Is the Sabbath Still Relevant Today?

Are you observing the Sabbath? Or maybe, you’re not sure if the Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday. What day is the Sabbath in the Bible, and are we instructed to observe it?
Siempre agradecido con Dios

Ser agradecido con Dios es esencial; nos conecta con Su gracia, fortalece nuestra fe y nos llena de paz y gratitud, reconociendo Sus bendiciones.
¿Está la Navidad en la Biblia?

¿Jesucristo nació realmente el 25 de diciembre? ¿Cuál es la verdad sobre la festividad llamada Navidad? ¿Deberían los cristianos celebrar la Navidad? [Was Jesus Christ really born on December 25? What’s the truth about the holiday called Christmas? Should Christians celebrate Christmas?]
La Biblia y ciencia

¿Está la Biblia en contra de la ciencia? Descubra cómo los avances científicos coinciden con las descripciones escritas en las Sagradas Escrituras.
El conocimiento más valioso

¿Qué es el verdadero conocimiento y cómo podemos encontrar iluminación espiritual en las Escrituras? Descubra la verdad y la sabiduría que pueden guiarlo.
What is God? A spirit or a man?

Is God a spirit? Is God a man? If we were made in His image, does that give us a clue to His nature? The truth is simpler than you might have previously been taught, it’s just the truth in the Bible: God is a spirit, and we are tasked to live up to His image. If you want to know exactly what that means, listen to this podcast episode of That’s in the Bible.
Is it a Sin to Celebrate Halloween?

What is the biblical response to the pagan Halloween practices? Is Halloween and Christianity at odds with each other? Is trick-or-treating a sin?
A Good Relationship Between Adult Children And Parents

How to communicate with them if they may have different views of our decisions such as moving out, and how we should continue to seek advice from them even when we’re grown up.
The True Church

There are those who have just chosen to accept the popular belief that all religions are the same. But how could all religions be true when their doctrine and beliefs are not only different, but also in conflict? The Bible teaches of only one true Church and that it has the name “Church Of Christ,” is prophesied, and believes that the Father alone is the true God.
The Value Of Having Patience

Young people want to be at the top of their career, but when realizing it will take grit and patience, some feel stuck, fatigued and disheartened. What does having patience mean and trusting in God’s plan for your life?