Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: band together – Page 7


After being homeless and discharged from the military, a hopeful man decides to join the Church Of Christ and learns that God can change his life.
Marriage takes work, but what happens when you have different beliefs? A Christian woman shares how having the same religious background helps her marriage.
At 18 weeks pregnant, a young couple learns their 2nd child would battle Congenital Heart Disease. They’ve learned to find blessings in God’s plan.
At 35 years old, Macy Padilla was considered a geriatric pregnancy. She experienced complications but trusted in God’s timing. God blessed her with a baby.
Becoming a mom may leave one feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, but it is also a chance to learn more about God. Here are six lessons motherhood can teach.
A working mom of two, Aliw Garcia Pablo shares how her fears and hopes keep her present for her children and allow her to be a conscious parent.
As a military wife and mom of 2, Roxanne Matammu learns to deal with taking care of the household and while strengthening her marriage while her husband is deployed.
Many people are facing job loss due to COVID-19. A young dad asks how to have faith when you lose your job, and stay positive for your family.
After her child is diagnosed with autism, a mother gains a new perspective that gives hope for parents and advocates of children with autism.