INC Purchases Chapel From Another Church in Alberta, Canada
Michelle Peredo: Welcome to INC News World. I’m Michelle Peredo coming to you from the INC Media Studios in San Francisco, California.
Religions are seeing declines in Canada– leading to the closing of chapels. Even among large church denominations, losing one [chapel] per week. With a chapel property in Calgary also adding to that statistic yet to be reopened by the Church Of Christ. Michael Robinson has the story.
Michael Robinson: This image represents a milestone for the Church Of Christ in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. A chapel acquisition of this church property. Once owned by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Of Calgary, it was put up for sale. And now, it’s reopened and ready to be occupied. This is all in connection with another important event of the Church Of Christ. Two months prior marked a new beginning for Church Of Christ members from Royal Oak.
Brother Ramil Macaspac (Assistant Supervising Minister, Ecclesiastical District of Calgary): The local congregation of Royal Oak was inaugurated recently to accommodate the growing number of the members from its mother local congregation of Capitol Hill and this newly purchased property is the next step in overseeing the spiritual needs of the members of the Church Of Christ, especially their worship services to our Lord God.
Michael Robinson: And for members like Richard, who recently took an oath of office as a head deacon, looks forward to the positive impact of this unexpected blessing on the spiritual welfare of members in Royal Oak.
Richard Deauna (Head Deacon, Local Congregation of Royal Oak): By having a permanent house of worship, it means that you know, we don’t have to rent anymore. And I know from the bottom of my heart that this will edify the faith of the brethren even more now that we have an additional house of worship that will be dedicated to our Almighty God.
Michael Robinson: Among those taking the first steps in this newly purchased place of worship since its occupancy was Brother Voltaire Tamisin, District Supervising Minister and fellow ministers of the gospel of the Ecclesiastical District of Calgary, along with fellow members of Royal Oak. Excited about what is to come. Projected to have a seating capacity of over 200 with a large multipurpose function hall and multiple rooms for use as offices in other suitable needs in caring for the spiritual welfare of members in Royal Oak. Like Melissa, an assistant district choir leader, and organist, who helps oversee fellow choir members throughout Calgary, sees how this place of worship will address greater needs.
Melissa Deauna (Organist, Assistant District Choir Leader, Local Congregation of Royal Oak): Well, for me, what stands out is the main sanctuary in its entirety, even just the choir loft and the congregational pews because what pops out for me is our district choir practices. Another place where all the choir in our district is able to hold and conduct our choir practices. To even see the newly renovated chapel, I’m sure that it will keep me going and inspire me each and every day.
Justin Alisasis (Choir Member, CWS Teacher, Local Congregation of Royal Oak):
The choir loft I’m really excited about just to see all the choir members up there, especially because it’s bigger than the place that we’re using now. So it’ll be a lot more spacious and it’ll be really nice to perform up there.
Michael Robinson: A blessing even for Raquel being an officer from another local congregation.
Raquel Malinis (Deaconess, Local Congregation of Capitol Hill): Having this place of worship, will be bringing it closer to where I live. So it’s going to be easier for me. It’s going to be easier for access if I need a devotional prayer. So it’s just a very big thing. Like it’s a very big blessing.
Richard Deauna (Head Deacon, Local Congregation of Royal Oak): It is very important because this is where we gather ourselves for worship. This is where we praise our Almighty God. This is where we conduct our worship service. And this is where we come into hold devotional prayer. This will definitely help the brethren to even more, be inspired in their service to our Almighty God.
Brother Ramil Macaspac (Assistant Supervising Minister, Ecclesiastical District of Calgary): And having this place of worship gives us more reasons to be all the more thankful to our Lord God. And there are more plans of growth when it comes to not only this congregation of Royal Oak but also others in the nearby areas. We are certain that many will benefit from this newly purchased place of worship, especially when it is dedicated to the Almighty God.
Richard Deauna (Head Deacon, Local Congregation of Royal Oak): The brethren, including the officers, are very thankful to our beloved Executive Minister because even though he’s far away from us, the Executive Minister remembers us even though we’re far away by purchasing and approving this new houses of worship so that the brethren will have a permanent house of worship where we can continue our services to God.
Michael Robinson: A place of worship members are proud and grateful for as preparations continue to make a beautiful and vibrant house of worship here in Royal Oak.
Brother Ramil Macaspac (Assistant Supervising Minister, Ecclesiastical District of Calgary): Our Lord God is fulfilling His promises that He will help the Church, that He will guide and continue to bless the Church. And this is through the leadership, the dynamic leadership of our beloved Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.
Michael Robinson: And the continuous efforts of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ to expand its presence and provide places of worship for its growing congregations, the newly acquired property in Royal Oak stands as a testament to this commitment. That the Church Of Christ will continue to purchase, renovate and beautify properties like here in Royal Oak to be dedicated to the Lord God. To follow more stories of church properties being purchased, renovated and dedicated in the Church Of Christ, visit Michael Robinson, Iglesia Ni Cristo News Network.
Michelle Peredo: Well, that does it for us on INC News World. Tune in every Saturday for new episodes of INC News World on, our YouTube channel and on streaming platforms. I’m Michelle Peredo and thank you for joining us. Stay safe and we’ll see you next time. God bless.