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INC Dedicates New House of Worship in Edmonton, Canada

Witness the historic dedication event in Wellington, Alberta, as the Church Of Christ adds its latest house of worship in Canada— a testament to the flourishing of the true faith.


Naomi De La Cruz: In Canada, church closings continue to see an increasing trend. Sources report that 9,000 religious spaces in Canada will be lost within the next decade. But that trend is the opposite for one organization as one of its newest houses of worship was recently dedicated in the city of Wellington. Michael Robinson has that story.


Thomas Likeness (Resident, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada): It’s a big inspiration for our brethren. The importance of having a permanent place of worship is it’s God’s house. There’s just a different feeling when you’re inside God’s house. 

Michael Robinson: The inspiration brought by the houses of worship of the Church of Christ, a nonstop and ongoing endeavor.  And here in Edmonton, Canada, Thomas has been looking forward to the day that Wellington would behold this to be dedicated to God. 

Thomas Likeness (Resident, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  Finally, the day has come and they were just overjoyed that we have a house of worship of our own, that they could be in attendance, that they could witness the dedication.

Michael Robinson: And with members gathering throughout the province of Alberta here in Wellington, a special worship service was held commemorating this milestone event that was led by Brother Roland Guardiola, Supervising Minister in the Ecclesiastical District of Edmonton. A time of reflection and joy for members who have waited for this day. 

Thomas Likeness (Resident, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  We’re just overjoyed because for a couple of years now we’ve been waiting with anticipation. 

Michael Robinson: Waiting from the time that this newly dedicated house of worship started from a purchased property, the first place of worship of the Church of Christ in Wellington.

Thomas Likeness (Deacon, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  We were the original congregation in Edmonton, the mother locale, and we continued to grow.

Michael Robinson: Later, becoming the congregation of Wellington would lead to many more congregations throughout Edmonton.  Leading to the dedication of new houses of worship, like in Hilton and Eastwood. Time came for the approval to renovate the place of worship in Wellington in 2021, a time when the world faced an extreme dilemma. 

Thomas Likeness (Deacon, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  The biggest challenge is we began this during the pandemic, so things remained on hold for quite a while. 

Michael Robinson: Not only the pandemic, but the temporary move of worship services to the house of worship in Eastwood. A farther travel for members. Yet this didn’t stop the efforts of members in serving God, as well as preparing this place of worship and becoming a more suitable and beautiful place to be dedicated to God. 

Thomas Likeness (Deacon, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  There was a lot of input from the brethren, a lot of work done by them, and for some of them it was a sacrifice because they had to center their activities around their work schedules. So quite often, after a hard day at work, they spent a hard evening doing work in terms of building things like building pews, helping out with various aspects of the construction. 

Virgilio Sagun (Head Deacon, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  We have been conducting our devotional prayers and have helped in all preparation needed to reach this day. 

Michael Robinson:  A day awaited and dedicating this nearly 150 seating capacity edifice with a renovated facade and newly designed sanctuary interior. Inspiring members like Thomas even more because this house of worship would now be their own. 

Thomas Likeness (Deacon, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  Our own house of worship. We always wanted to be a fitting place for God to dwell because we always want to take care of the house of the Lord. 

Arlene Bandong (INC Officer, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  This dedication of this house of worship is very special, and it will continue to inspire all the members as we continue to keep going in our worship unto our Almighty God.  

Brother Roland Gaviola (Supervising Minister, Ecclesiastical District of Edmonton):  For us members of Church Of Christ are so thankful that we have a place to go to pray and to our Lord God for His help and comfort to us. It is indeed a great blessing to every one of us. 

Michael Robinson:  And the commitment of members like Thomas as they move forward with this new house of worship in Wellington. 

Thomas Likeness (Deacon, Wellington, Edmonton, Canada):  Brother Eduardo, I just want to thank you and the Administration for allowing us to undergo the renovation in the Wellington locale. It’s been a great blessing to us. We commit to helping this local grow again so that once again we can have many more offspring from the mother local, that we will continue to grow and we will continue to lead more people into God’s nation.  

Michael Robinson:  With Wellington, a city now, among others, with new houses of worship renovated and dedicated to the Almighty God, even the ongoing purchasing of church properties throughout Canada,  it’s a testament that even during struggling times, the work of God in building houses of worship around the globe is the unceasing work of bringing hope to all.  Michael Robinson, Iglesia Ni Cristo News Network.  



Naomi De La Cruz: Well that does it for us on INC News World. Tune in every Sunday for new episodes on INCTV, and every Saturday on, our YouTube channel and on streaming platforms. I’m Naomi De La Cruz, thank you for joining us. Stay safe and we’ll see you next time. God bless.