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Search Results for: prayer


After suffering from cardiac arrest, a young girl prays to attend the 50th Anniversary of the Church Of Christ and to meet the Executive Minister.
After seeing a social media post of a 7-year-old with Alopecia, a condition causing hair loss, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo sends a Minister to pray for her.
Do you ever think God is ignoring you? Well, not all prayers are answered by God. The Bible tells us what we should do for God to answer our prayers.
If you can’t figure out the solutions to your problems, maybe you’re looking for help in the wrong places. Have you tried praying?
Joselito Eslao discovers that his liver is in trouble, but he finds hope after receiving a prayer from the Executive Minister in North Shields, United Kingdom. And Ulysses Agdaca, diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma bone marrow cancer feels much stronger.
How do we know if God hears our prayers? Learn three reasons why God may not be listening to your prayers and how you can build a relationship with God.
What does the Bible say about praying for the sick? While not all doctors have a cure, there is a prayer for healing. Learn how to pray to God for healing.
Since she was nine, Judicel has had the lingering fear of losing her father too soon. Thankfully, her parents taught her the true value of prayer. This is an excerpt. Please watch the full 3-part Faith Speaks Global Event series on the INC Media app.