Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

A Life of Service – Part 2

two men sitting in studio smiling

Errol Viray and Brother Andrey Silva, former bandmates from KAI, recently came together for an intimate conversation reflecting on a challenging period in Errol’s life, where finding the true faith led him to a life of purpose and service.

Click Here to Watch Part 1

Is Eating Blood a Sin?

A chef is cooking red congealed liquid in a steel pot; text reads "Should blood be used as a cooking ingredient?"

Is the act of eating blood in the Bible? What does the shedding of blood have to do with sins and forgiveness? What about the shedding of Christ’s blood?

Best Advice On Dating

A man approaches a woman while holding flowers and a gift behind his back

Are you finding dating challenging as a Christian? Hear from Jessil, a young Toronto entrepreneur trying to navigate the modern dating world while staying true to his faith. Get practical tips for Christian courtship to find a meaningful, long-term relationship.

Spreading The Message To The Far West

text graphic: "Spreading the message to the far west - An Executive News special documentary series"

This is the second episode of our seven-episode documentary series marking the 110th Anniversary of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ). Here, we document the beginning of the Church’s expansion in the West and the fulfillment of God’s prophecies amid America’s various challenges and transformations.

Making Our Parents Proud

Parents with their child graduating from school

What makes a good son or daughter? It is but proper that each of us strives to give joy to our parents while they are still around to savor it.
