1:30 Who is Christ? Whom does the Bible introduce as the true Christ?
2:49 What does it mean if people do not accept that the true Christ is the Lord Jesus?
3:42 What is one of the unique roles or functions of the true Christ? What is the true nature of the true Christ?
8:00 Is the Jesus whom Catholics recognize as God, the only one whom they regard or view as being Christ?
13:08 What should the members of the Catholic Church understand about the Christ depicted in said painting?
18:59 Does the true Christ Jesus agree with the Catholic doctrine that He is truly God?
21:22 What about now that our Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven, did our Lord Jesus Christ become God?
24:28 Why should it not surprise anyone, that after the time of the apostles, there arose men who preached of a Jesus who is different from the one whom the apostles were with and preached about?
29:12 How did the Lord Jesus Christ introduce the false prophets who even preach about a different Jesus?
30:06 Who is the sheep, whose clothing would be imitated by the false prophets?
31:02 Do the Catholic priests also imitate the clothing of Christ?
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[Source: youtube.com/africanews
Voiceover: Holy statue of Jesus Christ. The African tallest statue when 8.5 meters was erected at a Saint a luscious Catholic Parish founded by rich Nigerian businessman Albina Onuoha. Bishop of all Catholic…
[Video ends
Brother Johnny Martin: A Catholic parish in Africa. What is reported to be the largest statue of Jesus Christ in Africa was unveiled. A Catholic Bishop reportedly said that for passers by looking at the statue will bring them closer to Jesus. However, dear friends, do Catholics have the true Christ?
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Brother Johnny Martin: Whom do the members of the Catholic Church recognize as Christ? Find that out today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. I’m Johnny Martin and joining us this week, our brother Anthony Brandon in Toronto, Canada,
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bernard Daos, in San Francisco, California.
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Bernard Daos
San Francisco, California
Minister of the Gospel
And Brother Mark Vasquez in Jacksonville, Florida.
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Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: Hi, Brothers. And thank you very much for joining us this week.
Brothers: Hello, Brother Johnny. Hi, Brother, Johnny.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brothers, today we’re going to be talking about Christ. And whether or not the Catholic Church has the true Christ. Of course, dear viewers, the true Church has and recognizes the true Christ. And the true Christ is the one introduced by the Bible. Now, Brother Anthony, if we could begin with you please. Who is Christ? Whom does the Bible introduce as the true Christ?
Brother Anthony Brandon: Oh, since we’re asking who the Bible introduces as a true Christ, let us read from the Bible. Here in the book of Acts in chapter 2, verse 36, this is what we can read:
“Therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
[Acts 2: 36 New King James Version]
Brother Anthony Brandon: Now, whom does the Bible introduce as the true Christ? According to what we’ve read in the book of Acts, the true Christ is the one whom our God has made Lord and Christ. And who is that? That is none other than our Lord, who is also Jesus Christ. So if anyone or anything else is being recognized as the true Christ, well, that is not in accordance with what the Bible teaches. The true Christ is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is made Christ by God.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brother Mark, if I could go with you, please. The Bible has just shown us that the Lord Jesus is the true Christ. What does it mean if people do not accept that the true Christ is the Lord Jesus?
Brother Mark Vasquez: Let us read in First John 2:22.
Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.
[I John 2:22 New King James Version]
Brother Mark Vasquez: What does it mean if people don’t accept the true Christ is the Lord Jesus? The Bible also said, who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. So, how could such people be saved? The Bible says that the place of liars is the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death. And we could read that in Revelation 21:8.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brother Bernard, what is one of the unique roles or functions of the true Christ? And this is the second question, what is the true nature of the true Christ?
