Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: bible – Page 17


Does Heaven exist? The Bible reveals yes, and teaches us how to get there
Are you among those who try to live a Faith-centered life? Maybe you consider yourself religious and feel you have a relationship with God, but does God have a relationship with you? The Bible says, that God must choose you.
What are some of things you put priority on? Your work? Leisure time? Travel? What about prioritizing your faith? Why should we do that? The Bible has the answers
The Bible tells us that faith or believing isn’t enough to be saved. We also need to prove our love.
Can ‘faith alone’ truly save? Or does the Bible teach about the importance of membership in the true Church? Find out on this episode. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.
Aside from being smart and hard-working, the Bible encourages us to pair wisdom with discipline. Why? Keep listening.
Various diseases are rampant in the world today, and so what must we do to maintain a healthy life? When we get sick, can God truly heal our illnesses? According to the Bible, it is important for Christians to foster spiritual health and maintain physical well-being, to also maintain a wholesome and blameless life. Visit
What’s the correct way to start a relationship with God? Get to know Him through the instructions of the Bible. We’ll discuss how we know the Bible is real.
We’ve probably heard of God, some of us may have even tried to pray to Him…but is that enough? The Bible has the answers.