Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Volunteers Donate Blood & Help the Environment

Volunteering can be done in so many different ways. Some help with cleanup drives and coastal cleanups. Others offer free health screening and donate blood


Volunteers Donate Blood and Help to Preserve the Environment

Taylor Joy: Oh! Have you been trying to keep up with all of these amazing INC Giving Projects, too? I mean, that’s a good problem to have, don’t you think? And did you know that World Caring Day is celebrated each year in June?


Taylor Joy: So let’s see all the ways our INC Giving Projects showed compassion, support, kindness and understanding in this week’s recap.


Taylor Joy: Free medical health checks were provided to the residents in Mabuhay, Laak. Look how prepared these volunteers were with the impressive supply of what appeared to be vitamins and maybe medicine.


Taylor Joy: Did you know mabuhay means ‘long live’ in the Filipino language? Mabuhay indeed! You know, I think my heart rate is still up from that sprint earlier. Maybe I could use a health check too.


Taylor Joy: Heading over to Kansas City, Kansas. Free care kits were handed out to the young patients at Children’s Mercy Hospital. These little kits contained coloring books, art supplies, stickers, and toys to cheer the children up and provide them with some fun activities to pass the time.


Taylor Joy: I hope even just one child felt less alone by this act of kindness. Sending you hearts! Get well soon.


Taylor Joy: Now, on the flip side, Jayzl shares in this post, “Just like the patients, the carers need to be uplifted too.” We couldn’t agree more. And I’m sure these care packages handed out at BMC Butuan Medical Center, accomplished your goal and were really appreciated.


Taylor Joy: In Canada, the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) is recognized as a National Partners of Life Partner by the Canadian Blood Services. These volunteers donated blood at the Moncton Donor Center to help patients in their community. And ooh! We’ve got a first time blood donor. Well done!


Taylor Joy: Traveling a few provinces away, residents in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, were treated to free coffee and donuts and even free blood pressure checks.


Taylor Joy: Conversations over coffee are a great way to get to know your neighbors eh?


Taylor Joy: We’ve got a few cleanup drives coming up that took place in the Philippines. This first one was in Oton Plaza, Iloilo. With this many volunteers, I’m sure they had this area sparkling clean in no time.


Taylor Joy: Look at all those trash bags they filled! Across the Sulu Sea on another island, a coastal cleanup helped keep the gorgeous beaches of Palawan South clean. This group of volunteers were in the age group from about 12 to 17.


Taylor Joy: It warms my heart that they’re learning about giving back in their adolescent years. Wait, why do I suddenly feel old?


Taylor Joy: Now we travel north to Dingras, Ilocos Norte, where these volunteers cleaned the grounds of their elementary school, helping to preserve the environment and show their love and concern for their community.


Taylor Joy: This cleanup crew from Guadalupe hit the streets of Manila to sweep and collect any trash and debris from the sidewalks, roadway, and sewer grates. Oh, and I see those sturdy walis tingtings (filipino brooms) being put to good use.


Taylor Joy: How could your heart not smile when you see all these happy faces? You know times are tough and there are kids that sometimes have to go without toys. But in San Isidro, Pampanga, INC Giving volunteers made sure some children got to go home with a new stuffed animal or toy.


Taylor Joy: Aww! And how cute are those plush toys?


Taylor Joy: Now, jetting 14,000km away to Georgia, where this appreciation post from the Peachtree City Police Department, showed their thanks for the gift baskets they received. Always happy to show some love to our first responders.


Taylor Joy: We’re flying back to the Philippines, where six simultaneous INC Giving Projects took place in Quezon City, Metro Manila.


Taylor Joy: Free meals, school supplies for students, hygiene kits and basic medical screening were offered to residents. They were able to take part in fun games and enjoy some entertainment too. Sounds like my kind of community event.


Taylor Joy: This time in Makati, a neighborhood appreciation day at Baclaran Elementary School provided free meals, clothes, medical services, medicine, and livelihood seminars.


Taylor Joy: I am absolutely certain some joy was to be had at this INC Giving Project. I mean, what a turnout!


Taylor Joy: Volunteers were busy in Makati. Hey, that rhymes—because they also held

a blood donation drive at Barangay Don Bosco, Parañaque City.


Taylor Joy: And here in Hanoi, Vietnam, these volunteers gladly gave the gift of life to those in need. Those little bandages, I think they’re like a little badge of honor.


Taylor Joy: Our final story today takes us to the land down under, where care packages of simple snack bags and some INC Media cards were handed out to neighbors in Melbourne, Australia.


Taylor Joy: Rochelle shared that she wants to teach her children the value of sharing our faith by giving to their community. I believe you did just that, Rochelle. Way to go!


Taylor Joy: Beautiful work INC Giving volunteers. I think you definitely showed the world some care today.


Taylor Joy: I just learned that in June we observe World Environment Day, World Ocean Day, and World Blood Donor Day. With all those cleanup drives and blood donations, a positive impact was definitely made through our INC Giving Projects.


Taylor Joy: So let’s keep giving back to our communities. And if you need a little inspiration for your next project, just head over to You can catch up on our weekly recaps there too.


Taylor Joy: Until next week. Bye!


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Volunteers Donate Blood & Help the Environment