Brother Bernard Daos: Brother Johnny, let’s turn again to the Bible for the answers to both those questions. And we can read here in First Timothy, the chapter is 2 verse 5. This is what the Bible is teaching us:
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
[I Timothy 2:5 New King James Version]
Brother Bernard Daos: The true Christ Jesus, according to the Bible, His function is the only mediator between God and men. But what else does the Bible teach about the true Christ Jesus? His true nature according to the Bible, he is a man in his nature of being. Therefore, Brother Johnny, this is the Christ, whom the members of the Church of Christ recognize, whom we believe in, and whom we seek to introduce to all the people in the world. The true Christ is the Lord Jesus who is a man in his nature or state of being. This is the teaching of the Bible. This is the faith of all members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo all around the world.
Brother Johnny Martin: However, Brothers and dear friends, you know, some might say something along these lines. Well, doesn’t the Catholic Church already know and have the true Christ? What whom and what do the members of the Catholic Church regard as Christ? That’s what we’ll talk about after the break. Don’t go away. The Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition will continue.
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Welcome back everyone to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.
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Brother Johnny Martin: Earlier, we shared with you what the Bible says about the true Christ. The true Christ is the Lord Jesus, who is a man in His state of being. This Church, the Church Of Christ or Iglesia Ni Cristo continues to proclaim this biblical truth to as many people as possible around the world through all available means, including our friends and relatives, who are members of the Catholic Church. But why? Brother Anthony, let’s begin this segment with you please, doesn’t the Catholic Church already know and have the true Christ? Whom and what do the members of the Catholic Church regard is Christ?
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Johnny Martin
Quezon City, Philippines
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Anthony Brandon: For our answer, Brother Johnny and dear viewers, we’re going to go to a book that was actually written by someone from the Catholic Church. The title of that book is, Discourses on the Apostles Creed was written by the Catholic priest named Clement Crock, and it has a Nihil Obstat by Arthur Scanlan, and an Imprimatur by Patrick Hayes. Now, what we can read on page 206 of that book is this:
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
[Discourses on the Apostles’ Creed, Clement Crock, nihil obstat by Arthur Scanlan, imprimatur by Patrick Hayes, Page 206]
“Thus, for example, it was not until 325 A.D., at the Council of Nicaea, that the church defined for us that it was an article of faith that Jesus is truly God.”
Brother Anthony Brandon: Whom do the members of the Catholic Church recognize as their Jesus? In other words, for members of the Catholic Church, who is Jesus? Well, according to this book, Discourses On The Apostles Creed, they are taught that Jesus is truly God. Who is it that defined for them that it is an article of faith that Jesus is truly God? Is none other than the Catholic Church. When and where did they come up with this article of faith that Jesus is truly God? It happened in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea. So the Jesus that has been recognized by the Catholic Church is not the Jesus that is being taught in the Holy Scriptures, who is a man in his state of being.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, Brother Mark, is the Jesus whom Catholics recognize as God, the only one whom they regard or view as being Christ? Whom also do the members of the Catholic Church recognize as being Christ?
Brother Mark Vasquez: Well, let’s read from the Catholic book entitled The Faith Of Millions. This book was actually written by a Catholic priest named John O’Brien. And this also has a nihil obstat by Edwin Miller, a Catholic priest, and an imprimatur by John Francis Noll, another Catholic priest. And this is what’s written on page 267.
[On-Screen Text Graphics]
Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
[The Faith Of Millions, John O’Brien, nihil obstat by Edwin Miller, imprimatur by John Francis Noll, Page 267]
“No wonder that the name which spiritual writers are especially fond of applying to the priest is that of ‘alter Christus.’ For the priest is and should be another Christ.”
Brother Mark Vasquez: Let’s go back to the question that you asked earlier, Brother Johnny is the Jesus whom Catholics recognize as God, the only one whom they regard or view as being Christ? No, it is not. Whom do the members of the Catholic Church recognize as being Christ? Well, they also recognize their priests as being Christ. That’s why it says here in their book, the name which spiritual writers are especially fond of applying to the priests is that of alter Bhristus for the priests is and should be another Christ.
Brother Anthony Brandon: We have to understand your viewers and Brother Johnny that in the Catholic Church there are approximately 410,000 priests according to Catholic News Service. So for the Catholic Church that would mean that they are recognizing 410,000 men as Christ.
