Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: expectation – Page 2


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How do you get everything done? Where do you find the time? Are you too burnt out for friends? For love? For you?
A conversation about how and why people struggle with loving their body, with tips from experts on diet and psychology, guided by biblical teachings.
Whether it’s the loss of a loved one or loss of a job, a loss is overwhelming. What benefit is there in accepting and trusting God’s plans for your life?
A working mom of two, Aliw Garcia Pablo shares how her fears and hopes keep her present for her children and allow her to be a conscious parent.
Is there a timeline for the return of Jesus Christ? Does the Bible give any indication for when people can expect His return? How can people prepare?
Many people of all ages are experiencing Covid-19 depression. A young educator asks how to cope and stay positive during a pandemic.
Is cremation biblical? Is Christianity a religion that practices this tradition? What can God’s true people hope for when their lives have ended?
Communication in marriage is crucial. Our newlyweds, Kurt and Jannelle, have known each other for over a decade, but have been married for a couple of years now. Communication in their relationship has evolved over time, but they’re still learning along the way. Newlywed couples learn effective ways of communication to strengthen their relationship and
The members of the Church Of Christ have a deep respect for the messenger of God and the Church Administration. What is a good Christian leader?
In Vermont, a warm welcome is made to individuals adjusting to living in a new country; young individuals gather virtually to gain insight on career options.
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