Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Suicide or God as a Way Out

More and more people are suffering from depression today. It’s estimated that every 40 seconds, someone is dying by suicide. What does the Bible say on how God can help relieve people’s suffering?




  • [01:20] – Is being happy all the time realistic?
  • [02:55] – How would these troubles and sadness make a person feel?
  • [12:37] – Does the Bible mention anything about the overwhelming problems that become a burden in people’s lives?
  • [14:15] – What else does the Bible teach us, especially God’s servants, who might be going through very difficult times in their own lives?
  • [15:23] – How do we pass these hard tests of life? These tests of our faith?
  • [24:34] – Why should I listen and believe this gospel that you’re preaching to me today?
  • [27:02] – what should God’s servants do in as much as, well, we’re still here experiencing the anxiety and the worries of life nowadays?


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“The following episode contains discussions about suicide that some viewers may find disturbing and may not be suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.”


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INC International Edition


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Today’s Topic: “Suicide or God as a Way Out”


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Bob Pellien

Minister of the Gospel

San Francisco, California


Brother Bob Pellien: We’ve all seen the headlines. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and with that, more people are dying by suicide. It is estimated that a person dies by suicide every forty seconds. But is taking one’s life or dying by suicide, is that the way to deal with our problems such as depression and loneliness and anxiety? What does the Bible have to say about suicide? We’ll find out today right here on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition, and joining with me today in this discussion is Brother Phil Velasquez in London, United Kingdom, as well as Brother Dexter Manglicmot in Washington, D.C., and Brother Andrew Fisher in Melbourne, Australia. Good day to you, brothers, and thanks for joining our discussion.


Brother Andrew Fisher: Thanks, Brother Bob, good to be here.


Brother Dexter Manglicmot: Hey, everyone.


Brother Phillip Velasquez: Thank you, Brother Bob.


Brother Bob: You know, brothers, when people are asked what they want most in life, you know, many would say, “I just want to be happy.” But is being happy all the time realistic?


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Dexter Manglicmot

Minister of the Gospel

Washington, D.C.


Brother Dexter: You know, Brother Bob, that’s a very good question and people do want to be happy. We shouldn’t be surprised though if at times we are not happy. What does the Bible actually tell us what people will experience in this world? Well, let’s read here in Proverbs 1:27, this is what the Holy Scripture says:


Great trouble will come to you like a bad storm. Problems will hit you like a strong wind. Your troubles and sadness will be a very great burden on you.

[Proverbs 1:27 Easy-to-Read Version]


Brother Dexter: Dear friends, although all of us want to be happy all the time, the Bible tells us the reality of the world in which we live. It says, “Great trouble will come to you like a bad storm,” and, “Problems will hit you like a strong wind.”


Brother Phil Velasquez: Yes, that’s really true, Brother Dexter. You know sometimes troubles, they surprise us, they knock us off our feet. And we literally have to stop, take a break and sit down because of the bad news that we received.


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Andrew Fisher

Minister of the Gospel

Melbourne, Australia


Brother Andrew Fisher: That’s right, Brother Phil, and sometimes it’s not even us being affected directly by these events, but you know, the things is when we hear about the news of you know, things like mass shootings that take place in schools, hospitals, grocery stores, and even extreme weather that claims the lives of many, you know, these things still can affect us as well.


Brother Bob: And you know the Bible verse that you read there, Brother Dexter, also made mention of how these troubles and sadness would make a person feel, right?


Brother Dexter: Yes it does, Brother Bob. It says, “Your troubles and sadness will be a very great burden on you.”


Brother Bob: And you know, brothers, when it says it’s a very great burden, that’s not a small thing. In fact, these troubles will have the potential to overwhelm a person, right?


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Phil Velasquez

Minister of the Gospel

London, United Kingdom


Brother Phil: Absolutely, Brother Bob. You know, the Bible also teaches what might crush the minds of other people because of the problems that they face everyday. And we could read that here in Psalm 31:10. This is what this servant of our Almighty God expressed when he, too, was experiencing his own fair share of trials and problems:


My life must come to an end because I am so sad. My years will finish while I am crying. I am so unhappy that I have become weak. My bones are weak.

