Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Finding The Right Path

A smiling young woman holds her notebook and purse on her shoulder while walking along a path in a garden

Many important decisions in life can impact one’s future, but have you ever second-guessed the choices you’ve made? Matthew, a young adult, wonders if he’s on the right path in life and how to feel sure of the direction he is taking.

Discussing And Accepting Career Choices

A man holding a camera takes a photo of a theater audience

Dealing with parental disappointment because of your career is a struggle for many. A young creative asks what to do when parents don’t approve of your career.

Dealing With The Loss Of A Parent

A person stands in front of a headstone with a large white rose laid on top of it

A family man tries to process the loss of his mom and grieve her death. He reflects on his decisions about her care and asks whether he should have feelings of regret as he copes.

Coping With Stress

A man leans against a window with his hand pressed to his forehead

Coping with stress as a young adult can be overwhelming. A college student finds out how to handle, manage, and reduce stress as he works towards his own life goals.

How To Overcome Loneliness

A man appears sad as he sits with his head on his clasped hands

More and more people are struggling with loneliness, because they find it challenging to make new friends. Mark, a university student, asks how he can cope with loneliness, and these discouraging feelings, and create meaningful social relationships.

Best Advice On Dating

A man approaches a woman while holding flowers and a gift behind his back

Are you finding dating challenging as a Christian? Hear from Jessil, a young Toronto entrepreneur trying to navigate the modern dating world while staying true to his faith. Get practical tips for Christian courtship to find a meaningful, long-term relationship.

How To Cope When Caring For Elderly Parents

A man with glasses sits next to an older man and hands him medication

Family care can be stressful and some feel trapped caring for elderly parents. Is it possible to cope with the pressure of caregiving while handling other daily and familial responsibilities?

How To Deal With Disappointments In Life

A man sits with his back to a woman and both look disappointed or upset

Feelings of happiness throughout life, even with loved ones, can be fleeting. Some become depressed after people they love disappoint them. After hitting rock bottom, Daniel, a student, wants to know how he can truly have a happy life.

How To Deal With Failure

A man sits in front of his computer holding his hand to his right temple looking worried or disappointed

Realizing that envisioned future plans are not meant to be can be quite discouraging. A university graduate asks how to overcome failure when his career plans didn’t work out the way he planned.

How To Deal With Life’s Ups And Downs

A group of four people run up a steep road together.

Life is full of ups and downs, and everyone will always experience both good and trying times. But why is it that we’re meant to go through different trials or tests in life, and how should we handle them?
