Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Learning Kindness From Parent-Child Bonding

Father and son walking on beach carrying trash bags.

Listen to how this father grew to understand the ways a parent can serve as a role model for their children and how parent-child bonding through acts of kindness can make a lasting impression.

Against The Flow

Young woman walking on a busy city street, with God's Message podcast logo

It can be a struggle when you’re the odd one out. But things can only get worse if we go with the crowd, at the expense of our Christian values. Find out why in this podcast. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine for articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

How An Unexpected Friendship Changed My Life

Driver with both hands on the steering wheel of a car.

What can opening up to receiving kindness from others lead to? See how an unexpected friendship formed between a California rideshare driver and a passenger, proving that friendship can change lives.

The Blessed Household

God’s Message podcast title, The Blessed Household, with a picture of a happy family

In the eyes of society, a fortunate household is one that is financially stable and has amassed material wealth. Parents have successful careers, while their children attain a high level of education. However, according to the Bible, are these the true measure of a blessed household? Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

Growing up CODA – Transition to Adulthood – Part 2

Two brothers in grey suits smiling, with a sign language interpreter on left.

It’s part 2 of our interview with the David Brothers, who were both CODA (children of deaf adults).. Despite their love for their parents, learn how their change in perspective inspired them to answer God’s call to the holy ministry. How did the brothers come to this decision and how did their parents react? And find out how they are helping the deaf community today.

The Influencer We All Need in Life

A group of individuals in a line, each of them with their faces down staring at their smart phones in their hands; text reads "Which Influencers Do You Follow?"

How do you feed your spirituality? Is the Bible your guide or are you guided by spiritual influencers on social media? There is one influencer we all need.

Growing up CODA – Child of Deaf Adults – Part 1

Family photo with two parents and their sons.

A healthy parent-child relationship is not easy, but what more when both parents are deaf? Listen to an inspiring story that shows how parents’ actions have more impact than their words. It’s a story of two brothers whose not-so-typical childhood shaped and changed their faith, preparing them for their life’s purpose. This episode includes sign language interpretation.

Raising CODA

In this bonus episode, Hershey, a mother with hearing loss, talks about what it’s like to raise two children as a deaf mom. And how God has put people in her life like the David family to help her get through the biggest challenges she’s ever faced.