[Psalms 31:10 Easy English]


Brother Phil: You know for some these storms of life might make them lose the motivation to even live. Like what this person states in the verse that we just read, he said, “My life must come to an end.” You can see that he didn’t want to live anymore and the reason being, he says, “Because I am so sad.”


Brother Bob: You know, someone might even consider taking his or her own life because of what they’re experiencing, right? And the thought of taking one’s life could be a result of not only just one particular event, but in fact, a series of events or a series of situations that might bring him or her to a feeling, a deep sense of hopelessness.


Brother Phil: Yes, brother, and that’s why he said, “I am so unhappy that I have become weak.” The problems that the person speaking in this verse had experienced made him very unhappy and even physically weak.


Brother Andrew: That’s right. So unhappy and weak to the point that he doesn’t even want to live anymore. You know, that’s surely what those who have taken their own lives also feel. But you know, suicide is not an isolated thing. It is a problem that the entire world is facing. In fact, according to the World Health Organization in a June 2021 publication, the WHO said that more than 700,000 people die to suicide each year, and the health organization also says that for every suicide, there are many more people who attempt to die by suicide.


Brother Bob: Astounding, huh brothers? But let’s take a look at a city that has the highest suicide rate in America. Take a look.


[Video starts – Source: ABC News Live Prime]


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Working to Curb Wyoming’s Suicide Rate


Host: The seconds pass inevitably. This year, Lyle Neiberger should be thirty-three. Instead, he stays seventeen, forever frozen in the memory of his father, Lance.


Lance Neiberger: As you get into it and talk to other people, all of them say, “We’re in a life we never wanted to have.” We’re all in the cowboy attitude, you know, real men don’t cry. Real men don’t have problems.


Host: Was that something that you subscribed to?


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Lance Neiberger

Father of Lyle Neiberger


Lance: You know, it’s inbred into me. We all have problems. We all have something go wrong, and we all need help at times. And when you learn that you don’t need help and you just go on, maybe that makes life a lot tougher.


Host: They say in Wyoming, there’s two seasons: Winter and wind. Sometimes bitter and biting, others just a whisper. But when you’re here, you feel it. And these days, the same can be said about suicide. The region known morbidly as the Suicide Belt, Wyoming has the highest rate in America. It’s impact so widespread, it feels as present as the wind.


Lance: Okay, I’m Lance Neiberger, I’m the chair of the task force and again, thanks for being here.


Host: The Natrona County Suicide Prevention Task Force is well aware of the problem. They meet once a month in Casper to plan events, pull resources and keep track of the lives lost. Top of mind today, another first responder has died by suicide.


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Jim Whipps

Natrona County Coroner


Jim Whipps: Two days ago we had, or six, for the year and it was a first responder on duty. That’s a big number in a year to have that happen.


Host: There’s a number of factors putting Wyoming at high risk. Residents are isolated and with more guns per capita than anywhere else in America, residents have more access to lethal firearms than mental health professionals. One university of Utah study posits the altitude could be a factor. According to a Gallup poll, the mountain west is home to some of the happiest Americans and yet it consistently has higher rates of depression and suicide.


Police officer: Year-to-date last year, my officers had responded to 256 persons who were considering suicide, and this year we have seen an absolute negligible change, and so year-to-date from May 15th, 253.


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Brother Bob: Brothers, based on that story, there’s different factors that come into play on why it’s so much easier for people in our time to end their life, right?


Brother Dexter: And the Covid-19 pandemic certainly made things worse. In fact, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it said in May 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts began to increase among adolescents, particularly the ages of twelve to seventeen years, especially among girls. And during the timeframe of February 21 to March 20, 2021, the suicide attempts emergency department visits were 50.6% higher among girls of that same age, twelve to seventeen years, and during that same period as compared to that period in 2019. And among boys age twelve to seventeen years, suspected suicide attempts, emergency department visits increased 3.7%.


