Volunteers Help Build Houses for the Homeless
Brother Jaworski Banzali (Minister of the Gospel): Today, we are here at the Habitat for Humanity Project. The brethren are united in giving help to the community by building houses for the homeless.
Courtney Williams (Habitat for Humanity Homeowner): My name is Courtney Williams, I’m in the Habitat for Humanity program. I’ve been in for about a year and once all is said and done, we’ll have a brand new home built for myself and my children. Habitat for Humanity is a community partnership program that partners with low-income families.
Dixie Mackey (Habitat for Humanity Homeowner): They give a hand up. They help you get into your home, they help build your home from the ground up. It’s all volunteer.
Ray Allnutt (Habitat for Humanity Site Manager): Yeah, we’re working on hurricane strapping. We also installed windows today on the house across the street and we’re installing siding on the one right behind us.
Brother Jaworski: The Habitat for Humanity staff and organizers are very helpful to us and they are really coordinating with us and they are so thankful that the Church Administration heeded their call for help and they were so happy that we came here this morning.
Dixie: I think it’s a great program that you guys have. Like I said, if we didn’t have volunteers like yourselves, we wouldn’t have homes to live in.
Ray: You did great. You have real good work ethic. Everybody stayed busy today, followed direction[s], and that’s the most important thing. You’re here and that’s more important than anything; that you actually care enough to come out and help.
Courtney: What I can say is that I appreciate them coming out. I’m thankful, as well as the other homeowners, are thankful. We love volunteers and we hope to see them again. We’re thankful that they gave up their Saturday to come out here and help us work on our dream.
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