Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Helping Disadvantaged People in Australia

With many families in need and homelessness on the rise, INC Giving Volunteers mobilized to gather donations for ClothesLine in Sydney, Australia. See how their efforts made a difference in helping the disadvantaged people in their community.


Helping Disadvantaged People in Australia

Grace Condon: There’s alcoholism, there’s drugs, mental illness, homelessness, domestic violence–there’s a whole number, whole range of things. So a supply of goods is important because it won’t stop today.

Lois Paula: Grace Condon, with her many years of volunteer work spearheads the Clothesline organization that aids disadvantaged individuals.

Grace Condon: We see a whole range of people, we can see people in distress situation, it could be domestic violence, running away from somewhere. Those clothes mean so much for them, because they’ll have nothing. We see people that are living on the street, that are literally wearing what they’ve got.

Grace Condon: We’ve had to carry the organization ourselves and just a bunch of volunteers because we haven’t been able to do any fundraising. And as far as helping people through the pandemic, I’ve never been so busy, we’ve never been so busy.

Lois Paula: Understanding the need to help the community, INC Giving Volunteers in New South Wales reached out ready to help.

Mia Gaviola: It’s really good that Clothesline responded to me straightaway. And when they asked me what sort of things that we need to give, then I already coordinated with the President and the other brethren.

Jonathan Chan: We bought a couple of things today. Blankets, clothes, shampoo, toilet paper, that sort of stuff, it was a good opportunity for us to reach out to our friends and family.

Samantha Demillo: Right now the brethren behind us are putting labels on boxes, packaging the boxes and sorting out the clothes, folding them nice and neat so that they’re ready to go when we drop them off.

Mia Gaviola: We are also happy to give whatever we can because when I explained to them, there’s a lot of less fortunate, especially the Australians here and other countries as well.

Lois Paula:  And the united efforts of the INC Giving volunteers did not go unnoticed by the Clothesline organization.

Grace Condon: We’re thrilled to receive a donation from the Church Of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo. I am just so grateful for you for offering your help. Children that may have nothing–we just need to be there. And I just pray that God opens more opportunities for us to be there. It’s good to receive it but we want to be also that help there, at that moment.

Lois Paula: Upon reflecting the many calamities the pandemic has caused for families around the world, INC Giving volunteers also reflect on the positive impacts of giving.

Jonathan Chan: A lot of people in the community have got it tough over the last 12 months, especially with COVID. So it’s a good opportunity for us with all the blessings that we’ve been given from our lord God to be able to get back to the community.

Samantha Demillo: It’s always a good feeling when we’re giving back. It’s always nice to help other people in need and it is one of the commandments of our Lord God to give back to those who need it.

Brother Noel Manzano: There will always be people who are in need. And for that reason, the INC giving volunteers will never stop in helping, not just for the material needs of other people, but most importantly for their spiritual needs.

Grace Condon: How wonderful. It’s wonderful to have you here. And I think when it goes, when it, when goods come through an organization such as yours, that means that we’re actually able to honor the people that we pass it on to by giving them our best. And that’s so important for self esteem. And also to be able to say to these people, we value you, we value who you are.

Grace Condon and INC Giving Volunteers: Dean Park INC Giving with Clothesline.

Lois Paula: Visit Remember, whenever you possibly can, do good to those who  need it. I’m Lois Paula, you’re watching the INC Giving Show.

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Helping Disadvantaged People in Australia