Brother Bob: Those are really alarming figures, right? The 700,000 people who died of suicide? That’s not a small number of people. That number is actually larger than a population of some countries, in fact.


Brother Andrew: And you know in addition to that, brothers, according to the WHO, suicide is the fourth-leading cause of death between those fifteen and nineteen years old.


Brother Bob: And one of the statistics that jumped out at us is a large number of young people who are dying of or attempting to die of suicide.


Brother Andrew: And that’s it. It’s so sad because just imagine, it’s the fourth-leading cause of death amongst older teenagers.


Brother Phil: And to reference again the studies of the WHO, the organization mentioned those who are at risk of dying of suicide. They say, well, the link between suicide and mental disorders in particular, depression and alcohol-use disorders, is well established in high-income countries. Many suicides happen impulsively in moments of crisis with a breakdown in the ability to deal with life’s stresses, such as financial problems, relationship breakup, or chronic pain and illnesses.


Brother Andrew: You know, Brother Phil, those are interesting factors, so that we can conclude that from the study of health authorities that one of the reasons that people die of suicide is to deal with the crisis that they face in their life, be it problems with money, relationships, or even with their health.


Brother Bob: But brothers, is that the way a person should cope or deal with the problems they encounter in life? Dear friends, is there another option? Is there a better option? We’ll answer that question when we return from this short break. Stay with us right here on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.


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INC International Edition


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Today’s Topic: “Suicide or God as a Way Out”


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Bob Pellien

Minister of the Gospel

San Francisco, California


Brother Bob: Welcome back, everyone, to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We’re discussing a very important topic today, especially during these times. People are really, especially the youth, are under so much stress and anxiety. As we learned already in our study, one way that people are dealing with the problems that they’re experiencing is to take their own life or to die by suicide. We heard from our panelists the saddening statistic when it comes to suicide, and one of those was globally 700,000 people die from suicide every year. Brother Dexter, that’s a lot of people.


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Dexter Manglicmot

Minister of the Gospel

Washington, D.C.


Brother Dexter: That is a lot of people, Brother Bob, and you know, dear friends, we have to turn now to the Bible. Does the Bible mention anything about the overwhelming problems that become a burden in people’s lives? So much so that they might want to end their own life to no longer live because they are so sad? And does God allow that one of the solutions to the deep tragedies and depression that people feel to be death by suicide? Would that be okay with God? Well let’s read the answer of the Bible as recorded here in 1 Corinthians 3:17:


If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

[1 Corinthians 3:17 New International Version]


Brother Dexter: Clearly here, dear friends, God is not pleased with anyone who would consider dying by suicide. Suicide is not the solution to problems experienced. Why? Well it simply adds to a bigger problem to one’s life and that is sin and losing salvation.


Brother Andrew: That’s exactly right, Brother Dexter, because in the verse that you just read, it shows that God would destroy such a person in the end. You know, brothers, we could say that those who have died by suicide, you know, they have felt so deeply alone. Maybe they felt that what they were experiencing is something that no one else has been through, or something that perhaps no one else could ever understand. Or even the fact that they might think that they have no other choice, but to die by suicide.


Brother Bob: What else, brothers, does the Bible teach us, especially God’s servants, who might be going through very difficult times in their own lives? Let’s go back to you, Brother Andrew.


Brother Andrew: Brother Bob, the Apostle Peter tells us what we should do, and it’s written here in the book of 1 Peter chapter 4, and the verse is 12. It says this:


Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test you [that is, to test the quality of your faith], as though something strange or unusual were happening to you.

[1 Peter 4:12 Amplified Bible]


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Andrew Fisher

Minister of the Gospel

Melbourne, Australia


Brother Andrew: You know, dear friends, the Apostle Peter, he taught that when God’s true servants go through ordeals, fiery troubles in their life, that they should not be caught off guard. In fact, Apostle Peter taught the members of the Church Of Christ during his time, do not be surprised as though something strange or unusual were happening to you.