Brother Bernard Daos: And notice brothers and beloved viewers that earlier we learned from the Bible that the true Christ is a man, the mediator between God and men. But according to what we have read from this Catholic book for the members of the Catholic Church, not only do they regard Jesus, whom they also believe to be God as Christ, but even all of their priests they also recognize as Christ.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, dear friends, we know that for many who are members of the Roman Catholic Church, they display pictures and set up images that supposedly depict the face of Jesus Christ. One famous painting where Jesus Christ has been depicted is that which was done by Leonardo da Vinci, which is called The Last Supper. Before we go further, let’s take a look at these video clips. On said painting.
[Source: youtube.com/catholiconline]
Male VO: The Last Supper has been the subject of art for centuries, including the great masterpiece by Leonardo DaVinci.
Female VO: This incredible painting was commissioned to Leonardo by the Dominican monks who own the Santa Maria della Gratz Monastery. Leonardo took four years to complete it. But the result was astonishing. Leonardo managed to represent perfectly the tempest of emotions created by the unexpected announcement of Christ: one of you will betray me. It’s like being there, I can assure you. As a tour guide, I’ve seen it so many times. Yet, it always moves me because it’s like a frozen emotion explosion, and it has a cinematic graphic quality that perfectly suits our modern sensibility. The Last Supper summarizes in itself all the various aspects of the genius of Leonardo. For example, his absolute attention to detail is expressed in the realism of even the smallest objects, like the food or the crisps or the tablecloth. You can find his deep knowledge of the human nature in the different emotions he put in the faces and gestures of the apostles. Rage, pain, surprise, in cruelty, and try to get the subtle way in which he paints the relationship between Christ and Judas. The only two people in the room knowing the truth about the traitor, and therefore united by this painful awareness. There are so many layers of meaning and symbols and details that make it a masterwork. I could go on for hours. But beware, if you haven’t booked your tickets, well in advance, there is little possibility you can get to see it. Unfortunately, this is the result of the experimental technique used by Leonardo for painting the Last Supper: egg tempera on wall, which gave him spectacular artistic results, but proved very fragile over time, making The Last Supper always at risk of vanishing forever. That’s why entrances have to be rigorously limited. No more than 30 people every 15 minutes, and that’s why it’s so difficult to find the tickets.
[Video ends]
Brother Johnny Martin: Dear friends, for many Catholics when they think of Christ Jesus, they think of him in the way he was depicted in The Last Supper painting. However, what should the members of the Catholic Church understand about the Christ depicted in said painting?
Brother Bernard Daos: Brother Johnny for that answer if we may turn to a Catholic book entitled, My Catholic Faith. This was written by a Catholic priest named Louis LaRevoire Morrow, and this also has Nihil Obstat by Henricus Coffey, a Catholic priest and an imprimatur by Michael O’Doherty, another Catholic priest. This is what they wrote on page 82.
[My Catholic Faith, Louis LaRavoire Morrow, Nihil Obstat by Henricus coffey, Imprimatur by Michael O’Doherty, Page 82]
“It is said that the model the great artist Leonardo da Vinci used for the figure of Jesus Christ in his painting ‘The Last Supper’ was a young man of exceptional beauty, whose countenance expressed innocence and purity in a remarkable degree. Some years after, when Leonardo da Vinci was ready to draw the figure of Judas the traitorous Apostle, he had a difficult time trying to find a model. So he went into the most disreputable haunts of the city, the places where the worst criminals congregated, to seek a suitable model. He saw all sorts of criminals, immoral men altogether lost to all sense of decency, but still he was not satisfied. At last one day he espied a wreck of a man slinking in a corner of a dive. His face had an expression so vicious and diabolical that the artists knew his search for a model for Judas was ended. Going near, he prevailed upon the fellow, with the offer of a great sum of money, to sit as model. The series of sittings was about to end, when one day Leonardo da Vinci said, ‘You know, since you came, I have always had a feeling that I have seen you somewhere before. I must be wrong, but the feeling persists’… There upon the man in an outburst of despair cried, “‘Yes, you have seen me before! I was the innocent young man who sat as a model for the figure of that Christ there… And now, see how I am sitting for Judas, for Judas.’…
Brother Bernard Daos: What should we notice here in The Last Supper painting? This painting depicts Christ Jesus together with his 12 apostles at the Last Supper. The one seated in the center is supposed to be Jesus Christ. But what should we understand? This depiction of Jesus Christ is what Catholics have in mind, what have they come to think of when they think of Jesus Christ and when he is portrayed in films or movies.
