Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Kids and Food Allergies

girl hiding her face in black background

Listen to moms exchange horror stories about their child’s food allergies. Learn the allergy precautions and how this can bring your child closer to God.

Parenting Tips on Toddler Communication

Mom whispering to her daughter toddler while kneeling down to her level.

Communicating with a toddler is like being a hostage negotiator. Listen to moms discuss effective ways to talk to a toddler, “and learn what didn’t work.”

Teaching Kids Gratitude

Kids playing on a log and girl is helping boy stand.

Children imitate their parents, so if parents model gratitude and kindness, our children will learn to develop and mirror an attitude of gratitude.

Parenting in the Digital Age

Child sitting at table using ipad

Moms give tips about how kids and technology can be a good thing if we teach our children to become producers rather than consumers of information.

The Realities of Marriage

Husband and wife sitting on the bedroom floor eating breakfast

With marriage comes relationship challenges like miscommunication and financial problems. Listen to real wives discuss how to have healthy arguments.

What Marriage Looks Like After Kids

Husband and wife laying on the grass and relaxing

What is romance for a husband and wife after kids? Listen to busy wives talk about the effort they put into their love lives and what romance means now.

How to Be a Better Wife

Husband holding wife close and kissing her forehead.

Christian women discuss ways to be better wives by communicating honestly, understanding each other’s love language, and praying for their husbands.