Brother Bob: But wait a second, let’s go to your Brother Phil. Brother Phil, how do we- Brother Andrew mentioned and read there about tests and trials. How do we pass these hard tests of life? These tests of our faith? I mean, you know, as it was also mentioned earlier, we’re going to go through fiery ordeals, said the Apostle Peter, and great troubles will come to you like a bad storm and these things will be a very great burden. So how can we then succeed overcoming them and continuing our journey in this life?


Brother Phil: Well, Brother Bob, the Bible tells us something that we need to understand, so that we’ll be able to effectively cope with the troubles that we experience in this world. And we can read that here in Acts 14 and 22:


“There they strengthened the understanding and will of the followers, urgently encouraging them to continue in the faith. “Because,” they said, “in order to enter the Kingdom of God, we must be willing to go thru severe testings and sufferings.”

[Acts 14:22 Last Days Bible]


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Phil Velasquez

Minister of the Gospel

London, United Kingdom


Brother Phil: So you see, in order for us to successfully cope with life’s problems that we’re all bombarded with, we’re being encouraged to continue on in the faith. So once again you can see, faith is an integral part in coping with life’s ordeals. But not any faith will do, we need to have the true, the correct faith. And the true faith comes from hearing the true gospel, preached by the true messengers of our Almighty God. And then that’s not all. One needs to make our faith perfect through works by following the teachings that he or she was taught.


Brother Bob: Beloved friends, you must, you must know that you are deeply loved. You have great value and [are] loved most of all by God, and the messengers sent by God, such as the apostles whose writing was just quoted from, mentioned the value of what is included in this gospel that they preached.


Brother Dexter: Yes, it concerns entrance into the kingdom of God. They encourage people to continue in their faith. So for them to enter the kingdom of our Lord God, notice they didn’t encourage them to drown their sorrows in alcohol or drugs, or take their own life as a way out of their troubles.


Brother Phil: You know that’s correct, brother. I read Acts 14:22 of the Last Days Bible. In that same verse in The Message translation it said that the apostles urged God’s servants not to quit and that for one to enter into the kingdom of God, it’s inevitable one has to go through plenty of hard and difficult times.


Brother Bob: You know, brothers, before we continue, let’s take a look at another important story and this one’s about someone whose life was saved when they decided to give their problems over to God. Take a look.


[Video starts – Source: Stories of Faith]


Felix Somoza: What made me search for God was, I mean, I went through hard times in 2020. I was always trying to prove to my parents that I can make it to college and that’s when I started smoking weed for the first time. And then, I don’t know, I just wanted that feeling. I wanted that feeling to get high. Every day it would be the same: smoke weed, go to work and hang out with friends. And I told myself, “Is this going to be the same every single day in my life?” 


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Felix Somoza

Former Catholic


Felix: It was towards November and December is when- I mean, anxiety was a huge thing for me in 2020. I had anxiety from a lot of things.


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“Lost and Lonely”


Felix: I don’t know. I just couldn’t sleep. I would start crying and I would just look up like, “Why can’t I sleep?” And then in 2020 I would always drive with no destination. I drove to Big Sur around December, you know, I like seeing the view, you know, of the bridge. I [drove] through it twice in a row. And then on the third night, that’s when I had the- that’s when I had the suicide thoughts of jumping off the bridge and then I think it was the morning after New Year, I made that commitment where I’m going to stop doing all of these drugs and turn to God. Yeah, that was a big- that was a huge thing that I went through and because smoking weed, it makes you paranoid. It makes you have anxiety.


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“An Invitation”


Interviewer: How were you introduced to the Church Of Christ?


Felix: [Through] a mutual friend of mine. I know him since middle school, but his cousin was a member of the Church [Of Christ]. And then I followed her on social media. And then during that time in 2020, that’s when I had insomnia. She posted on [@incmedianews] about insomnia how instead of having these issues of going to sleep, just cast it to God. And I told her, “Hey, I like this message.” And then a week later she sent me an invitation and then I accepted it.