Brother Mark Vasquez: However, what do Catholic priests admit here about the depiction of the Lord Jesus Christ? The man who Leonardo da Vinci used for the figure of Christ Jesus in his painting, The Last Supper, he was the same man whom he used to draw the figure of Judas Iscariot. He’s the apostle that was considered a traitor. And what kind of man was he? He was said to be a wreck of a man slinking in a corner of a dive. His face had an expression so vicious, and diabolical, that the artist knew his search for a model for Judas was ended. What did this man say to Leonardo da Vinci? When he had to explain this? When he had the feeling that he had seen him before? The man said, Yes, you have seen me before. I was the innocent young man who sat as a model for the figure of that Christ there. And now, see how I am sitting for Judas, for Judas!
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Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Anthony Brandon: Yes, dear viewers, what should we understand from this? The image that many Catholics all over the world are displaying, in their places of worship and in their rooms, this image of what is supposed to be Jesus that they’re adoring so much, is actually not a picture of Jesus Christ at all. On the contrary, what are they really looking at? It is an image of a man whom an artist picked, and use that same person to depict Judas Iscariot, the despicable person who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: So Brothers and dear friends, we’ve seen that for the members of the Catholic Church, they regard several things as being Christ. The Jesus whom they proclaim, is truly God, the thousands of priests that they have and regard as another Christ, and the pictures and statues of his face is not really that of Christ, but of just some ordinary men whom an artist used as the model for painting Judas Iscariot. Safe to say then that the Catholic Church does not have the true Christ. Why else are we sure of this? Well, that’s what we’ll talk about next, on The Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition, don’t go away.
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Welcome back, everyone to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. For those who have just joined us, let’s do a quick recap.
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Brother Johnny Martin: We have seen that for the members of the Roman Catholic Church, they regard several things as being Christ: the Jesus whom they proclaim as truly God? The many priests that they have leading them when they say are another Christ, and the pictures and statues whose face is not really that of Christ, but of just some ordinary man used by an artist as a model to paint Judas Iscariot. The Catholic Church does not have the true Christ. Why else are we sure of this? Brothers, does the true Christ Jesus agree with the Catholic doctrine that He is truly God? Does the true Christ Jesus agree with the Article of Faith made in Nicaea in the fourth century, that He is God? Brother Anthony, if we could begin with you please?
Brother Anthony Brandon: For our answer, let’s turn to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ recorded in The Holy Bible. Here in the book of John, in chapter 8 in verse 40. He says this:
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God.
[John 8:40 New King James Version]
Brother Anthony Brandon: So dear viewers and Brother Johnny, if our question is, does our Lord Jesus Christ agree with the article of faith that was defined by the Catholic Church in the fourth century, that he is truly God? Well, the answer is he truly does not agree with that. And how do we know? By looking at His words recorded in The Holy Bible we see his clear teaching in the first century while he was still here on earth. He said very clearly, I am a man who has told you the truth.
Brother Bernard Daos: Yes, Brother Anthony and that’s why dear viewers, we have to ask ourselves the question, ‘Who are we going to believe?’ Are we going to believe a Council of Bishops at Nicaea who declared or made it an article of faith that Jesus Christ is truly God? Or are we going to believe the Lord Jesus Christ himself who declared the truth that he is a man? Well, obviously, it is our Lord Jesus Christ, who knows who and what He is. And in fact, He said that you will seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth. So we can see clearly from the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, never declared that He is the true God. And he never told His disciples to believe that He is truly God.
