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Search Results for: expectation


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of expectations something they discussed while they were dating, and how do they express their expectations of each other now that they’re married? More importantly what are God’s expectations of husband and wife?
We all have expectations in life, but is there something also expected of us, and from whom? Learn to trust in God when plans fail and we are disappointed or discouraged by unrealistic expectations.
Expectations rarely match reality, especially in college. A recent graduate shares the lessons she learned about her faith while attending university.
What does the Bible say about offerings to God in the Christian Era? You asked, the Bible answers.
Parents describe the moment Brother Eduardo V. Manalo personally prayed for their newborn son during a pastoral visit in Bakersfield, California.
If man was created in the image of God, what is the true nature of God? According to the Bible, is He a man or a spirit? Did man live up to God’s image?
Father-child bonds are important and dads have a powerful effect on teaching daughters self-worth while being there for their sons during puberty.
Christian moms discuss how they teach their children to have faith and trust in God when kids are getting bullied and they hear violence in the news.
Easter is considered a fun and widely accepted holiday, but should you celebrate this tradition? What is Easter and what does it mean? How did Easter start and what is the real story behind Easter?
Feeling depressed after people you love disappoint you, can happen. After hitting rock-bottom, Daniel, a student, wants to know how he can have a happy life. 
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