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“It Was Amazing”


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Felix Somoza

Former Catholic


Felix: My first impression of the Church Of Christ? I thought it was amazing to be honest, because I think my first Bible study, I asked the minister, “What is salvation?” My belief back then was like everybody was going to go to heaven. What made me keep going was God. The words of God, it keeps [me going, keeps me] motivated to keep on going. That’s something that, that’s His commandment to keep on going and never give up. In the Church Of Christ, it’s all you’re going to hear, is the commandments of God, which I’ve never heard before. Every single question that I asked, [the minister] got it straight from the Bible.


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After finishing all of his Bible study lessons, Felix received the holy baptism on July 31, 2021.


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“I’m Never Alone”


Felix: I remember on that night, January 1st, I was on my knees next to my bed and just calling on to God that night and just reaching out to Him like, “I’m sorry, Father, for never reaching out to You in my life and that I need You in my life.” Like first- before I didn’t know what to do in my life, you know, have been changing all my careers. I’m studying to be a barber and my future goals are to take some business classes and having my own shop in the future.


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Felix Somoza

Joined the INC in 2021


Felix: Your plans may not go the way you want it, but God will make your plans for you because like before, without having Him in my life, like I said, I was a very lost man, but now that I have Him in my life- I don’t know how to explain it, I don’t know how to explain. You can- He’s the best, you know. Now that I’m alive, I know where I’m going and I’m not lost [anymore]. So I just want to be more stronger and more happier.


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Brother Bob: You know the story of Felix, it’s one of many whose life was completely changed once he relied on God instead of himself to overcome depression, overcome anxiety, which so many experience. As he mentioned, during the Covid pandemic, he was right in the midst of that, he was brought down by it. And he ended up being saved. Anxieties that he was encountering before, the loneliness. Dear viewers, the circumstance and situation, let’s say the experience of Brother Felix, that’s an option for you also.


Brother Andrew: That’s right, Brother Bob, and that’s what we want to encourage anyone who’s tuning into this program today. You know, who might be feeling overwhelmed with life’s problems. First, is to receive the true and pristine gospel taught by God’s true messengers, which will lead you into becoming a member of the true Church Of Christ, and then to hold onto that gospel, those teachings of God because that is what will give you entrance into the kingdom of God in heaven.


Brother Bob: And those are such valuable and important points, brother, that you have brought up. But you know, some of our friends tuning into this program might say, “What does that have to do with my specific problems? I’m on the verge of giving up.” Someone may be feeling that and maybe they would say, “I feel overwhelmed. Why should I listen and believe this gospel that you’re preaching to me today? Why should I want to enter the kingdom of God and be part and in union with Christ as a member of His body, the Church Of Christ? Why do I need to do any of that? I already told you I’m already overwhelmed with all things that I’m experiencing.” Some may say.


Brother Phil: You know, Brother Bob, those are valid questions. But the Bible gives us the best reason why we should all desire to enter into the kingdom of God in heaven. What I’m going to read to you concerns those who came out of the great distress, persecution and tribulation, and have been granted entrance into God’s kingdom there in heaven. We can read here in Revelation 7:16-17, and it describes the kind of life that these people will experience there in heaven. This is what is written:


Those people will never be hungry again, and they will never be thirsty again. The sun will not hurt [strike; beat on;] them, and no [scorching] heat will burn them, because the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead [guide] them to springs of water that give life [living water; the water of life]. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

[Revelation 7:16 Expanded Bible]


Brother Phil: The kingdom of God in heaven is truly where we can escape all of the troubles that we experience here in this life on Earth. That’s the place where we will no longer feel sad, lonely, we will never fall into hopelessness or any kind of despair. To hope for and eventually experience that kind of life, that’s the right way in dealing with the hardships that we face here in this life, here on Earth, as compared to taking one’s own life.


Brother Bob: And those that are of Christ and endure until the end, holding on to and living by their faith, will be the ones to enter that kingdom of heaven, dear friends.


Brother Phil: And the day that they’re going to enter into the kingdom of our heavenly Father, that’s going to be on the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we’ve studied many times already here on this program.


