Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

¿Cómo describe la Biblia el amor?

¿Cómo describe la Biblia el amor? a pink fabric heart on a plain background

Explora las enseñanzas sobre el amor en la Biblia. Descubre lecciones profundas que inspiran compasión y bondad, transformando el amor genuino.

Making Our Parents Proud

Parents with their child graduating from school

What makes a good son or daughter? It is but proper that each of us strives to give joy to our parents while they are still around to savor it.

Why Believe the Bible?

A hand touching the pages of a Bible; text reads “How is truth measured?”

How do we know there is truth in the Bible? It’s a religious book, but how is truth measured? Is there a way to make sure this book isn’t fictional?

Facing Life’s Woes

Man bowed down in sorrow

No one is exempt from experiencing problems and hardships in life. But, how can we properly deal with these troubles? Learn more in this episode of the God’s Message podcast. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

Is Killing in War a Sin?

A soldier in camouflage grips his bag; text reads “Is killing in war sinful?”

The Bible has very strict instructions concerning murder. But what about killing in war? Can a Christian serve in the military and fight for their country?

The Biblical Teachings About Mary

Figures illustrating Joseph with Mary holding Jesus Christ as a newborn baby

The Virgin Mary is said to be sinless and the mother of God. But are these “titles” biblically sound? Find out the truth on this episode of the God’s Message podcast.

How many gods are there?

A group of colorful statues of humans representing gods; text reads "Is there one God, or many gods?"

People ask: Who is Jesus? Is there one God, or many gods? Is there a true god among them? How can God be three: Father, Son and Spirit? The Bible clarifies.

Are All Sins Equal?

A sin point in many directions towards many kinds of sins; text reads "Are there different kinds of sins?"

What is a sin? Are all sins the same? Do people pay for their sins? According to the Bible, Is there a proper and improper way to be forgiven of sins?