Brother Mark Vasquez: The true Christ, who the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, believe in is a man and his true nature.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brothers would have somebody says that they accept that the Lord Jesus Christ was a man while he was still here on Earth, but that he became God when He ascended into heaven. What about now that our Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven up Brother Mark, did our Lord Jesus Christ become God?
Brother Mark Vasquez: Let’s read that here in Colossians. We’ll read chapter 3:1, it says this:
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.
[Colossians 3:1 New King James Version]
Brother Mark Vasquez: Did the Lord Jesus Christ become God when He ascended to heaven? No, he did not. And how do we know this? Because in the verses that we just read, it said, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. In another version of the Bible, it reads, you were raised from death with Christ, so live for what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.
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Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: But Brother Bernard, what if somebody says, well, Colossians 3:1 did not say that Christ is not truly God. It only said that Christ is in heaven, sitting at the right hand of God. What about that?
Brother Bernard Daos: Well, we don’t want to give our opinion or any interpretation. So let’s again, turn to the Bible here is what is recorded in the Book of Psalms, chapter 80, verse 17, the Bible teaches:
Let Your hand be upon the man of your right hand, Upon the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself.
[Psalms 80: 17 New King James Version]
Brother Bernard Daos: What does the Bible teach? The Bible is very clear in pointing out that the one who sits at the right hand of God in heaven is a man. And this is proven because the Bible says, Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand. Well, who is the one that is seated at the right hand of God? We read earlier, that the one seated at the right hand of God is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is obvious and it is a biblical teaching, that our Lord Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God is a man in his state or nature of being.
Brother Anthony Brandon: So when the Catholic Church defined back in the fourth century, that it is an article of faith that Jesus is truly God, not only did they declare something that is not found in the Holy Bible, they declared something that is against the teachings that are recorded in The Holy Bible, something that is entirely not true.
Brother Mark Vasquez: And brothers, what we should remind our viewers that are joining us right now on this program, is that when the Catholic church made this article of faith and 325, the Lord Jesus Christ, already ascended to heaven hundreds of years before that. The apostles had already passed away. Many, many years before this, all the books of the Bible were already completed in its writing. The Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Catholic priests tell people about is not the true Christ. It is a different Jesus.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Anthony, why should it not surprise anyone, that after the time of the apostles, there arose men who preached of a Jesus who is different from the one whom the apostles were with and preached about?
Brother Anthony Brandon: Well, Brother Johnny and dear viewers, the apostle Paul wrote about that very thing. Here in the book of second Corinthians chapter 11 in verse 4, we read this:
For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted– you may well put up with it!
[Corinthians 11:4 New King James Version]
Brother Anthony Brandon: Now what we have to understand is the apostles were leading the Church Of Christ in the first century after our Lord Jesus Christ rose into heaven. And during their time they gave a warning to the members of the Church. What were they warning about? Some that would come and preach another Jesus or a different Jesus. What would make this Jesus different? It was a different teaching than what the apostles were teaching to the members of the first century Church.
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Bernard Daos: To our friends and our viewers, based on what we have studied, based on what the Bible teaches, that Jesus Christ whom the members of the Catholic Church believe in, is not the true Jesus Christ. And this is because the Catholic Church preached about another Jesus, one that is different from the apostles, when they declared an article of faith that Jesus is truly God. And because of this teaching of another Jesus, the Catholic Church does not have the true Christ. Therefore, the Catholic Church is not the true church that belongs to Christ. The Catholic Church is not the true Church of Christ.
Brother Mark Vasquez: You know, Brother Barnard to actually add on to what you said is very true. The truth that the Catholic Church does not recognize the true Jesus Christ all the more proves that the members of the Catholic Church do not belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. And if they do not belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, they are not recognized by the Lord Jesus.
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Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: Now Brothers and dear viewers earlier, we read from a Catholic book that shows how the members of the Catholic Church are to regard or view their priests as being alter Christus or another Christ. Well, what kind of Christ are the Catholic priests? That’s what we’ll discuss next on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. Stay with us.
