Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Access to Healthcare & Cleaning Communities

Sharing acts of kindness is always fun as we see with INC Giving volunteers from around the world. Not only is it fun to help those in need, but there is no shortage of ways to help. Join Taylor Joy in this INC Giving recap–from free meals to the community; to helping improve access to healthcare and even different efforts in keeping our community clean.


Improve Access to Healthcare & Keeping Our Community Clean


Taylor Joy: Hi, it’s me, Taylor Joy, back with another INC Giving recap! You know what I love most about these recaps? It’s seeing the incredible ways our volunteers are spreading kindness and making a difference worldwide. So let’s dive into the amazing activities for this week.


Taylor Joy: Starting in Hamilton, New Zealand, where INC Giving volunteers held a winter clothing drive. They gathered and distributed warm clothes to those in need, ensuring everyone can stay cozy this winter.


Taylor Joy: Next stop, Munich, Germany. Our INC Giving volunteers organized a blood donation drive, saving lives one donation at a time. It’s heartwarming to see such kindness in action.


Taylor Joy: Over in Batangas, Philippines, volunteers provided free breakfast for the community. There’s nothing like starting the day with a nutritious meal and a warm smile. Ooh, and I wonder what they were serving in those bowls! Whatever it is, it looks delicious! Could I have some too, please?


Taylor Joy: In Sarangani, Philippines, a medical mission offering free checkups were provided to those in need. Good health is a priceless gift and our volunteers are making it accessible to everyone.


Taylor Joy: It looks like our cleanup crews were busy too! In Bulacan and Rosales, Philippines, INC Giving volunteers organized cleanup drives to keep their communities clean and beautiful. Ooh! And I see those walis tingtings (handmade broom) being put to good use again.


Taylor Joy: Laguna, Philippines saw volunteers serving free meals to the community! It’s these small acts of kindness that make a big difference in people’s lives.


Taylor Joy: Let’s head back down to Sarangani, Philippines, where a coastal cleanup was held to protect our marine environment. Our oceans are a treasure, and it’s wonderful to see them being cared for.


Taylor Joy: Starting the day with a hot meal and a kind heart can set a positive tone for the whole day. Plaza Quezon in Manila was filled with the aroma of a free hot breakfast! Served by our INC Giving volunteers. 


Taylor Joy: Ooh! Did you see that sign for free taho? Where’s the line for that? I should be there!


Taylor Joy: A unique initiative in Bago Bantay, provided free tricycle rides for residents. It’s amazing how a small act of service can bring so much joy and convenience to daily life.


Taylor Joy: Now, as we head over to Stockton, California, volunteers show their gratitude to local firefighters with a firefighter appreciation event. These heroes protect us every day and it’s wonderful to give back to them.


Taylor Joy: Our efforts continue globally with a blood donation drive in Mt. Pleasant, Ontario, Canada. Every drop counts and our INC Giving volunteers are making sure it reaches those in need.


Taylor Joy: How pleasant of you all. Those of you in Mt. Pleasant have probably heard that one before haven’t you? Mmhmm, thought so. Okay! Moving on!


Taylor Joy: Providing much needed attire to families in Las Vegas, Nevada, was a generous clothing donation event. Ensuring everyone has proper clothing is a fundamental act of care and compassion.


Taylor Joy: And finally, in Zambales South, Philippines, another clothing drive helped distribute clothes to those who needed them the most. It’s heartening to see our communities rallying together to support each other.


Taylor Joy: What an inspiring week of activities! The spirit of giving and unity among the INC Giving volunteers continues to shine brightly.


Taylor Joy: Remember, whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. And don’t forget to share your stories with us on Facebook or Instagram or head over to to submit your photos and details of your INC Giving activities.


Taylor Joy: Bye for now.


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Access to Healthcare & Cleaning Communities