Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Combatiendo La Pobreza En América Latina

children and adults smiling holding bags of aid

El proyecto de Ayuda a la Humanidad se extiende por América Latina, ayudando a personas y familias que sufren pobreza y falta de recursos. [The Aid to Humanity projects spread throughout Latin America, helping people and families suffering from poverty and lack of resources.]

How To Love Your Body

Feet on a scale

A conversation about how and why people struggle with loving their body, with tips from experts on diet and psychology, guided by biblical teachings.

Fe en Acción en Los Ángeles

man smiling, wearing white hoodie that says "INC Giving" on it

Limpieza de la comunidad en Echo Park, Los Ángeles; La Ayuda a la Humanidad en Brasil; y bautismos en Latinoamérica: Chile, Turk y Caicos, y Haití.

Compassion In Action

woman with glasses smiling

As hunger continues to affect more and more around the world, food banks such as the North York Harvest Food Bank in Toronto, Canada carry the great and noble deed of feeding the hungry and less fortunate. Keeping up with the demand though can be a challenge as poverty grows. But partnerships and support from […]

Do You Know the True God?

Knowing the True God

Is there one God, or is He fundamentally different to people of different faiths? Do you really know who the true God is?