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INC International Edition
Brother Johnny Martin: Welcome back, everyone to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We have been taking a look at whom and what the members of the Catholic Church have been taught to regard or view as being Christ. Now earlier, we read from a Catholic book that shows how Catholics are to consider their priests as being alter Christus, or another Christ. However, Brother Mark, if we could go to you with this question, what kind of Christs are the Catholic priests?
Brother Mark Vasquez: Well, let’s read here in Matthew 24:24. It says this:
For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
[Matthew 24:24 New King James Version]
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Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Mark Vasquez: What kind of Christ are Catholic priests? Well, to answer that question, we want to point out to our viewers that what we read here is the pronouncement of the true Lord Jesus Christ. And what did he declare would occur? He said, false christs and false prophets will rise to deceive. And who are the fulfillment of the prophesied false Christ, who are also false prophets? The Catholic priests and what should we take note of here? These false Christs or false prophets do not enlighten people. Instead, what the Catholic priests do is deceive people.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now, hold up Brother Bernard, someone might say this, that we are just making a baseless accusation in saying that Catholic priests are false Christs and false prophets. Why are we sure that to say that is not to make a baseless accusation, but to speak the truth? How did the Lord Jesus Christ introduce the false prophets who even preach about a different Jesus?
Brother Bernard Daos: Well, let’s get that answer about the false prophets from the Lord Jesus Christ. And let us read what is recorded here in Matthew chapter 7, verse 15:
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
[Matthew 7: 15 New King James Version]
Brother Bernard Daos: How did our Lord Jesus Christ, introduce these false prophets? According to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, He said, ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing.’ So what should we understand about this proclamation of our Lord Jesus Christ? He said, Beware. Be careful. Watch out for these false prophets. How can we identify them? They will be dressed in sheep’s clothing.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Anthony, who is the sheep, whose clothing would be imitated by the false prophets?
Brother Anthony Brandon: We’ll simply refer to what is recorded in The Holy Scriptures, Brother Johnny, here in the book of John in chapter 1, read verse 29:
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
[John 1:29 New King James Version]
Brother Anthony Brandon: So who is the sheep whose clothing would be imitated by the false prophets? The sheep being referred to is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. So the false prophets would be imitating the clothing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, Brother Mark earlier in our discussion, we read from a Catholic book on how the Catholic priests claim that they are another Christ. Well, do the Catholic priests also imitate the clothing of Christ? How are Catholic priests dressed, or attire?
Brother Mark Vasquez: Brother Johnny will read from another Catholic book and this book is entitled, Father Smith Instructs Jackson. And this is also written by a Catholic priest. And this one is John Francis Noll. And this is what stated on page 214.
[Father Smith Instructs Jackson, John Francis Knoll, Page 214]
“Father Smith said, You have told me that you are attending Mass every Sunday, and I can well understand that you become quite puzzled over many things. You see the priest clad in strange vestments. You hear bells. You see the people alternately kneel and stand and sit down. All this confuses the convert for some time, and wonder whether we will ever be able to learn how to assist at the Mass intelligently, much less participate in it. Mr. Jackson I have observed these things and have been awaiting your explanation. Father Smith, The explanations are not difficult to understand once you realize that the priest deals directly with Almighty God and represents Christ. That is why He is clothed as he is. He wears vestments which are known as the amice, alb, cincture, stole, and chasuble. The vestments he wears are the garments of sacrifice.”
Brother Mark Vasquez: Let’s go back to the question we asked earlier. Do Catholic priests imitate the clothing of the Lord Jesus Christ? The answer is yes, they do. And what’s the proof? Well, in this Catholic book that we just read, the Catholic priest wrote that the priest represents Christ that is why He is clothed as he is. What is it that the priest wears, which proves he’s imitating the Lord Jesus Christ through his clothing? This book said he wears vestments, which are known as the amice, alb, cincture, stole and chasuble. The vestments he wears are the garments of sacrifice.
Brother Johnny Martin: Now Brothers and dear friends, here’s a video that talks about the clothes or vestments worn by Catholic priests.
