Parenting Children with Special Needs

1 out of 700 babies in the U.S. are born with Down’s Syndrome. Two moms discuss the challenges and blessings of their life with a special needs child.
Buying Your First House as Newlyweds

When Chris and Alyssa realized their relationship was heading towards marriage, they decided to sit down together to talk about their finances! Find out what they learned together about budgeting and even buying a home as newlyweds.
Having a Honeymoon Baby

Many married couples plan to have a baby at some point but how can newlyweds deal with having a honeymoon baby or becoming pregnant soon after marriage.
Happy Life Season 2 Launching Soon

Tips for newlyweds to get through challenges faced in the first years of marriage. Bible-based advice provides guidance and inspiration to help overcome.
How Many Genders Did God Create?

How many genders did God create in the beginning? Does Jesus’ love allow for gender to be a spectrum, or to be non-binary? You asked, the Bible answers.
Why Do We Work So Hard in Life?

Does anything we do in life matter if we all die anyways? Why do we work so hard in life, just to die? Do good deeds matter? You asked, the Bible answers.
Maintaining Good Health

Healthy habits like physical exercise and a healthy diet is important for our well-being. But, more importantly, how can we be spiritually healthy?
Do Not Use Harmful Words

Using gentle words or being tactful is truly important to preserve peace and harmony in our relationship with others, especially with our family.
To Be Cheerful In The Face Of Difficulties

With the pandemic causing many complex problems to peoples’ lives, is there still reason to remain happy and hopeful? Learn how keeping a positive outlook in the midst of difficulties can benefit your life. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.
Happy Life: A Podcast Not Just For Newlyweds

No matter what stage of marriage you’re in, learning and growing is always constant. Adjusting and following good advice are important for a happy marriage