Thank You For Believing In Me

Our Thank You series continues as we hear from a patient who expresses her deep gratitude to her physical therapist who help others live their lives through her treatment and friendship.
Conociendo a Dios

¿Es Dios la prioridad en tu vida? La Biblia puede enseñarte cómo aprovechar al máximo tu tiempo para Dios, como una mujer de México que no perdió la oportunidad de conocer a Dios.
Can Faithful Christians be Frenemies?

Can we be just “nice enough” to each other in the brotherhood in the Church? How do we deal with friendships and conflicts as Christians?
How to Talk to a Teen

Having effective parent and teenager communication is important for a healthy relationship. A mom and her teen discuss their communication style.
Parenting Kids with Special Needs

Making Changes introduces Faith And Family: Parenting Children with Special Needs. In this episode of Faith and Family, two moms, each with a son with Down’s syndrome, have a conversation about what life is like with a special needs child, and how to overcome special needs parent burnout. But also the life lessons thats changed their perspective in this beautiful journey. Let’s listen in.
Who is Isaiah 46:11 About?

What does the verse Isaiah 46:11 mean, and who is it referring to? Why is the bird of prey Felix Y. Manalo and not Cyrus? You asked, the Bible answers.
Marriage Benefits – We Don’t Just Date For Fun

Darlene and Aedelbert are newlyweds who just got married in January of 2022. Listen as they share why getting married was important to them.
Supporting Each Other in a Health Crisis

Richelle and Joel, from the UK, were so excited to be expecting their first child, a baby boy. What they didn’t foresee was the health crisis they would face soon after his birth.
Dads with Autistic Kids

Jay and Mike are two dads who have children on the autism spectrum. They sit down for an honest conversation on how changing their mindset about autism has helped them find hope and gratitude.
Young Newlywed Entrepreneurs

A very young newlywed couple, Kegan and Ailafaye, are learning about married life while chasing their dream to become successful entrepreneurs.