Brother Bob: And although that day of salvation for those of Christ is truly very, very near, what should God’s servants do in as much as, well, we’re still here experiencing the anxiety and the worries of life nowadays? Let’s go to you, Brother Andrew.


Brother Andrew: Yes, Brother Bob. Apostle Peter taught that here in the book of 1 Peter chapter 5 and the verse is 7, let’s read what he said:


Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

[1 Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible]


Brother Andrew: You know, dear friends, especially those who might be feeling crushed and overwhelmed by the pressures and stress of this life, you are not alone. In fact, the Apostle Peter is the one who taught us that we should cast all of our cares, the whole of our cares, all our anxieties, all our worries, all our concerns on our Lord God. And why should we do this? Because the Bible told us, “He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”


Brother Bob: So my dear friends, indeed the Lord is Someone that we can all turn to. We’re not alone if we learn about the true God and learn about His true teachings, believe in and live by them. And hold onto our faith until the end. We could lay that heavy burden of sadness upon our Lord God. Why? Because He cares for His servants affectionately.


Brother Phil: You know, we want to reach out to all of those who are being hit hard by the storms of life. They might feel like they can’t take it anymore. Those who are on the verge of giving up, those who might be thinking that the only way to deal with the problems that they’re facing is to take their own life. May the words that you’ve heard today, these words from the Bible, may they encourage you.


Brother Dexter: That’s right, brothers, and we invite all of those who are watching this program to learn more about God’s words that will truly give us the strength that we need to cope effectively with life’s problems and more so lead us to the true life there in heaven. That life that is free from anxiety and sadness, the apostles taught this to the true Church Of Christ members during their time in the first century. And we have proven many times on this very program that the Church Of Christ during our time is this Church that is now bringing you this program today. So join us and experience the power of God in your life too, dear friends, and if you’re experiencing problems, you will also experience God’s affectionate love.


Brother Bob: Well we’d like to thank Brother Dexter Manglicmot there in Washington D.C., we’d also like to thank you there in London, United Kingdom, there Brother Phil, as well as Brother Andrew Fisher there in Melbourne, Australia. Brothers, we’d like to thank all of you for giving to us Bible-based answers so as the Apostle Peter had said to members of the Church, you’ll be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you are living the way you are. That’s 1 Peter 3:15. Well, that does it for us here on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. We hope you’ll join us again next time. I’m Bob Pellien, thanks for watching. And as we again come to the end of the program, we invite you to join us for a short closing prayer.


Brother Phil: Our Almighty, most merciful and loving Father. We thank You so much that through Your words that we’ve studied in this program today, You have given us, dear Father, words of advice, words of encouragement that will lift up the hearts of many who are watching this program today. You know, dear Father, what we, especially many people in this world, have to live through in this day and age. So many trials, so many difficulties, so many pressures in this life. Everyone suffers, dear Father, especially those who are young. Dear Father, we beg You please, those who are suffering, those who feel lost, those who feel all alone, who feel there’s no more way out, those who are close to giving up, reach out to them please, dear Father. Touch their hearts and their minds. Help them to hold onto and to remember what they’ve heard today, dear Father. But most importantly, help them, Almighty God, to find You, to have a true and profound deep relationship with You. Because this is what will bring true peace to our lives. This is what will strengthen us, to help us to overcome any trial that we experience. But most of all, dear Father, we know a true relationship with You will bring us the ultimate joy and happiness. When You send Your Son once again, we will be with you, dear Father, in Your heavenly kingdom, where we will experience no more pain, none of the things we experience on this Earth, no more death, no more sorrow. Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer please. Please Lord Jesus, we beg You, touch the lives of those who are watching this program. Call them to You, Lord Jesus, to join us in our true service to You. So that dear Lord, we may have everything we need to navigate all the difficulties in this world. Dear Father, we call upon You once again in this prayer. Please dear Father, bless the Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ. Thank You, dear Father, for lessons like this that he creates through the words, Your words, written in the Bible. Please bless our brother with long life and strength that he needs, that he may continue on leading the entirety of the Church, until we reach the perfection of our faith. These things we beg through the name of Your Son, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Suicide or God as a Way Out