[Video starts]
[Source: youtube.com/dioceseofwichita]
Male VO: Father puts on investments for Mass. Father puts on the alb, representing the Sacrament of Baptism. Father puts on a cincture. Father put on a stole. It represents priesthood. Father puts on a chasuble, a type of garment that Jesus would have worn.
[Video ends]
Brother Johnny Martin: Alright Brothers after we’ve watched that video clip, what are the comments or observations that you can make?
Brother Bernard Daos: Brother Johnny and also our viewers. We don’t want to be misconstrued as throwing baseless accusations. As we can clearly see from our study from what we have read in the Bible, and also what we have read from the Catholic books, that it is the Catholic priests who say that Christ is truly God. It is the Catholic priest that also says that they are another Christ. However, it is clear to us that they are not preaching the true Jesus Christ, and they themselves are not the true Christ. But in fact, they are false Christs, they are false prophets.
Brother Anthony Brandon: In fact, we can go to the point of even saying that these priests are not teaching the people the truth. What they’re teaching are actually lies. They’re not teaching the true gospel that was preached through the apostles, they are teaching another gospel.
Brother Johnny Martin: Oh, Brother Bernard on the subject of another gospel or a different gospel, what should people do with a different gospel?
Brother Bernard Daos: Well, let’s turn again to the Bible for the answer. This is what Apostle Paul teaches in Galatians chapter 1, verses 6 to 8:
I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you, and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
[Galatians 1:6-8 New King James Version]
Brother Bernard Daos: What should we do if we are being taught a different or another gospel? Apostle Paul is clear. If even we, meaning the apostles, or an angel from heaven, were to preach any other gospel than what has been preached, then let them be accursed, or in other translations of the Bible, let them be rejected.
Brother Anthony Brandon: Dear viewers, the Iglesia Ni Cristo continues to teach the true gospel. What we preach is not another gospel, but the gospel that is recorded in The Holy Scriptures. Ministers and ministerial workers of the Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church Of Christ, continue to proclaim the truth to people. One of the biblical truths that we continue to proclaim wholeheartedly to the world is that concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. What is that biblical truth? Our Lord Jesus Christ is a man in His state of being.
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Anthony Brandon
Toronto, Canada
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Mark Vasquez: So dear viewers, if you would like to be in a church that recognizes and serves the Lord Jesus Christ, we would like to invite you to be inside of the Church Of Christ, that is now serving you on this program. We encourage you to join this Church Of Christ because we have seen through the teachings that are written in the Bible, that it is clear that the Church Of Christ not the Catholic Church has the True Lord Jesus Christ.
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Mark Vasquez
Jacksonville, Florida
Minister of the Gospel
Brother Johnny Martin: All right, dear friends, we’d like to thank Brother Anthony Brandon in Toronto, Canada, Brother Bernard Daos in San Francisco, California, and Brother Mark Vasquez in Jacksonville, Florida, for giving us Bible based answers. So that as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church, you will be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are, which we could read in First Peter 3:15.
Brother Johnny Martin: Well, dear friends that does it for us here on the Iglesia NI Cristo International Edition. We hope you’ll join us again next time. I’m Johnny Martin, and thank you so much for watching today. But as we come to the end of the program, we invite you to join us for a short prayer.
Brother Mark Vasquez: Our loving Father in Heaven, we thank you for being so kind and to your children. You allowed us to have this opportunity to have this discussion, which we believe is based on your words which are written in the Bible. May it be that these words continue to stay with us, and all of our friends that are joining us on this program may be that this continues to lead them in their search for the truth, the truth that is inside of the Church Of Christ. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we pray to You, Lord Jesus because we believe in you and we have faith that you are the one that will save us. Lord Jesus, thank you for making it clear to us who you are. Please continue to mediate us to our Father in heaven and please forgive us for the sins that we have committed. Our Lord God in heaven, thank you for listening to our prayer. We pray that you will not leave any one of us alone and you will continue to be with us every moment of our life. We pray for these things loving Father in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
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