Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Is Prosperity Always a Blessing?


Is wealth or having riches a blessing? Is God against His people becoming rich? According to the Bible, are there any problems with being wealthy?

How to Live Forever

DNA and artificial hand with an hourglass.

Scientists believe they’re close to extending life but can today’s technology lead to immortality? Or is the key to eternal life found only in the Bible?

Are You Caught in a Happiness Trap?

sad girl caught in the happiness trap holds a fake smile

Are you chasing happiness only to find yourself wondering if it will ever be enough? Learn how to stop chasing the wind and instead figure out if there really is something more to life.


hands holding a horse shoe, four leaf clover, and rabbit's foot with text: "Does luck really exist?"

Amulets, Talismans, & Lucky Charms. Every culture has them. But do these things really bring people luck? And does luck really exist?

Public Enemy #1

Public Enemy #1: Are you safe?

Genghis Khan, Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussein. All these men gained notoriety for their brutality, their cruelty, and their utter disregard for human life. However, the greatest murderer of all time has somehow deceived many people into thinking he doesn’t exist. Who is public enemy #1? And are you safe from his dangerous schemes?

The Truth About God: The God of the Bible

Do you know the truth about God. Find out who He really is in this special three part series of Face the Truth.

People have been trying to describe Him, paint Him and define Him from the very beginning but who is He? Can all the different concepts on God be right? Are any of them right? Is it possible that the God you serve is false?
