Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Reasons Why Faith Alone Is Not Enough

Woman holding a bible

Can ‘faith alone’ truly save? Or does the Bible teach about the importance of membership in the true Church? Find out on this episode. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

What Man Needs To Do Now More Than Ever

What man needs to do now more than ever God's Message Podcast

In a world where there are so many problems that arise day in and day out, human nature is to work harder in our careers and in school. But above all else, is there something that we must do? God instructs us through the Holy Scriptures.

A Joyful End

God's Message Podcast background with overlay text of "A joyful end"

We all know that an end is inevitable, whether it be our life or the world, and nobody is spared. But is there something we can look forward to after death?

Where Your Treasure Is

God's Message Podcast background with overlay text of "Where your treasure is..."

What are some of things you put priority on? Your work? Leisure time? Travel? What about prioritizing your faith? Why should we do that? The Bible has the answers

The Right To Serve God

God's Message Podcast background with text "The right to serve God"

Are you among those who try to live a Faith-centered life? Maybe you consider yourself religious and feel you have a relationship with God, but does God have a relationship with you? The Bible says, that God must choose you.
