Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: pandemic – Page 7


A discussion with a runner and kindness ambassador, who takes us through the steps of how to stay motivated to continue doing good by keeping a steady pace and finding endurance to keep yourself inspired no matter what.
Meet Emirick and Myra. Two moms who have sons diagnosed with autism. Emirick, who happens to be one of the hosts on INCMedia’s Faith and Family podcast, was forced to make a change in her perspective as she began accepting her son’s autism diagnosis twenty years ago. Myra began talking about autism just a few
When people are going through trials, they often turn to friends and family first. But what are the true benefits of turning to God first and why does He allow problems to exist in our lives in the first place?
Can the dangers of social media directly influence people’s Christian beliefs and mindset?
Frontline essential workers and immigrants affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the greater Vancouver area, Abbotsford and Victoria, British Columbia received care packages of support from the Aid to Humanity project of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) or Church Of Christ.
Doing good is not only healthy for the heart and mind, but for the soul. Hear straight from a health expert and a Minister of the Gospel about the healing power of kindness and see how they affirm what the Bible says about making the most from every opportunity to do good.
Usando una variedad de divertidas técnicas, un maestro se conecta con personas de toda América Latina al ofrecer clases de inglés gratuitas en línea.
Studies show it takes repetition and constant conscious effort for a habit to form. We talk with a woman who uses her digital footprint to spread positivity. Learn how an attitude of gratitude can help in developing good habits and a growth mindset and help us focus on the good that we can do.
Meet Mike and Jason. Both men have experienced taking care of an ill parent, something that almost everyone will experience in their lifetime. Both of their moms suffered from chronic illness that changed their moms in ways they could have never expected. But through it all, they share the life-changing moments they gained as they
The members of the Church Of Christ have a deep respect for the messenger of God and the Church Administration. What is a good Christian leader?