Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Preparing for Marriage the Christian Way

Once You’re Husband and Wife Adjustments and Pleasant Surprises As strange as it may sound, you might experience moments of homesickness because of leaving everything familiar to you. Kenneth shares how he tried to help Abbie when she went through these emotions in the first months after their wedding. Because you’ve never lived with one another before, there will be a huge learning curve when it comes to your daily routines and habits. Some will drive you crazy, and some you’ll learn to adapt to. Listen to how Darnelh and Kim maneuvered their way around this issue when they were trying to figure out the distribution of chores. One other thing you’ll have to adjust to are expectations from your families and how to balance your time with them. If you’re open and upfront (but still respectful of course!) with both sets of parents, you’ll be certain to find some sort of schedule or compromise that works for everyone. After all, you’re really one big family now! One thing our newlyweds have shared with us, that they are pleasantly surprised by, is they enjoy the mundane tasks they do together; from grocery shopping, to cooking, to running errands, to doing household chores. Try doing some of these daily tasks together, maybe grocery shopping and then cooking a meal, even now as an engaged couple. You’ll be able to see and become accustomed to each others’ little quirks and preferences. Maybe this simple way of spending time with each other is something you and your future spouse will cherish too. Preparing for Marriage God’s Way Enjoy the journey, both to the wedding day and well into married life. God gave you your person (as Darlene said in “Marriage Benefits - We Don’t Just Date For Fun”). So, soak up all the happy, sad, challenging, exciting, worrisome, thrilling, and blessed moments with your spouse. Follow the example of our Happy Life couples, and put God and His words at the center of your marriage. Then everything else will fall into place, according to God’s plans.

Getting engaged is an exciting time in a couples’ relationship, but there can also be anxiousness and uncertainty. Many wonder how to proceed and what the next steps are. What are important things to consider when preparing for marriage?

Supporting Each Other in a Health Crisis

A newly married couple embrace each other as they lift up their newborn son.

Richelle and Joel, from the UK, were so excited to be expecting their first child, a baby boy. What they didn’t foresee was the health crisis they would face soon after his birth.

Young Newlywed Entrepreneurs

A newly married couple stand outside of their self-employed food truck.

A very young newlywed couple, Kegan and Ailafaye, are learning about married life while chasing their dream to become successful entrepreneurs.

Cross Border Love During A Pandemic

A newly married couple hold hands and smile while on a dock beside the water with American and Canadian flag puzzle pieces in the background.

Zachary and Isabelle are a long-distance and cross-border relationship success story! Find out how Zach, from Canada, found himself moving thousands of miles away to marry Issy, the missing puzzle piece that completed him.

Age Gaps in Marriage

A newly married couple stand and smile together beside a window with sunlight streaming on them.

Jasmine and Mac, from Winnipeg, Canada, have an age gap, which can also be considered a generational gap, of several years. Discover if this age gap impacts their relationship as newlyweds.

Managing Time as a Married Couple

A newly married couple are busy multitasking as the wife pours her husband coffee while on the phone.

Paolo and Rachelle are busy newlyweds from Burlingame, CA. They share how they juggle their careers, while making time for their marriage, and prioritizing their services to God.

Communication in Intercultural Marriage

A newly married couple hold hands and smile at each other on the street

Cindy and Michael are both from Belgium but they had different upbringings and grew up in different areas of the country. Find out how these contrasts resulted in some challenges in their marriage.

Sharing Common Interests as Newlyweds

A newly married couple sit on a sofa side-by-side and each play the guitar

The love of music brought them together, but what other shared hobbies and passions do Jasmine and Darryl share? Listen in to find out what effect these mutual interests have on their marriage as newlyweds.

Buying Your First House as Newlyweds

A newly wed couple hold hands on top of a table with a notepad and pen, calculator, cup of coffee, and budgeting app in front of them.

When Chris and Alyssa realized their relationship was heading towards marriage, they decided to sit down together to talk about their finances! Find out what they learned together about budgeting and even buying a home as newlyweds.
