Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Rebuilding Hope: INC Extends Aid after Super Typhoon Mawar in Guam

On the left, an aerial view of a typhoon, on the right, a man carries a sack of rice, toilet paper and water bottles.

After the devastation left by Super Typhoon Mawar in Guam, families receive much-needed assistance through the Church Of Christ’s swift response to extend aid; volunteers express their gratitude to educators through an INC Giving event in Northwest California; the latest events in the INC: Evangelical Mission in Virginia, Care For Humanity event in the Caribbean, Inaugural Worship Service in Southern Ontario.

Choosing Your Circle of Friends

a group of friends having a picnic

Studies have shown that friends are essential for support and belonging. What is the Bible’s advice on choosing and having a community of friends?

Journey to Becoming a Christian Dad

cartoon family running

New baby, new title, and a whole new set of responsibilities. A Christian dad reflects and shares the lessons fatherhood has taught him so far.

On Following My Dad’s Footsteps

Meet a father and son who have both decided to devote their lives in the holy ministry. Brother Donald Pinnock, the host of the INC Media show, “The Solution” will be talking with his son, Brother Daniel Pinnock, who followed in his father’s footsteps. They’ll take us back to their journey on how their life-changing decision to answer God’s call to the ministry has given their lives purpose and meaning. And Brother Daniel seeks fatherly advice on parenting as he and his wife raise two young sons of their own.

Making The Right Decision

God's Message podcast logo, with young man trying to make a decision on split screen

We all make a multitude of decisions over the course of our lives. When faced with many choices and possibilities, how do we know if we’re making the right decision? Find out in this episode. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

The Key to Achieving Success

creative christian planner on table

Setting goals. Achieving success. There are tons of tips to try out! But what if the key to success isn’t from the latest self-help book or career coach?

INC Expands To North Bay, Ontario

Full Meta: Watch one woman’s pursuit for a brighter future in Canada bring her closer to God through an inaugural worship service in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, a new congregation of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ, watch a series of Care For Humanity Events in Florida.

Is 1 John 5:7 Evidence of the Trinity?

A highlighted verse of the Bible; text reads "Is 1 John 5:7-8 translated correctly?"

Some believe that 1 John 5:7 is evidence of the Trinity in the Bible, saying it shows that God is a three-in-one being. Is this verse proof of Trinity?
