Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Musician Who Found the True Faith

A former sacristan, Joel found purpose through his passion for music. His journey led him to something greater—the true faith.

Discover how his faith gave him strength to resist temptations as he reached for his dreams and guided his family—even from afar—to do what pleases God.

¿Está la Navidad en la Biblia?

a christmas tree with ornaments

¿Jesucristo nació realmente el 25 de diciembre? ¿Cuál es la verdad sobre la festividad llamada Navidad? ¿Deberían los cristianos celebrar la Navidad? [Was Jesus Christ really born on December 25? What’s the truth about the holiday called Christmas? Should Christians celebrate Christmas?]

Rekindled Passion

Since he was young, Fernan wanted to become an artist. But when his mom and sister got seriously sick, his plans had to change.

Watch how Fernan’s steadfast faith and determination led him through life’s toughest challenges, guiding him to an unexpected triumph.

Finding The Right Path

A smiling young woman holds her notebook and purse on her shoulder while walking along a path in a garden

Many important decisions in life can impact one’s future, but have you ever second-guessed the choices you’ve made? Matthew, a young adult, wonders if he’s on the right path in life and how to feel sure of the direction he is taking.

Doing Good for Others

Four images of INC Giving volunteers smiling and helping their communities under text that reads "Doing Good For Others Through the INC Giving Project"

The INC Giving Project, along with other outreach efforts of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ, aims to focus on doing good for others. Learn more about the INC Giving Project and how kindness affects others.

Giving Thanks to God in the Church Of Christ

A chapel of the Church Of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo), also referred to as Central Temple, centered

Why does the Church Of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo) observe Thanksgiving at the end of every calendar year and on the anniversary of its establishment. We find the answers in the Bible.

Ways To Help Students Feel Prepared

Images of INC Giving volunteers in different communities and an image of school supplies, under text that reads "Ways To Help Students Feel Prepared & Recognizing Heroes In Our Community"

Join Taylor Joy as we learn how some INC Giving volunteers held a cleanup along the Mediterranean Sea, while others helped students feel prepared for school with a school supply donation. There are so many ways to give our time and effort. Learn more ways in this INC Giving recap.

Aiming to Please God

As the world’s condition worsens, ministers and ministerial workers, under the leadership of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, continue to be inspired to dedicate themselves more fully to taking care of the needs of the Church members under their care.

On November 26, 2024, the Executive Minister led an international conference where ministers and ministerial workers were once again inspired by the words of God, emphasizing that the aim of their service is to please God and not anyone else.

La Biblia y ciencia

stylized graphic of the earth

¿Está la Biblia en contra de la ciencia? Descubra cómo los avances científicos coinciden con las descripciones escritas en las Sagradas Escrituras.

What Makes Me Happy

Woman in a yellow dress smiling

Mary grew up in an abusive home, questioning, Does God exist? Turning to alcohol and partying for escape, she found fleeting solace. But a profound personal change gave her a new lease on life. Now, she shares how God makes her happy and transformed her journey.
