Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: prayer – Page 24


Helen thought she knew God and Jesus, until one day she found the Church Of Christ where she learned who Jesus truly is and His role in her salvation.
What if you could speak to your future husband or wife? What would you say? What kind of message would you leave for them?
Reflecting on life can be effective in providing insight and perspective. But sometimes it’s not always no clear. So, what does self-reflection mean?
Learn what you should know before popping the big question and how can you make sure that you end up having a successful marriage.
Post-breakup emotions can be messy. Find out why you should trust in God after a breakup.
Find out if God is leading you into a relationship, showing you red flags, or guiding you to stay in a friendship.
God spoke to people directly, through visions, and through angels in the past. How did God reveal His words in order for the Bible to come about?
Is drinking wrong for a Christian? Getting drunk is detrimental, but are there consequences to social drinking or selling alcohol as part of a livelihood?
Dealing with parental disappointment because of your career is a struggle for many. A young creative asks what to do when parents don’t approve of your career.
Mala grew up in a religion that believed in many gods but didn’t entertain her questions. As an adult, she had more questions—and wanted answers.