Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Buscando un cambio espiritual

silhouette of a person looking at a distance

Abrazando un viaje de cambio espiritual, las personas continúan encontrando una nueva vida guiados por las enseñanzas de Dios en la Iglesia De Cristo.

How To Deal With Life’s Ups And Downs

A group of four people run up a steep road together.

Life is full of ups and downs, and everyone will always experience both good and trying times. But why is it that we’re meant to go through different trials or tests in life, and how should we handle them?

Los desafíos de crianza hoy

a baby's hand holding an adult's hand

Guiar a hijos cristianos implica abrazar responsabilidades parentales con amor y fe. El consejo bíblico es la clave para criar adecuadamente a los hijos.

Are All Sins Equal?

A sin point in many directions towards many kinds of sins; text reads "Are there different kinds of sins?"

What is a sin? Are all sins the same? Do people pay for their sins? According to the Bible, Is there a proper and improper way to be forgiven of sins?

Volunteers Show Gratitude and Repair Houses

Group of smiling volunteers, some wearing construction hard hats, standing in front of a building and trees.

There are communities in need all around the world. Join Elijah to see how INC Giving volunteers helped their communities–even a group that decided to volunteer to give free services and help repair houses in the community.

Coworkers Volunteer Outside of Work

Smiling group of men, women and children standing next to red text that reads "Coworkers Volunteer Outside of Work at at Food Bank"

Have you ever wanted to volunteer somewhere but wanted to experience it with friends? See how Jasmin Mananquil invited a coworker to join her and other INC Giving volunteers to help pack meals at Community Mission of Hope in Temecula, California.
