very first episode of this series, but a lot has happened since then. They talk about the unexpected tragedy that their family have had to face, how they continue to deal with it, as well as the perfectly timed blessing that they’ve received.

Keeping Your Christian Faith While in College

Vector art of two girls, one wearing a college cap

Meet Marielle and Chanelle. Marielle is an incoming college freshman and is getting advice from Chanelle, who graduated college last year and actually moved away overseas to study abroad. They’re having the tough conversation on how to keep your faith while away in college with new found freedom and surrounded by so much temptations. They’ll talk about how college can actually be a time to be even closer to God.

Christian Brotherhood

photo of two men in vector art

In this first episode of our “Thank You Series,” we hear about a friendship that has lasted over 30 years. Brother Eric Waterman surprises Brother Bob Pellien to thank him for the impact and change he’s had in his life. It’s a heartfelt conversation between two ministers of the gospel whose lives are connected by their duty and love for God.

On Following My Dad’s Footsteps

Meet a father and son who have both decided to devote their lives in the holy ministry. Brother Donald Pinnock, the host of the INC Media show, “The Solution” will be talking with his son, Brother Daniel Pinnock, who followed in his father’s footsteps. They’ll take us back to their journey on how their life-changing decision to answer God’s call to the ministry has given their lives purpose and meaning. And Brother Daniel seeks fatherly advice on parenting as he and his wife raise two young sons of their own.

Conflict of Beliefs

Photo art of two men

What happens in a family when one changes religions? Felix and Robert share lessons on how to stay connected with family while being true to themselves.

Teachers As Parents

Cut out photos of families and woman teaching kids

This month, we’re celebrating moms and teachers! We’re taking you back to season 1 where we met Melissa and Arienne, two mom teachers who were forced to change their way of teaching through remote learning at the height of the pandemic, while still caring for their own children. Studies show the impact on mothers and working women were tremendous during that time. Listen to this honest conversation where they tackle how they juggled between being a mother and teacher day in and day out.

Want to Find God?

Vector Illustration of man and woman smiling

Meet Ahmad and Naima, who have a close sibling relationship and were raised in the same religious family but somehow found their way to the true God in different stages in their lives. Today, these siblings who both wanted to find God, will take us back to their journey on how Ahmad’s curiosity led him to share it with his sister, and later with their mother.

Growing up CODA – Lessons Learned from Growing Up CODA – Part 3

Four squares of people in the squares and one woman doing the sign language sign

It’s part 3 of our Growing Up CODA series and our season finale. Because of the great feedback from the first two episodes and the request of our viewers, you’ll meet the parents of the David Brothers. They’ll answer viewer questions on how they overcame parenting challenges and how they raised two sons to be God fearing young men. For parts 2 and 3, go to the Making Changes show page.

Growing up CODA – Transition to Adulthood – Part 2

Two brothers in grey suits smiling, with a sign language interpreter on left.

It’s part 2 of our interview with the David Brothers, who were both CODA (children of deaf adults).. Despite their love for their parents, learn how their change in perspective inspired them to answer God’s call to the holy ministry. How did the brothers come to this decision and how did their parents react? And find out how they are helping the deaf community today.

Growing up CODA – Child of Deaf Adults – Part 1

Family photo with two parents and their sons.

A healthy parent-child relationship is not easy, but what more when both parents are deaf? Listen to an inspiring story that shows how parents’ actions have more impact than their words. It’s a story of two brothers whose not-so-typical childhood shaped and changed their faith, preparing them for their life’s purpose. This episode includes sign language interpretation.
